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Laatste update

23 sep. 2018

Je vaardigheden + ervaring = jouw 'Employment Capital Score'. We maken werving en zoeken naar werk een stuk eenvoudiger en beter. Door de scores van mensen te classificeren ten opzichte van de Magnetics Employment Capital Index kunnen recruiters en werkgevers de potentiële geschiktheid van elke kandidaat nauwkeurig meten.
Main Sale
19 okt. 2018
8 dec. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
  • 1 KLIX
    0.11 USD
10 sep. 2018
14 okt. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
  • 1 KLIX
    0.1 USD
Details token
Totale voorraad
Token Distributie
Private - 16.67%
Pre Sale - 23.33%
Main Sale - 30.02%
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Min. Bijdrage
Geregistreerd land
United Kingdom
Bedrijf opgericht
Sep 23, 2018
Private - 10%
Pre Sale - 5%
Main Sale - 3%
aanvullende details
Ja , van Jun 15, 2018 tot Sep 8, 2018

Over Magnetics

Het Magnetics-platform registreert, verifieert en evalueert de achtergrond, kwalificaties en levenservaring van een werknemer (inclusief referenties, cultuur, communicatieve vaardigheden, netwerk, cijfers enz.). Magnetics & rsquo; networked intelligence systems zullen deze gegevens valideren en kwantificeren om een ​​geverifieerde aanpassingsscore te produceren, de Magnetics Employment Capital Score (MECS). Door een medewerker te rangschikken met een MECS tegen de Magnetics Employment Capital Index, kunnen recruiters en werkgevers de waarde van elke kandidaat meten voor de huidige vacatures en toekomstige vaardigheden.

Magnetica zullen geschikte rollen suggereren en ontwikkelingsmechanismen aanbevelen (bijv. training en opleiding) die hen zullen helpen hun MECS te verbeteren, waardoor hun aanpassingsvermogen voor toekomstige verschuivingen in wereldwijde vaardigheidsvereisten wordt verbeterd. De functionaliteit van de MECS-tool maakt het relevant voor iedereen en niet alleen voor degenen die werk zoeken. De MECS-tool zal door gebruikers worden geopend via een uitgebreide dashboardgebaseerde portal. MECS geeft werkzoekenden de mogelijkheid om wervingsbureaus te controleren en ervoor te zorgen dat ze hen naar voren brengen voor de juiste rollen. MECS geeft huidige werknemers het inzicht dat nodig is om nieuwe en gewenste werkgebieden te bereiken.

Het Magnetics-platform biedt meerdere ondersteuningssystemen voor wervingsbureaus. De MECS-gegevens kunnen door wervingsbureaus worden gebruikt om de pool van geschikte kandidaten voor rollen te verbreden door kandidaten aan te bevelen met vaardigheden die buiten de specifieke functiespecificaties vallen, maar die overeenkomen met of beter presteren op het gebied van geschiktheid. Magnetics ondersteunt de aanbeveling van kandidaten voor wervingsbureaus met geverifieerd en gemakkelijk toegankelijk bewijs van geschiktheid en aanpassingsvermogen.


MECS (scorings- / beoordelingssysteem voor werkzoekenden, werkgevers en wervingsbureaus), jobboard, jobadvertenties, sociale interactie, hybride blockchain, privacy, GRATIS API, lage kosten, syncronisatie van gegevens, mediamarkt, verdien KLIX Tokens, Live Interaction, Media Portfolio, Help & amp; Adviesgidsen, gegevensherstel

Technische informatie

The Magnetics platform is formed
from 4 composite parts:

1.Multi-chain verified data protocol and data registration smart contract. Allowing users to upload and verify relevant data about themselves from formal qualifications, career milestones and life learned skillsets. The contract will have a ‘function clause’ allowing other users to query and corroborate the
‘owner’s’ i.e. the uploader’s entries.

2.Decentralised Applications, primarily the Magnetics App that hosts the P2P verified marketplace, skills verification etc.

3.MECS, (the Magnetics Employment Capital score app) provides a quantified value surrounding a user’s propensity to adapt in the face of shifts in the global skill-requirement space. The MECS algorithmically triangulates the user’s verified employment history from the magnetics DApp against a data bank of global employment research to engineer the users standardised MECS.

4.Storage and data exchange system. Magnetics places the user in the driving seat when it comes to data exchange. We know that big data and data harvesting are forming considerable proportions of companies’ annual spend, but how much of this spend reaches the data owner? Magnetics gives its users the opportunity to monetise and sell data in the on-chain marketplace removing the need for intermediaries or centralised servers. Rather than passively signing away data rights as terms of use, as on Facebook and LinkedIn, the protocol encrypts all data and gives the user the option of decrypting it for a price in Klix tokens.

The process of data exchange is as follows:

Application A requests user data from application B via the Magnetics protocol. The user receives a notification, thus sparking the decision whether to decrypt for the requester. If the data owner wants to receive Klix tokens, the user specifies the number of tokens for which he/she is ready to sell the data. Post token transfer, the data in the encrypted form is automatically sent to the Application B. Following that, the data in Application B is decoded.

Data storage

Prima facie, Magnetics will use decentralised stores as the basis of its data exchange and storage system. The hash of data to check its actuality is stored in distributed registries and ledgers. Stores with elements of Storj, IPFS and Torrent technologies can be used to keep the data. Stores will have an adaptable
system to manage access rights and allocate stored information to nodes (in some cases not all data will be stored on all nodes in order to optimise the engaged space). Thus DApps and smart contracts provide the cortex structures of the Magnetics protocol. Magnetics will regularly publish suggestions
for functional decentralised applications that will benefit the Magnetic platform and its users. We will support 3rd party developers with all that is required including API sharing, storage, data exchange systems and application frameworks etc. Magnetics uses a PoS consensus algorithm that works with Byzantine Fault Tolerance to maximise data retention rates and achieve optimum scalability.

% naam% Roadmap

  • Phase 1 - Q1 2019

  • Design of user Magnetics user profile interface and architecture
  • Phase 2 - Q2 2019

  • MECS verification functionality design and development
  • Phase 3 - Q1 2019

  • Develop of primary smart contracts and token functionality for MECS powered Magnetic services
  • Phase 4 - Q2 2019

  • Recruitment agency functionality optimisation
  • Lees verder
  • Phase 5 - Q2 2019

  • Release of Magnetics Data Protocol
  • Phase 6 - Q3 2019

  • General access release
  • Phase 7 - Q4 2019

  • Release of MECS Score and indexing dashboard UI

Magnetics Team

geverifieerd 63%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Adam Kilshaw
CEO, Founder
Kevin Gornall
Leslie Dundas
Johnny Marques
Head of Creative
Oliver Van-Hay
Head of Commercial
Nate Raine
Head of Marketing
Will Liddle
Legal Liaison Officer
Raj Pakiyanathan
Business Development Manager


geverifieerd 33%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Stephen Morris
Mirko Aksentijevic
Greig Williams

Magnetics Interviews

Adam Kilshaw
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the founder of the platform and the DNA to improve the recruitment industry worldwide.
What do you think about idea?
The Magnetics platform is unique and will aid by offering the best tools, features including MECS.
Kevin Gornall
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Hi I’m Kevin Gornall Co-founder of my role in magnetics is to help with the business development of our company.
What do you think about idea?
My thoughts of is that the idea is revolutionary and will be a main player in the recruitment industry. We have strategies to combat most of the problems that exist in todays recruitment industry, with the much needed solutions which will place as an industry leader.
Leslie Dundas
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a web designer and developer with a keen interest in user experience. I am a co-founder of the platform.
What do you think about idea?
The Magnetics platform is going to revolutionize the industry by offering a complete solution with unique features, including MECs
Oliver Van-Hay
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role in the team is to ensure the partnerships we forge with 3rd parties deliver the best possible value for the platform.
What do you think about idea?
From the recruitment sector to the military arena and the world of commerce - the Magnetics HR platform quantifies a broader range of candidate abilities than any other solution.
Nate Raine
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Branding, marketing strategy and developing creative ideas to engage our audience of talent and recruiters worldwide
What do you think about idea?
Great idea which seeks to improve the recruitment industry by harnessing blockchain technology in order to sort through the rubble of our current state.
Greig Williams
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As required I provide strategic advice and support to the executive team. I have a particular interest on commercialisation and articulating how this will enable us all to achieve more.
What do you think about idea?
As we hurtle towards an ever changing work place context and accelerating rate of change of technology; people, leaders and organisations will need faster, more accurate and data driven employment processes. The legacy hiring model is laborious and ready to be disrupted... We simply need technology to enable us to focus on the right things and be more human.

Magnetics Laatste nieuws

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  • Deze informatie is geen suggestie of advies over beleggen in ICO-financiering. Onderzoek de relevante informatie zelf grondig en besluit over ICO-deelname.
  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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