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Revolutionize your Bitcoin investments with StakeLayer, the cutting-edge platform dedicated to maximizing your returns through innovative restaking technology. Embrace the next evolution in cryptocurrency earning, where security meets unparalleled growth.
To be announced
Details token
Token Distributie
- Presale: 20%

50% of presale tokens will be available at TGE, with the remaining 50% vested over 6 months in equal monthly vesting

- Community and User Incentives: 30%

Vested over 24 months with monthly releases

- Development Fund: 15%

Tokens allocated for development will be vested over 24 months with a 6-month cliff.

- Team and Advisors: 10%

Subject to a 24-month linear vesting schedule post a 6-month cliff

- Strategic Partnerships and Ecosystem Expansion: 10%

Vested over 18 months with monthly releases.

- Liquidity Pool: 10%

Vested over 12 months with monthly releases.

- Marketing and Community Growth: 5%

5% at TGE, 95% over 12 months with monthly releases
aanvullende details

Over StakeLayer

Bitcoin, as the first and most widely adopted cryptocurrency, has established itself as a digital gold standard. However, its potential for broader application in decentralized finance (DeFi) and other blockchain-based applications has been limited by its lack of integration with existing public chains and DeFi protocols.

The finite supply of Bitcoin, capped at 21 million, stands as a testament to its scarcity and value proposition, echoing the principles of digital gold. As the blockchain and cryptocurrency sectors evolve, the integration of Bitcoin within the burgeoning Proof-of-Stake (PoS) economy emerges as a pivotal strategy to enhance network security, diversify economic incentives, and unlock new utilities for this digital asset. This fusion represents a transformative step toward solidifying the infrastructure of decentralized finance (DeFi) and ensuring a more inclusive, secure, and efficient blockchain ecosystem.

    Problem Statement

The primary challenges that StakeLayer addresses are twofold: First, Bitcoin's limited utility in the current DeFi ecosystem, which predominantly operates on Ethereum and other smart contract platforms. Second, the need for more diversified and secure consensus mechanisms within blockchain networks.

Market Overview

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In recent years, the concept of cryptocurrency staking has gained significant traction, offering holders a way to earn rewards on their holdings by participating in network operations. Bitcoin, as the pioneer and most widely held cryptocurrency, presents a unique opportunity in this evolving landscape through the concept of Bitcoin restaking. This innovative approach seeks to leverage Bitcoin's substantial holder base and immense market presence to introduce staking-like benefits within its ecosystem, despite its proof-of-work consensus mechanism.

    The Global Bitcoin Landscape

Bitcoin's global holder base is a testament to its dominance and the expansive interest it has garnered since its inception. As of now, it is estimated that there are over 100 million Bitcoin holders worldwide. This number reflects a diverse group of individuals and institutions, including retail investors, cryptocurrency enthusiasts, financial institutions, and corporate entities, each looking to Bitcoin as a store of value, a medium of exchange, or an investment asset. The widespread adoption and the sheer volume of Bitcoin holders highlight the significant potential market for any initiatives aimed at enhancing the utility and value proposition of Bitcoin holdings, such as Bitcoin restaking.

    The Potential of Bitcoin Restaking

Bitcoin restaking represents an untapped opportunity within the cryptocurrency space. By allowing Bitcoin holders to effectively "restake" their holdings, they could participate in securing the network or in other activities that yield rewards, akin to the staking mechanisms found in Proof of Stake (PoS) cryptocurrencies. This could open avenues for Bitcoin holders to earn passive income on their investments, increasing the attractiveness of holding Bitcoin not just as a digital gold but also as an active investment generating returns over time.


The path to integrating Bitcoin within the PoS economy is fraught with technical, regulatory, and adoption challenges. Technically, creating secure and efficient bridges between Bitcoin and PoS blockchains requires innovative solutions to ensure the fidelity and security of assets across chains. From a regulatory standpoint, the evolving landscape demands careful navigation to align with global standards and ensure the longevity of these integrations. Moreover, widespread adoption hinges on the collective effort of developers, regulators, and the community to embrace this new paradigm and recognize its benefits.

Our Mission

At StakeLayer, our mission is to democratize Bitcoin earnings, making it accessible, profitable, and secure for investors worldwide. Leveraging advanced blockchain technology, we're committed to providing a transparent, efficient, and revolutionary restaking solution.


% naam% Roadmap

  • Q1 2024

  • Technical Development Framework
    Conceptualization of the Bitcoin Restaking Layer2
    Formation of the initial project team
    Development kickoff, architectural design
  • Q2 2024

  • Prelaunch
    Begin building partnerships with key stakeholders in the Bitcoin and Layer2 ecosystems
    Establishment of the project's online presence, including the official website, and engagement channels for community interaction.
    Launch of a presale campaign to secure initial funding and distribute the project's native tokens to early backers.
    StakeLayer Early Access for the early adopters
  • Q3 2024

  • Alpha Release
    Launch of an alpha version of the Layer2 solution for internal testing and refinement.
    Initiation of a comprehensive marketing strategy to raise awareness and attract potential users and investors.
    Opening Up StakeLayer for community testing and feedback.
  • Q4 2024

  • Mainnet Launch and Ecosystem Development
    Official launch of the Bitcoin Restaking Layer2 solution on the mainnet, marking the project's full operational status.
    Scaling the infrastructure to accommodate a growing number of transactions and participants.
    Foster a vibrant ecosystem around the Bitcoin Restaking Layer2 project by supporting developers, entrepreneurs, and projects building on or integrating with the platform.

StakeLayer Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

DAO Founding & Head of Operations
DAO Founding & Head of Marketing

StakeLayer Laatste nieuws

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