CamOnRoad ICO

CamOnRoad ICO

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There are 4 major parts the project consist of: the car DVR mobile app, the cloud storage for videos, blockchain based video authentification system and the artificial neural networks.
Users of CamOnRoad car DVR mobile app (more than 100 000 at the moment) use the app for everyday driving. Some of them use CamOnRoad cloud storage to save their videos. If they allow the platform to make anonymized, mute copies of the video and store it on public storage, they can earn CAM-tokens.
The platform process the videos by artificial neural networks to mine additional data and make it available for wide audience. Then any user can access this data using CamOnRoad search engine: They need to pay in CAM tokens for the unlimited access to the data and additional services.
Oct 14, 2017
Oct 20, 2017
100% completed
$33 553
100% goal completed
Sep 14, 2017
Oct 12, 2017
100% completed
$380 460
1% goal completed
Goal 10 000.00 ETH
Cap 12 500.00 ETH
  • 800 CAM
    1 ETH
Token Details
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details
Platform, Other

About CamOnRoad ICO

Today there is hardly a global player in the IT market who questions the fact that data is new oil. In the information age cost of digital gold depends only on quality of the raw data and the depth of its processing. That’s why the artificial intelligence area is one of the hottest topics in the industry. Thanks to such giants as Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple that use the methods of machine learning for recognition of various objects in photos and videos, we’ve got self-driving cars, face recognition technologies and those funny ears in our selfies in Instagram.

These companies have made significant progress in the area of development of artificial intelligence technologies, in large part due to accumulated huge amount of data, which are required for training the recognition algorithms. Other organizations wishing to use artificial intelligence methods for improving their business performance, should either have their own data for training, or buy large amount of data, the value of which will grow with the development of technology.

Smart Labs team has developed and issued a platform called CamOnRoad, which in the real time collects, stores and processes a lot of videos and telemetric data from automobile roads from all over the world. The basic parts of the system include: mobile application – dash camera, private cloud storage, artificial neural networks for processing video, public cloud storage and video search engine.


Dash camera as CamOnRoad mobile app for Android and iOS with the functions of a trip computer and speed cameras detector;
Automobile online navigator with the elements of augmented reality;
Streaming or uploading the users’ videos to a cloud storage with the system of video validity verification;
The possibility for the users to earn internal cryptocurrency of the app (CAM) if they permit public usage of anonymized copies of their video records on the platform;
The possibility of neural networks training to search for various objects and events in videos;
Search for videos by place, date, time, recorded events or objects;
Subscription to various events or objects appearing in the uploaded videos.

Technical Info

Technical details:  ERC20 standard. The source code:  The code is not available. Proof of developer:  Public team

CamOnRoad ICO Roadmap

  • 2015

  • Backend development
    Mobile apps development
    Frontend development
    Beta of video streaming system
    Augmented reality engine release
  • 2016

  • Video streaming system release
    Video protection system
    Car crash detection system
    Clusterised video storage
    Car plates recognition beta
    Business model development & proofing
    Indexing system for geo-tagged videos
    Beta version of search engine for videos by place & time
  • 2017

  • Video search engine release
    Car plates recognition release
    Blockchain integration features
    Wallet integration to the apps
    Drivers reward system beta Smart contract
    Development ERC20 CAM-token release
    Moving to CAM payments in CamOnRoad ecosystem
    Neural networks development
    Car brand recognition
    Car model recognition
    Car color recognition
    Traffic signs recognition
  • 2018

  • Neural networks development (patterns recognition):
    Car crashes
    Police chases
    Traffic offense
    Condition of road surface
    Outdoor advertising
    Animals cross the road
    Meteors falling =)
    SDK development (streaming videos to CoR cloud from other car DVR mobile applications)
    Business features development:
    Selfdriving cars developers
    Insurance companies
    Outdor advertising companies & clients
  • Read More
  • 2019

  • Worldwide blockchain based realtime video logging system development.

CamOnRoad ICO Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Sergei Germanovich
Co-founder & CEO
Boris Shmelev
Co-founder & CFO
Daria Gashuk
Blockchain ambassador
Alexander Filippov
Paul Rudnitskiy
System Architect
Boris Rozhko
Backend Team Leader
Alexander Malyshkin
Android Dev Team Leader
Vitaly Verkash
iOS Dev Team Leader
Vitaly Usov
Senior iOS developer


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Victor Pasternak

CamOnRoad ICO Last News

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