- デジタル通貨10万以上の月額取引
- クライアントサイト:LA Times、Chicagoトリビューン、ボルチモアサンなど。
- $ 7.7MMのVCと出版社からの資金提供
- エンゲージメントプラットフォーム(毎月450万人以上から2億人以上のエンゲージメント)
- エンゲージメント検索エンジン(毎月スキャンされ分析されている最もアクティブなコメントサイトからの1億以上のコメント)
- エンゲージメントランキング(ウェブ上で最もエンゲージされたサイトトップ1000)
- トップサイトからのエンゲージメントに関する広範な分析(AIベースの意味分析を含む)
- 記事ごとの収益化ウィジェット
- 記事ごとの広告購入ポータル
検証済み 17%
Overall, Engagement Token is great for increasing site traffic and creating active user bases. If done correctly, it could disrupt the current advertising industry and possibly fully enhance it. We’ll have to see what this project does in the upcoming months!
Brand Protection: With Engagement Token, publishers can talk directly with advertisers and choose which advertisements they want on their content. This ensures that their brand is protected and safe from low-quality ads.
Effective Advertisement: Advertisers can buy promoted headlines and comments. This helps improve the quality of the ads and prevents fake ads from appearing on publisher’s content.
User Incentives: Users who read and actively engage with the blogs can gain EGT for their participation.
Ad Blockers: Some users will continue to use adblocks when viewing this content. How can Engagement Token fix this?
Content Quality: Engagement token needs to explain how the content quality is judged thoroughly.
Engagement Token aims to help content creators – including news agencies and other original content creators – foster more user engagement. In today’s online ecosystem, these websites are consistently losing engagement to aggregation websites like Reddit or Facebook.
SolidOpinion, an existing publishing platform, aims to solve that problem by launching Engagement Token. Publishers can set rewards in Engagement Tokens. Then, users can earn Engagement Tokens by commenting, viewing articles, and completing other user engagement activities.
Engagement Token has positioned itself to achieve early implementation, adoption, and success. We shouldn’t forget that the company is going to a highly competitive advertising market where such technology monsters as Google and Facebook are already dominating. Anyway Engagement Token is based on a successful technology company. SolidOpinion has already proved it’s moving the right way with the expanding customer base, partnerships, and a solid number of monthly transactions. Their main task now is to engage as many as possible major companies on the platform. And if they succeed in it, they have an excellent chance to gain its market part.
Though we see more and more ICO projects targeting the advertising market, Engagement Token is two steps ahead since they decided to build the business by engaging a successful company as a technology basement and therefore has a working and proved product.
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