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16 de dez. de 2018

Oath Oath Protocol é um protocolo de governança e disputa baseado na comunidade, fortalecido pelos recursos de transparência e proteção de identidade do blockchain.

Estamos construindo uma infraestrutura de camada cruzada de camada 2, compatível com quaisquer cadeias, dApps e plataformas tradicionais por meio de APIs, que fornece um sistema justo, transparente e robusto de governança da comunidade para o ecossistema blockchain e as plataformas tradicionais da Web.
To be announced
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País registrado
British Virgin Islands
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O Blockchain Security deve ter duas camadas: segurança cibernética e governança. Embora o foco tenda a ser a segurança cibernética (anti-hacking, revisão de código, etc.), usuários regulares encontram conflitos / disputas com mais frequência do que hacks de segurança em seu uso diário, tornando a governança tão importante quanto, e cobrindo mais áreas de segurança cibernética. & nbsp; Isso é ainda mais verdadeiro em um ecossistema descentralizado que não (ou não deveria) ter serviços de arbitragem centralizados.

Atualmente, um sistema de resolução de disputas descentralizado, transparente e justo, sem conflitos de interesse, é a peça mais importante que falta para o blockchain.

Modelado no sistema de jurados de direito comum, o Protocolo Oath combina um dos sistemas legais mais confiáveis ​​do mundo real com tecnologia blockchain, criptografia, algoritmos de computação, sistema de reputação de teoria dos jogos e outros conceitos para fornecer uma cadeia cruzada de camada 2. infra-estrutura junto com tecnologias de suporte para um protocolo de cadeia pública descentralizado, padrão e extensível que protege usuários dApp & rsquo; direitos e ativos.


  • Decentralized community decisionmaking: Oath Protocol relies on regular blockchain users to form its juror community and decide cases, initially with juries ranging from 11-101 jurors. Jurors do not need to hold OATH tokens to qualify for juries (no staking), therefore eliminating concentration of power and potential for improper control of the platform. Larger juries (min 11 jurors) also more accurately represent community consensus and ensure decentralized decisionmaking.
  • Semi-decentralized voting process: only two transactions take place on-chain (and require gas fees to record): initiation of the case and recording of the case result. The evidence submission, jurors’ questions to the parties, and voting take place off-chain, facilitating more robust case participation by the jurors and eliminating gas fees associated with fully on-chain voting.
  • Layer 2 protocol: as an infrastructure layer, Oath Protocol does have to deal with the potential difficulty of enforcing the decision rendered by the jury.  When chains or dApps use a smart contract that incorporates Oath Protocol as the standard dispute resolution mechanism, once the case is decided, the outcome is returned to the smart contract, which then self-executes.
  • Algorithms and safeguards to ensure fairness: Oath's dynamic allocation algorithm reduces the odds of the same jury members resolving multiple disputes to avoid collusion.  Oath's categorized random algorithm, designed for reducing bias, selects jurors with diverse backgrounds to ensure fairness. The jury members’ identities are kept confidential through cryptographic techniques to ensure objectivity and immunity from external influence.
  • Compatibility with any public chains or dApps: via APIs, Oath Protocol is compatible with any chains or dApps, and our smart contract template library (with templates that address a variety of use cases and come with built-in Oath dispute resolution and governance protocol) allows for easy integration.
  • Credit level system and data analytics: Oath Protocol's credit level system and token reward mechanism incentivize good-faith decisionmaking and protect the ecosystem from bots and bad actors. Oath Protocol will also collect and analyze data relating to jurors’ behavior to enable our selection algorithms to accurately select the best group of jurors for cases. Through our combination of the credit level and juror data, Oath can provide the best and most reliable arbitration services for all kinds of use cases.
  • Scalability and tiers: Because users are not required to have specialized expertise to become jurors, the jury community can grow significantly. Using the credit level system, Oath can accurately assess the jurors’ decisionmaking reputation. For complex or high-impact cases, Oath will be able to select top-tier jurors with the highest credit level. For simplest cases, Oath may use a broader juror pool, with no minimum credit level requirement.
  • Transparency: OATH saves all key data, as well as the jurors’ votes and stated reasons therefor, on the blockchain to create an immutable and searchable record.

Informações técnicas

Por favor, consulte o nosso whitepaper ( https://oaths.io/files/OATH-Whitepaper-EN.pdf) & nbsp; e o github (https://github.com/OathsIO ).

% name% Roadmap

  • Q3 2018

  • Core Team Building
    Advisor Network
    White Paper Release
    Strategic Partner Outreach
  • Q4 2018

  • Strategic Partner Network Development
    Community Building
    Tech Design Paper Release
    Prototype Design and Release
    Juror Recruitment Program Launch
  • Q1 2019

  • Beta Release and Testing
    Bug Bounty Program
    Jury Community Building
    Partner Integration
    OATH Token Release
  • Q2 2019

  • Public Mainnet Launch
    Partner Integration
    Jury Community Building
  • consulte Mais informação
  • Q3 2019

  • Partnership Expansion to Traditional Web Platforms
    HTTP Restful API Version Release
    New Feature Development
  • Q4 2019

  • New Features Release
    Service Price Testing


Verificado 100%

Yin Xu
Co-founder & CEO
Jenny Vatrenko
Co-founder & COO - US
Hongwei Wang
Co-founder & Head of Engineering
Will Zhang
Danyao Zhou
Head of Design
Alice Fu
Head of Quantitative Modeling
Michael Wurzinger
Head of Business Development and Community
Xiaoyu Huang
Content Manager
Qi Guo
Office Manager
Weihui Tang
Community Manager
Yiting Cai
Executive Assistant
Haocheng Ying
Graphic Designer & Illstrator


Verificado 88%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe


$16 670 000

Jia Tian
Huawei Kong
não verificado
Xiahong Lin
David Hong
Dafeng Guo
Rui Zhang
Annetta Li
Zainan Zhou


Yin Xu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Co-founder and CEO of OATH Protocol, we started this project since Feb 2018 with Wil , Hongwei, and Jenny.
What do you think about idea?
Unique but necessary. A good governance system is the most important missing piece in blockchain. What OATH is trying to do is a standard, decentralized, and fair governance and dispute resolution services. OATH provides a layer 2 cross-chain infrastructure that can be built into dApps and public chains to deliver a seamless experience for all the users.

Blockchain Security should have two layers: cybersecurity and governance. Although the focus tends to be on cybersecurity (anti-hacking, code review, etc.), regular users encounter conflicts/disputes more often than security hacks in their day-to-day usage, making governance just as important as, and covering more areas than cybersecurity. This is even more true in a decentralized ecosystem that does not (or should not) have centralized arbitration services.
Jenny Vatrenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am one of the co-founders and COO/general counsel. As a lawyer, I am passionate about bringing a fair, transparent, and robust dispute resolution and governance mechanism onto the blockchain.
What do you think about idea?
Presently, a decentralized, transparent, and fair dispute resolution system with no conflict of interests is the most important missing piece for blockchain. I am excited to be working with my team to fill that void.
Hongwei Wang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Co-Founder and Head of Engineering. Leads the developer team to implement all of Oath’s functionalities and future developments.
What do you think about idea?
A smart contract is "a computerized transaction protocol that executes the terms of a contract", and dispute happens in contract execution. OATH offers a way to resolve such disputes.
Will Zhang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a cofounder of OATH. We init the idea at the start,and make it real step by step. I am focusing on the blockchain tech and cross chain solution.
What do you think about idea?
It is very important to solve the disputes of the smart contracts . And make the real world connect with the blockchain possible!
Danyao Zhou
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm the design director to lead the design of apps and websites which utilize Oath Protocol and relative technology. In the team, I'm responsible for design strategies and is the key link between creatives and engineers.
What do you think about idea?
The idea of Oath protocol is of great innovation and feasibility. I'm very into our idea to utilize new technology to routine applications/products which can help people solve disputes in daily-life. Through these products, more and more people can experience Oath Protocol more closely in daily-life and easily in operation.
Alice Fu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Be responsible for quantitative modeling, help work on the frame work of incentive and governance system for the community.
What do you think about idea?
This resolution protocol facilitates decentralized, effective, and efficient community decision making on the blockchain.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am responsible for Business Development and the englis-speaking Community. My role is to spread the word, educate and teach people about our Vision but also the long term effects of the evolving Blockchain Technology itself which brings forth a lot of questions we have not thought of before - such as decentralized Governance and dispute resolution.
What do you think about idea?
Its great and unique. We get a lot of great feedback and work closely with our partners and advisors. Our aim to become the standard protocol for Blockchain Governance and Dispute resolution can only be achieved by having the right people, partners and Investors on board from the beginning. Our Strategy is long term sighted and we work very dedicated to achieve this mission!
Xiaoyu Huang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am in charge of content creating and publishing on website and social medias. Oath Protocol is a product of technology and philosophy. It is my job to explain the logic and philosophy deep in our project in plain English and Chinese. Also, recording and updating our growth is part of my responsibility too.
What do you think about idea?
Oath Protocol is the first protocol focusing on Blockchain governance and dispute resolution. Oath is trying to build easy application entry for users, while the logic and philosophy behind the project is complex. The system only develops naturally when there is no dead end in terms of initial design logic.
Qi Guo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
1. Formulated, improved and revised the company's human resource management policies and organizational structure;
2. Formulated and improved the company's rules and regulations on personnel, administration, office and logistics
3. Responsible for staff recruitment, employment, salary, insurance, recruitment, demission and personnel file management
4. Dealing with administrative affairs, logistics, contact and relationship between the company and government departments
5. Planned and organized various activities, established and improved corporate culture
6. Other tasks assigned by the general manager
What do you think about idea?
OATH’s dispute resolution protocol is modeled on the common-law jury system and utilizes blockchain, cryptographic algorithms, random algorithms associated with categories and attributes, jurors’ credit level, and case-tracking technology. OATH is building a decentralized, standard, and extensible public chain-agnostic protocol that protects dApp users’ rights and assets.
Weihui Tang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am responsible for the Chinese community including the operation of the WeChat public account, increasing the size and activity of the community.
What do you think about idea?
OATH is a robust, fair, transparent, and extensible dispute resolution protocol. I believe that we could improve the trust system of the blockchain and make a great contribution to the chain governance.
Yiting Cai
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
hold the post of Operation Manager in the OATH。
manage schedule attend company meetings ,take notes 。
What do you think about idea?
OATH’s dispute resolution protocol is modeled on the common-law jury system and utilizes blockchain, cryptographic algorithms, random algorithms associated with categories and attributes, jurors’ credit level, and case-tracking technology. OATH is building a decentralized, standard, and extensible public chain-agnostic protocol that protects dApp users’ rights and assets.
Haocheng Ying
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
graphic designer and illustrator
the brand VI design and the delaying material application, the brand outreach activities
draw pics for our apps
What do you think about idea?
amazing!original in choice of subject
and also very interesting
can help me progress a lot
cant wait for seeing it pop up online
Jia Tian
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As an advisor, i give Oaths Protocol advices about token model, financing, community and technical designs.
What do you think about idea?
The Oaths Protocol took a novel approach to solve the hard problem of onchain governance, different from tezos or daico. I think Oaths’s effort is worth exploring, bridging the gap between the wild west and a modern and civilized metropolis on the infrastructure of blockchain.
Xiahong Lin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I will be the advisor in this project, help the Oath protocol to build the first cross-chain underlying security Protocol of blockchain infrastructure, committed to dispute arbitration on the blockchain, and achieved decentralization, improving the system and governance Protocol missing in the underlying security of blockchain, and protecting users' rights and property.
What do you think about idea?
When it comes to blockchain, one word has to be mentioned - community. Any good public chain should have an ecologically sound community. I believes that dispute resolution on the blockchain is a very important role in the whole system, but many blockchain projects cannot achieve perfect decentralization at this moment. Therefore, blockchain needs a set of general, regularized protocols of arbitration and division of rights and responsibilities to jointly maintain the organic development of the community.
David Hong
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a legal practitioner at one of the largest and most prestigious global law firms based in China, I advise Oath on their dispute resolution protocol.
What do you think about idea?
I think the idea is great for governance and dispute resolution. Existing consensus algorithms are intended to make major decisions; however, sometimes I just want to get my money back because my package was damaged. Oath provides a cost and effort effective method for resolving small disputes using the concept of the traditional jury system. It may not make sense for handling large commercial disputes, but that's why we have commercial arbitration centers. Oath is intended to resolve disputes for a peer-to-peer marketplace in a decentralized community based manner.
Dafeng Guo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I mentor OATH in applying their governance innovation into the EOS ecosystem. EOS is one of the public chain that has made bold attempts to build in governance layer.
What do you think about idea?
Governance is a major bottleneck is preventing crypto massive adoption. I think OATH is a very innovative attempt to establish on-chain governance.
Rui Zhang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm a blockchain evangelist and a legal practitioner in both US and China. I advise Oath Protocol on their dispute resolution model.
What do you think about idea?
Oath Protocol is a great project that aims to provide blockchain-based solution for different types of business disputes.
Annetta Li
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a branding specialist, my role is to provide advice to Oath Protocol on their branding proposal and marketing solution in South East Asia market.
What do you think about idea?
Oath Protocol is a very unique and interesting project which aims to provide blockchain-based solution on legal aspect to resolve disputes for a peer-to-peer marketplace.
Zainan Zhou
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am an product and technical advisor for the project. I offers advices about the product and technical direction for the project.
What do you think about idea?
I think the idea is essential for the ecosystem. In particular, Oath provides a link between virtual blockchain world to the real world.

OATH PROTOCOL Últimas notícias

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Strength and Opportunities:
OATH, unlike some competitors, is blockchain agnostic. This means the success of the OATH protocol is not dependent on the success of a particular public blockchain.
OATH is serving a need that arises based on the emergence of the internet of value and blockchain based business relationships. Once smart contracts get more popular dispute resolution inevitably will become necessary. If OATH can build a user-friendly and highly functional product there is a good chance that the market will adopt it given the fact it is one of the first dispute management solutions.
OATH was able to present a number of partnerships with already established blockchain projects. Besides NEM OATH also announced a partnership with QuarkChain, a blockchain with a distinctive approach towards using sharding technology. QuarkChain is currently among the top 150 cryptocurrencies valued by market capitalization. OATH plans to leverage the communities of their partners for recruiting jurors and for leveraging their own community strength.
Weaknesses and Threats:
OATH is not the only protocol focussed on dispute resolution. Kleros is an alternative blockchain based dispute resolution solution. The Kleros team is already for various years in the space and recently got featured on Epicenter.tv episode 250, where they introduced the team and the concept. OATH does not count with significant distinctive features compared to Kleros in the basic dispute resolution model. OATH tries to serve a big number of use cases. While it may compete with Kleros for traditional dispute resolution, it will compete with Augur, when it comes to verify outcomes of oracle services. At the same time it will compete with Aragon for delivering the best public chain governance solution. This represents a broad number of use cases that are very different from each other. It will be hard for OATH to provide a product that can serve all these use cases very well. On the other hand, none of the mentioned competitors has yet achieved a dominant position. Furthermore, OATH may not need to become the best platform in every market that it serves for the purpose of becoming a flourishing dispute resolution protocol.
The idea presented by OATH protocol is very intriguing, since it solves a problem that the algorithms that run behind the smart contracts of public blockchains can’t solve. OATH may not be the first or the only dispute resolution platform, but their team, investors and white paper are compelling

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