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Última actualización

11 sept 2018

Lógica de confianza. Es una plataforma distribuida que facilita la autenticación digital de datos profesionales, almacena versiones bloqueadas en una cadena de bloques y permite compartir según la autoridad del usuario. Con una plataforma lógica confiable, los usuarios pueden almacenar de manera segura la información y los datos personales en una cadena de bloques y compartirlos con privilegios controlables por el usuario para que los reclutadores puedan fácilmente contratar empleados con capacidad en base a esos datos. Puede obtenerlos.
30 may 2018
25 sept 2018
100% terminado
Fondos recaudados - sin datos
Gol 16 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 TLT
    0.08 USD
Detalles del token
Monedas aceptadas
Detalles de la compañía
País registrado
Cayman Islands
Detalles adicionales
MVP / Prototipo
Ethereum ,hyperledger

Acerca de TrustLogics

Nosotros, en TrustLogics, pretendemos racionalizar las ineficiencias y mdash de la industria de reclutamiento global; currículums falsos, contratación defectuosa, falta de verificación de antecedentes, pérdida de datos y mdash; aprovechando las características inmutables y seguras de la tecnología blockchain. Creemos firmemente que podemos dar nueva vida al proceso de contratación de profesionales y proveedores de servicios independientes mediante la utilización de contratos inteligentes y validadores de antecedentes certificados. Tenemos la intención de establecer una plataforma donde: 1) los solicitantes de empleo puedan verificar sus hitos profesionales, por parte de los usuarios del ecosistema de TrustLogics o de terceros certificados & amp; validadores asociados 2) Los reclutadores pueden usar el poder de los pares que pueden recomendar candidatos adecuados para trabajos publicados 3) Los proveedores de servicios independientes (contratistas de Blue Collar) pueden beneficiarse de la verificación de antecedentes y crear carteras digitales compartibles que contienen revisiones, calificaciones y niveles de reputación, lo que eliminará a los intermediarios / sitios web de servicios


1) Crear perfiles de confianza

Los solicitantes de empleo pueden obtener su información personal y profesional verificada & nbsp;

& middot; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Certificación de terceros y amp; validadores asociados y

& middot; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Uso del sistema de construcción de reputación (RBS)

2) Reduzca los costos de contratación con & nbsp; Modelo de contratación de igual a igual

Los reclutadores pueden usar el poder de los compañeros que pueden recomendar candidatos adecuados para los puestos de trabajo. Como los candidatos son referidos por sus compañeros, se espera que los candidatos verificados y de confianza. Creemos que este proceso reduce el tiempo necesario para contratar al candidato adecuado y el costo involucrado en la contratación. & Nbsp;

3) Ayude a los proveedores de servicios independientes (ISP)

Los ISP, que son contratistas por cuenta propia, que pagan a los sitios web de servicios para obtener contratos, pueden beneficiarse de la verificación de antecedentes y crear portafolios digitales & nbsp; compartibles que contengan calificaciones y revisiones, lo que eliminará los intermediarios / sitios web de servicios. Esto ayudará a reducir los costos que gastan los Solicitantes de Servicio y aumentará las ganancias de los ISP.

Información técnica

TrustLogics & nbsp; apunta a desarrollar un enfoque híbrido para su solución de cadena de bloques: una cadena de bloques privada para almacenar y recuperar datos, y una cadena de bloques pública para registrar transacciones. Este enfoque nos ayuda a escalar la solución Blockchain a cientos de millones de usuarios. Se implementará un contenedor REST API en la parte superior de la cadena de bloques privada para las operaciones de lectura / escritura.

Hyperledger servirá como la cadena de bloques privada (para almacenar datos), y Ethereum servirá como la cadena de bloques pública (para registrar transacciones). Hyperledger estará alojado en la nube en Amazon AWS con las bibliotecas y los puntos finales de API necesarios.

TrustLogics Roadmap

  • March 2017

  • Completed market research and 1st draft requirement draft.
  • May 2017

  • 2nd draft and Web UI/UX finalization and implementation.
  • July 2017

  • Business pitches to International Goverments.
  • September 2017

  • Mobile UI/UX finalization and implementation.
  • Lee mas
  • November 2017

  • Web application beta launch.
  • January 2018

  • 50k registered user milestone achieved successufully; Android and iOS mobile application launch; Started analysis on implementing Blockchain for TrustLogic.
  • February 2018

  • Several Partnership signed.
  • March 2018

  • Whitepaper finalization and website launch.
  • April 2018

  • Token Salw proceeding and building partnerships.
  • May 2018

  • Pre-Sale & Earn coins feature integration to existing platform.
  • July 2018

  • Crowd sale.
  • September 2018

  • Token distribution and Blockchain POC.
  • December 2018

  • Verification system implementation.
  • May 2019

  • Peer to Peer hiring model implementation.
  • August 2019

  • Reputation building system.
  • December 2019

  • Digital Portfolio for independent service providers.

TrustLogics Equipo

Verificado 100%

Srinivas Dubba
Sujith Achuri
Co-Founder and COO
Yash Pakala
Senior Management – Program Development
Adithya Thota
TGE coordinator


Verificado 0%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo

Karnika E Yashwanth
Marketing and PR Adviser

TrustLogics Entrevistas

Srinivas Dubba
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Founder and CEO. I feel that TrustLogics will disrupt the current hiring process. We are bringing in Peer to Peer hiring model Smart Verification Platform Shareable Digital Portfolio for Independent Service Providers Reputation Building System (RBS). Our technical approach is - Considering the number of users (current and future prospects), we decided to go with Hybrid approach where private blockchain, Hyperledger in our case, to store & retrieve data and public Blockchain, Ethereum, to record token state changes. This will help us in two ways - 1. This solution can be scaled to millions of users 2. Reducing transactions fee Hyperledger, which will be hosted on cloud (in our case, we picked Amazon AWS) with necessary libraries and a REST API wrapper will be implemented with Read-Write API end points Ethereum Blockchain will be used to deploy smart contracts, record token state changes (during transactions).
Sujith Achuri
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
COO at Trustlogics
Yash Pakala
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Program Development
Adithya Thota
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Have been with this project for the past 8 months. It's exciting to work with this team and looking forward for successful execution.

TrustLogics Últimas noticias

5.0 16
ICO Perfil Visión Actividad Potencial Producto Equipo

% nombre% opiniones

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a decentralized platform which facilitates digital authentication of professional data, stores the attested version on blockchain and makes it shareable based on the user's permissions.


  • The platform enables the users to verify their personal and professional data   and securely stores it on the platform preventing any data loss due to hacking
  • The platform users can easily share their stored information with other urgencies   under user-controlled permission hence helping professionals and ISPS get smoother as well as making the employer’s decision – making process
  • The platform has a well developed mobile application which is readily available in the Google store enabling the users to easily access the platform via their Smartphone
  • The platform tokens use  promotes jobseekers to place a request to get any of their information verified e.g. Education, Past Employment, Criminal  and Drug Information with suitable validators being notified of the request  hence improving the data authenticity
  • The platform AI-based algorithms notify suitable peers in the TL system when a recruiter posts a job making the hiring process simple and cost-effective as the candidates are hired by reference which is more reliable
  • The platform has a good team on board with varied skills and experience from different related fields led by the founder and the CEO Srinivas Dubba who has established several successful, ventures


  • The platform white paper is not properly established
  • The Trust Logics token value at the initial token pre-sale stage is no highlighted


  • The platform technical team should make the white paper more detailed to give clear information to the users
  • The platform token should be involved in a pre-sale stage to help determine its value and raise funds for the project implementation


Trust logic platform enables the users to securely store their information and personal data on blockchain and share them under user-controlled permissions which enable recruiters to easily get competent employees based on their data. This is a motivating factor in investing into this project.

Lee mas

The project has one strong point: the working version of the platform has already been created and is working.

But the project has many significant drawbacks:

Lack of marketing strategy and market vision
Lack of strong competitive advantages
Filled up market niche
There is no understanding of the target audience.
According to experts of Expert-coin rating, the project needs serious revision.

Lee mas

The world of hiring has a lot of desire and a long way to go if it is genuinely aiming to make the process more efficient. Therefore, ventures such as TRSUTLOGIC could make the difference in finally eliminating how people have access to job recruitments. However, the most significant challenge with the investment as with any new technology is to indeed get the participants within the hiring world to warm up and adapt.

Lee mas

If this is the type of investment you are looking to make then be aware that the do have a KYC requirement however they are not whitelisting clients, and as such whenever you do wish to make a purchase of their tokens you will be able to do so with relative each and peace of mind of course.

The time scale at which they are going to be going live with their ICO reasonable and as such you do have a fair amount of time in which to stake your claim for their tokens.

The business concept does look a sound one and one that does have plenty of merit, and if it is actively taken up by those people who are interested in using a blockchain to sell their digital assets that there is a long-term appeal to their project too, which is what often makes or breaks any ICO.

Lee mas
  • Debido a que puede haber diferencias de tiempo en las actualizaciones de información, la información precisa sobre cada proyecto ICO debe verificarse a través de su sitio web oficial u otros canales de comunicación.
  • Esta información no es una sugerencia o consejo para invertir en fondos de la OIC. Por favor, investigue a fondo la información relevante y decida la participación de la OIC.
  • Si cree que hay problemas o correcciones a corregir en este contenido, o si desea enviar su propio proyecto ICO para que aparezca en la lista, por favor envíenos un correo electrónico.
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