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We will build tools for video games, digital assets and block chains to allow players and developers to demonstrate their imagination. Our vision is to contribute to the construction of a new form of reality. This digital dimension is called "metaverse". We create evolving digital assets. As they level up, the skills of assets have the ability to change (both programmatically and by player decisions), making them more unique in their evolution. Integration of game block chains is easy, accessible, and almost transparent, so players will be easy to start owning their own assets and tokens. Learn how to manage assets on the chain by playing third party wallets, no browser expansion, no exchange games, purchasing tokens with credit cards. For developers, we use the Ethereum block chain to provide a specially designed fuse platform for game development. Our platform is designed to streamline the integration process by providing the video game industry with tools to decide which aspect of the game to manage. Our platform maintains renewable and manageable contracts after deployment, but it provides the security and immutability expected of this technology. Hughes also offers access to partner networks and broadens the possibilities of what every game can build and achieve with cross game assets.
Oct 1, 2018
Oct 31, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Jul 17, 2018
Aug 18, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
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Registered Country
United States
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About 8BT

In 2017, the video game industry broke the previous year’s record for sales by reaching $116 billion in revenue (up 10.7 percent from 2016)1. Blockchains stand to magnify this feat by introducing new ways to create value by enforcing asset ownership for gamers and reducing intermediation in exchange. However, gamers have very high expectations for intuitive user experiences, and if accessing the benefits of blockchains impedes their gameplay experience, the main value offered by blockchains is lost.Developing with blockchains requires new technical and design approaches that must be accounted for to create a bridge to the general and hardcore gaming audiences. Tools must also be provided for game developers to participate in the open blockchain economy so they can focus on what they do best: creating amazing content and experiences. 8 Circuit Studios is tackling the challenges of using blockchains in games by providing a platform, creating products (video games and digital assets), and releasing open source protocols for using digital assets across games and digital stores: A Platform to provide blockchain access for gamers and producers (video game developers). Products/Games create the context that amplifies the experience with digital assets through narrative or rich gameplay — thereby increasing their perceived value. Protocols enforce ownership of the digital assets and enable cross game integration — providing additional weight to digital assets’ economic value. Developing these three initiatives in tandem is what is required to demonstrate to gamers what is possible for them with a connected ecosystem:
1. Ownership enforcement of digital assets free of third party oversight.
2. Free exchange on a globally connected open economy.
3. Use digital assets across different games.

8BT Roadmap

  • 2Q 2017

  • 8 Circuit Studios Start.
  • 3Q 2017

  • Wave 1 8BT Sale.
  • 1Q 2018

  • Space Drop: 8BT you can acquire and earn.
  • 2Q 2018

  • Alien Arsenal: Battle for the Blockchain.
  • Read More
  • 3Q 2018

  • Wave 2 8BT Sale.
  • 4Q 2018

  • Avatar System API
  • 1Q 2019

  • Unity&Unreal SDK.
  • 2Q 2019

  • Project Genesis Alpha.

8BT Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

James Mayo
The Navigator


$14 591

Mark Nicolino
Art Director


$47 558 502

Mike Jones
Business Development
Patrick Guimarais
Lead Software Engineer
Bonnie Karklins
Marketing & Operations
Christian Águila Pér...


$14 591

Terry Hammer
Isaac Barry
Game Design and Direction
Lawrence Tran
Freelance software engineer
Dwayne Beck
Filipe Orsato Tessar...
Sonny Plotner
Computer Software Consultant
Mario Duarte
Senior Graphic
Bruno William
Casey O'neill

8BT Last News

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