Laatste update
13 aug 2018
Inflr is het eerste blockchain-gebaseerde platform dat adverteerders verbindt met influencers met het algoritme "Proof-of-Influence". INFLR is een cryptogeld met invloed van de economie dat zal worden ontworpen voor gebruik binnen het Inflr-platform en via het Inflr-netwerk. INFLR is een ERC20 standaard token-hulpprogramma dat token-eigenaren toegang geeft tot het Inflr-platform met zijn vele functies en unieke gegevens over beïnvloeders en merken. Inflr Coin speelt een sleutelrol binnen het Inflr-ecosysteem en is ontworpen om de belangen van alle tokeneigenaren in evenwicht te brengen, en prikkels te creëren voor iedereen om actief deel te nemen aan de symbolische economie.
Met INFLR hebt u toegang tot verschillende services en extra's binnen het Inflr-platform en op verschillende applicaties van derden die met de API van Inflr worden ontwikkeld. Inflr richt zich op het creëren van digitale marketingoplossingen met behulp van de nieuwste technologie voor micro-influencers.
We zijn van mening dat alle micro-influencers de mogelijkheid moeten hebben om deel te nemen aan een uitwisseling die de creatie van hoogwaardige reclame-inhoud stimuleert en die digitale influencers de mogelijkheid biedt de werkelijke waarde van hun invloed te compenseren. Inflr heeft het eerste platform gecreëerd dat adverteerders verbindt met influencers binnen een marktplaats met blockchain-technologie. Met Inflr kunnen adverteerders hun producten en diensten promoten onder invloed van gebruikers van sociale netwerken.
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On the Inflr platform, influencers and advertisers will have access to a safe and user-friendly environment. The following is an explanation of how the user can be determined.
In order to register on the platform, the influencers must have at least 10,000 thousand followers in a social network and be approved by an internal Inflr audit that will analyze if the profile and its contents are in accordance with the rules of conduct and guidelines of the platform.
Once the influencer registers on the platform, Inflr analyzes the influence of each social media profile, taking into account both its publications and audience. The Inflr Score of each influencer is determined from the publications analyzed, and is constantly re-calculated, always aiming to amplify and improve the performance of each individual user. The Inflr Score also determines the remuneration for creating posts, photo and video content, and for other activities, both in their social channels and in the proprietary channels of advertisers.
Inflr also allows influencers to receive a briefing from advertisers on the content they will create, then send it to the advertiser for approval without leaving the platform environment.
Once approval is received from the advertiser, the influencer publishes the content.
After the post’s the minimum period of permanence has passed, the advertiser is automatically charged.
Influencers may choose to be compensated with local currency or Inflr Coin. If the influencer chooses to redeem their payment in local currency, payment will be made within 48 hours. Payments redeemed as Inflr Coin will be immediately processed, creating an extra incentive for the use of Inflr Coin.for the use of Inflr Coin.
Inflr provides advertisers a complete profile and analysis of the engagement of influencers in their social networks, as well as the impact and coverage of their audience, facilitating their selection of influencers. The platform has a simple and intuitive navigation system for building a campaign, from content approval to reporting and analysis.
Advertisers will be able to do a complete search of influencers, by gender, location, behavior, social networks, and post value, among other criteria.
Through an intuitive interface, advertisers will be able to create campaigns with customizable format and content, with their preferred social networks and forms of remuneration (money or barter/exchange).
The platform has several payment methods: credit card, bank transfer, Paypal, InflrCoin and the post-paid model.
The Platform provides comprehensive, easy-to-understand analytics reporting with all the metrics needed to analyze campaign effectiveness, profitability, and enhancement possibilities.
“Proof-of-Influence” is an algorithm that uses machine learning to analyze the big data extracted from influencers social networks to identify their followers and the main subjects that they cover and produce an Inflr ScoreTM, which measures the reach or level of engagement of the influencer.
One of the biggest challenges of influence marketing is determining a coherent value for influencer remuneration that matches their actual engagement in social networks.
Inflr Score is a number from 0 to 100 that represents the proven engagement of an influencer with his/her followers. This score is used to assign a monetary value to the posts of the influencer on each social network.
Inflr categorizes influencers using artificial intelligence, which identifies the main subjects of posts, photos, and videos, (such as “applying makeup” or “playing football,”) and can even analyze the emotional context of a post by detecting facial expressions in images. The algorithm also helps identify potentially unsafe or inappropriate content in images and videos.
The makeup of an influencer’s audience in their social networks is identified using a machine learning algorithm, which analyzes videos, photos, posts, and profiles of followers. Faces in pictures and videos are analyzed to determine attributes such as gender, age group, and ethnicity. The geographical location of an influencer’s audience is determined via geolocation obtained from followers who interact with the posts generated by the campaigns within the platform.
In order to formalize the contract between the brand and the influencer, it is necessary that many legal aspects are defined, such as: the delimitation of services and contents, remuneration and payment, image and intellectual property rights, and the obligation to comply of the applicable legislation (i.e. the Code of Consumer Protection and the Code of Advertising Self-Regulation).
The development and fulfillment of all these details for the implementation of each influencer campaign is a time-consuming and costly process.
On the Inflr Platform, all these formal aspects are considered in the creation of automated smart contracts.
Smart contract is dynamically generated by Inflr’s blockchain at the start of the campaign and is executed once all parties have approved and signed.
A smart contract will clearly indicate how content should be published by the influencer on social media (the express mention of the brand, use of certain expressions that define the brand, clothes, accessories, etc.), the extent of the content (maximum number of characters, video time, etc.) and the schedule of publications.
After the deadline designated in the smart contract for the brand and influencer to complete their respective tasks, an automatic process is initiated to verify that all aspects of the contract have been fulfilled by both parties. This occurs through the “Proof-of-Influence” algorithm that is executed by the “miners.”
The value of the reach and visibility of the influencer is calculated by the algorithm of “Proof-of-Influence.” Therefore, after a positive verification of the execution of the smart contract, the payment is authorized. The payment to the influencer may be currency, exchange, or Inflr Coin.
Inflr API will be publicly available for developers to create applications based on the influence of their users, to offer Inflr Coin as a method of payment or reward.
geverifieerd 47%
Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team
geverifieerd 0%
Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team
Very commercial viable product. Extremely tough market to break through, but the use of transparent smart contracts between influencers on the platform and brands may be a game changer.
Deze aanbieding is gebaseerd op informatie die uitsluitend wordt verstrekt door de aanbieder en andere openbaar beschikbare informatie. Het token-verkoop- of -uitwisselingsgebeurtenis staat geheel los van ICO-houder en ICO-houder is hier niet bij betrokken (inclusief technische ondersteuning of promotie). Token-verkopen van personen met wie ICOholder geen relatie heeft, worden alleen getoond om klanten te helpen bij het volgen van de activiteit die plaatsvindt binnen de totale token-sector. Deze informatie is niet bedoeld als advies waarop u moet vertrouwen. U moet professioneel of specialistisch advies inwinnen of uw eigen zorgvuldigheid betrachten voordat u actie onderneemt of afziet van enige actie op basis van de inhoud van onze site. Eventuele voorwaarden die door contribuanten zijn aangegaan met betrekking tot de verwerving van Tokens zijn tussen hen en de uitgever van het token en ICOholder is niet de verkoper van dergelijke tokens. ICOholder is niet wettelijk aansprakelijk voor eventuele opmerkingen van derden met betrekking tot een Token-verkoop en enige vordering wegens contractbreuk moet ook rechtstreeks worden gericht tegen de hier vermelde instantie die het betaalinstrument afgeeft. P>
Neem contact op met als u zich zorgen maakt over de aard, de correctheid of de wettigheid van deze token-uitverkoop of de betrokken personen. met gedetailleerde informatie over uw zorgen. P> Div>