마지막 업데이트
2018. 2. 16.
Technical obstacles and high entrance requirements limit access to the Chinese online market for small and mid-sized manufacturers (SMEs) from countries located in Central, Southern Eastern Europe . At the same time Chinese customers switch their focus from luxury goods to quality medium-price products made from natural raw materials.
Solution: BeautiQ’s operating solution allowing the consolidation of the sales of a wide range of medium-priced goods from CEE/SEE countries via Chinese marketplaces, namely JD
Worldwide and Tmall and providing business services to EU manufacturers.
Market B2C – the original focus will be the Chinese market place. Then BeautiQ will develop other product niches as FMCG and F&B
Client middle-class men and women; internet users, who are typically focused on taking care of their health and looking after their childrens’ health.
Products: Starting with “Natural Cosmetics”, further development into high quality food and beverages from the CEE/SEE region
Market B2B – the CEE/SEE region
Our Clients: manufacturers planning to enter the Chinese market which are short on resources and can’t afford independent expansion. .
Products: Consulting and business services facilitating entrance into the Chinese market via online cross-border trade
Business model B2C For the start-up and fine tuning of BeautiQ’s processes & services we incorporated a Bulgarian Companyto become an operator of web-stores on Chinese marketplaces (JDW, Tmall Global) using the opportunity provided by the cross-border online sales model.
Covered function: marketing, customer service, fulfillment and delivery;
B2B functionality development - on the basis of obtained experience and partners network;
Operations in Europe – BeautiQ with small staffing numbers, integrated IT infrastructure and an outsourced logistics function;
Operations in China – via JD Worldwide partners (delivery, customer service, reverse logistics) and Digital Marketing agency (marketing activities, SEO , CMM on Chinese web segment (Wechat, Weibo, Baidu etc));
Finance model: Revenue from online sales of one product group (cosmetics, FMCG, F&B) as a base for further development of other products and services.
Operations: First 12 months – multi brand store on JD Worldwide with X-border model;
Starting 2nd year – add consulting and business services .
Marketing strategies: B2C marketing approach will be based on marketing tools available on the JD platform, search engines (Baidu), brand awareness and trustworthy image of the
brands in social media (WeChat, Weibo) in China.
B2B strategy will include online and offline PR, organization and participation in events, SEO and SEM.
비즈니스 모델 BeautiQ는 경영층을 기반으로합니다. 자원을 쉽게 통합 할 수있는 팀 경험 시장에서 판매 가능 (판매 채널, 운영 자원 및 마케팅 서비스)을 통해 프로젝트의 목표를 달성 할 수 있습니다.
BTQ는 오픈 소스 블록 체인 인 Waves를 사용하여 만들어졌습니다. 플랫폼.
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이 토큰 판매 또는 관련 인물의 성격, 적법성 또는 합법성에 대해 우려되는 점이 있으면 info@icoholder.com 에 문의하십시오. 귀하의 우려 사항에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공하십시오. p> div>