– Kasko2Goは、競合他社よりも20〜50%安いサービスを提供しています。どうやって?より正確なデータを持ち、費用をインテリジェントに最小限に抑えることによって。
–受賞歴のあるGetMeIns TMの不正防止システムは非常に正確なので、不正関連損失は最大98%減少します(Avivaによると、請求される修理費用の合計の57%が不正です)。
– 5年以上の何百万もの運転手の研究。私たちは、グローバルな運転パターンを最も正確に理解しています。 2012年からGoogleのテレマティックデータのオフィシャルサプライヤーとなっています。当社の卓越した精度により、大幅に安い価格で提供することができます。
Mobile app with 25000 users
Ethereum-based blockchain
Decentralized insurance infrastructure
検証済み 0%
This is a decentralized car insurance platform powered by the cutting –edge technology, military-grade Artificial Intelligence (AI) and telematics to ensure that drivers get affordable and efficient motor insurance services.
The platform provides easy and reliable insurance as the users are able to save up to 50% on their motor insurance. This makes the platform viable I would therefore invest in it.
The insurance market is highly regulated in many countries. First markets for the project is Russian Federation and Ukraine. There is only few hundreds downloads of current version of mobile app. According to roadmap, already there have to be 15000 users in Russia. The earlies version of the mobile app was realized in December 2017. It is almost impossible to calculate repair costs after accident without detailed analysis of the car. (only by photo) There is no own insurance company. Usage-based Insurance is going to be in partnerships with other insurance companies.
Business model is not proved nowadays. It is unclear, why insurance companies should work with Kasko2go. All business fully depends on partnerships with insurance companies, there is no own insurance company. Substantial decrease of insurance premium would not lead to maximum profitability. No exact expenses are presented. All Kasko2go team located in Ukraine and Russia, except Advisors and investors.
Strengths: an app is available for downloading in AppSore and GooglePlay. The company is a member of Crypto Valley. Team members have been developing insurance solutions since 2011, an overall experience in smart insurance business is 25 years. Signed partnerships with TomTom, AutoBooking, Audina, Glonass and others.
Weaknesses: no token sale date; no financial plan/projections, no marketing plan. There is no information on distribution of funds raised. Team needs an expert in blockchain. Competitor analysis needs to be more detailed.
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