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10 Jun 2018

KASKO2GO. Ini adalah platform asuransi mobil terdesentralisasi yang ditenagai oleh teknologi cutting -edge, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tingkat militer, dan telematika untuk memastikan bahwa pengemudi mendapatkan layanan asuransi motor yang terjangkau dan efisien. Platform ini menyediakan asuransi yang mudah dan andal karena pengguna dapat hemat hingga 50% untuk asuransi motor mereka.
1 Jul 2018
30 Jul 2018
100% lengkap
$14 221 385
topi keras
64% topi keras lengkap
Topi 3 000 000.00 USD
Topi keras 22 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 K2G
    0.12 USD
28 Mei 2018
25 Jun 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Topi 3 000 000.00 USD
Topi keras 22 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 K2G
    0.12 USD
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
detil tambahan
iya nih
Peron, Cryptocurrency, Eceran

Tentang Kasko2go

Tentang Kasko2go

Kami mengurangi biaya asuransi untuk pengemudi yang lebih aman, membuat jalanan lebih aman dan mempromosikan budaya mengemudi secara keseluruhan. Teknologi AI kami, tim kelas dunia, dan model bisnis yang unik membuat kami percaya bahwa kami dapat mengganggu seluruh industri asuransi.

Keunggulan kompetitif kami yang dominan berkisar pada penyelesaian tantangan terbesar industri: biaya, ketepatan, efektivitas, dan penggunaan alat berteknologi tinggi.

& ndash; Kasko2Go menawarkan layanan 20 hingga 50% lebih murah daripada pesaing kami. Bagaimana? Dengan memiliki data yang lebih akurat dan meminimalkan pengeluaran secara cerdas.

& ndash; GetMeIns TM, sistem anti-penipuan pemenang penghargaan kami sangat tepat sehingga kami memperkirakan hingga 98% penurunan kerugian terkait penipuan (57% dari total biaya perbaikan ditagih menurut Aviva)

Bayangkan saja keuntungan finansial yang luar biasa karena kurang rentan terhadap penipuan!

& ndash; Tidak ada lagi birokrasi yang tidak berwajah: dengan menggunakan AI dan telematika yang tepat, kami membawa nuansa pada kasus-kasus asuransi mobil. Ini memastikan investigasi yang akurat, pembayaran yang lebih baik, premi yang lebih murah dan banyak lagi!

& ndash; Teknologi AI kelas militer Israel mencegah klaim ganda dengan mengubah setiap insiden kerusakan mobil menjadi & ldquo; sidik jari digital & rdquo ;. Setiap & ldquo; sidik jari & rdquo; dikaitkan dengan kasus tertentu, sehingga mudah diidentifikasi. Tidak ada lagi kebingungan atau campur aduk administrasi.

& ndash; 5+ tahun meneliti jutaan pengemudi. Kami memiliki pemahaman paling akurat tentang pola mengemudi global. Kami telah menjadi pemasok resmi data telematika Google sejak 2012. Keakuratan kami yang tak tertandingi memungkinkan kami untuk menawarkan yang jauh lebih murah.

Info Teknis

Kami menggunakan data besar telematik kami sendiri, dikombinasikan dengan startup anti-penipuan yang canggih untuk membuat asuransi lebih murah bagi pengemudi yang aman.

% name% Roadmap

  • Mobile app with 25000 users

  • Mobile app with 25000 users
  • Ethereum-based blockchain

  • Introduction of K2G token
    Launch in Switzerland, Austria, Germany
  • Decentralized insurance infrastructure

  • Decentralized insurance infrastructure
    Scaling business model to adjacent sectors of insurance services
    US and EU covered by kasko2go

Partisipasi dalam acara

Kasko2go Tim

Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Genadi Man
Co-Founder, CEO
tidak diverifikasi
Dmitry Bakutin
CEO R-Telematica and Start Kasko2go
tidak diverifikasi
Dimitri Wulich
Senior Risk Manager
tidak diverifikasi
Andriy Khavryuchenko
Lead blockchain architect
tidak diverifikasi
Arina Man
Co-Founder, Board Member
tidak diverifikasi
Anna Petrova
Insurance Underwriting, Financial Modelling
tidak diverifikasi


$14 234 765

Nikolay Gora
Head of Project Development
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim


$33 340 800

Denis Dovgopoliy
Investor Relations Advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Paul Van Coillie
Reinsurance Advisor
tidak diverifikasi
David Braun
Sales Advisor
tidak diverifikasi

Mantan anggota

Raj Singh
Co-Founder, Board Member
Eugene Greenberg
CEO Click-Ins Ltd
Dmitry Geyzersky
CTO Click-Ins Ltd
David Ben Ha’Rosh
Investigator, AI Expert Click-Ins Ltd
Chaim Afargan
Chief Investigator Click-Ins Ltd
Zeev Hazan
COO Click-Ins Ltd
Dr Evgeny Medvedev
Chief Scientist, Computer Vision and Photogrammetr...
Konstantin Kupriyano...
Marketing Communications Director
Marcus Tuor
Marcus Tuor

Kasko2go Wawancara

Konstantin Kupriyanov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Head of Marketing

Kasko2go Berita terakhir

5.0 14
ICO Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a decentralized car insurance platform powered by the cutting –edge technology, military-grade Artificial Intelligence (AI) and telematics to ensure that drivers get affordable and efficient motor insurance services.


  • The platform enables the drivers to get cheap and affordable insurance cover with their safety being guaranteed
  • The platform use sums to a greater reduction of the overall cost as it serves low -risk clients from safer drivers community
  • The involved transparency enables all the details of accidents are clearly posted on the platform without any driver faking an accident enabling them to receive faster and efficient insurance cover   
  • The platform has a well developed mobile application that enables the drivers to easily receive an insurance payout immediately by posting photos of the accidents on the platform
  • The platform has a good team consisting of world-class experts with many years of experience in the platform related field hence empowering and modernizing of the project
  • The platform securely store the users information through the use of smart contracts hence reducing fraud  and access by unauthorized  personnel


  • The platform has few team members and lacks project advisors
  • The platform white paper is not simple and captive  to enable the users to drive the  project implications easily
  • The K2G token value at the  pre-sale is not clearly determined to  make the users  understand its suitability


  • The platform should involve more team members and advisors to help in guiding the project progress
  • The K2G tokens should be made exchangeable with other cryptocurrencies and fiat to enable the project application in other countries
  • The platform white paper version should be made simpler with adequate details on the project implementation


The platform provides easy and reliable insurance as the users are able to save up to 50% on their motor insurance. This makes the platform viable I would therefore invest in it.

Baca lebih banyak
ICO review website

The insurance market is highly regulated in many countries. First markets for the project is Russian Federation and Ukraine. There is only few hundreds downloads of current version of mobile app. According to roadmap, already there have to be 15000 users in Russia. The earlies version of the mobile app was realized in December 2017. It is almost impossible to calculate repair costs after accident without detailed analysis of the car. (only by photo) There is no own insurance company. Usage-based Insurance is going to be in partnerships with other insurance companies.

Business model is not proved nowadays. It is unclear, why insurance companies should work with Kasko2go. All business fully depends on partnerships with insurance companies, there is no own insurance company. Substantial decrease of insurance premium would not lead to maximum profitability. No exact expenses are presented. All Kasko2go team located in Ukraine and Russia, except Advisors and investors.

Baca lebih banyak
News, reviews

Strengths: an app is available for downloading in AppSore and GooglePlay. The company is a member of Crypto Valley. Team members have been developing insurance solutions since 2011, an overall experience in smart insurance business is 25 years. Signed partnerships with TomTom, AutoBooking, Audina, Glonass and others.

Weaknesses: no token sale date; no financial plan/projections, no marketing plan. There is no information on distribution of funds raised. Team needs an expert in blockchain. Competitor analysis needs to be more detailed.

Baca lebih banyak
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