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Afterschool adalah pasar desentralisasi 2 sisi yang didukung oleh blockchain yang membantu orang tua untuk menemukan, merencanakan dan memesan kegiatan afterschool terbaik untuk anak-anak mereka sementara pada saat bersamaan kami membantu penyedia kegiatan untuk menemukan pelanggan baru dan mengelola bisnis mereka dengan memberikan end-to-end solusi untuk mendapatkan dan terlibat dengan pelanggan mereka yang ada.
26 Sep 2017
25 Okt 2017
100% lengkap
$2 748 051
1% tujuan lengkap
Tujuan 50 000.00 ETH
Topi 50 000.00 ETH
  • 1 AST
    0.05 USD
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
United Arab Emirates
detil tambahan
Peron, pendidikan

Tentang Afterschool

Afterschool is a 2 sided decentralize marketplace powered by blockchain that helps parents discover, plan and book the best afterschool activities for their children while at the same time we help activity providers to find new customers and manage their business by providing an end-to-end solution to acquire and engage with their existing customers.

The biggest kids activities marketplace

The foundations of afterschool go all the way back to our pilot project, marketplace for parents in the UAE looking for activities for their kids to book at the same time for activity providers to engage with their customer and run their business using afterschool booking management platform.

Since 2015 we have partnered with more than 500+ activity providers including IMG, SEGA Republic, Atlantis generated more than $2m worth of activity booking.

Over the years, we've expanded to our database to include schools and nurseries for them to accept admission inquiry. Additionally, we are in the process to acquire traditional online marketplace in Europe and South East Asia to accelerate the growth of the business.

A decentralized platform, driven by the Afterschool token

To give back to the community, we will decentralize our platform to incentivize parents and activity providers. We developed a rewarding system protocol, where users earn Afterschool tokens (AST) for their successful contributions to our service.

The AST represents the unit of our community driven concept and the service’s growth and health depend on it. In the future, we aim for the AST to become a go-to digital currency for the education industry as a whole. Besides using the tokens on the Afterschool platform, there will also be an array of smart contracts connected with after school industry where AST will be used as a core digital currency.

The first ever blockchain-based kids activities marketplace

With the marketplace and booking management platform in place, our platform is ready to expand internationally and become a global leader for after school activity marketplace by introducing an AST token on the surface of ERC20 token standard as a mode of payment and reward system for parents and activity providers and the use use of smart contract powered by ethereum blockchain technology.

Activity Providers will be able to manage their activity schedule, attendance, and engage directly with their customer via our platform. The activity provider will be able to respond to the parent's review and earn AST token that can be used to promote their activities in the marketplace using our customer engagement capability. Additionally, activity providers will be getting a white label mobile solution that is also driven by DApp, that is customised with the activity providers branding, which helps afterschool to extends the utilization of the AST token.

On a Parents level we will offer them a chance to sell additional service in the secondary marketplace that could help activity providers to improve their presence in the afterschool activity marketplace. In this process, we will utilize blockchain technology to negotiate terms using smart contracts and transfer payment (escrow).


Orang tua dihargai dengan tindakan berikut:
• Mendaftar ke verifikasi layanan dan akun (selamat datang penghargaan)
• Mengacu teman
• Mempromosikan layanan
• Menambahkan anak ke dalam database
• Curating provider yang ada
• Mengkaji provider yang ada
• Menulis konten editorial

Penyedia diberi imbalan dengan tindakan berikut:
• Mendaftar ke verifikasi layanan dan akun (selamat datang penghargaan)
• Menambahkan profil yang ada
• Mempromosikan layanan
• Menambahkan orang tua dan anak ke dalam database
• Curating provider yang ada
• Membalas review orang tua
• Menulis konten editorial

% name% Roadmap

  • 2015-08-31

  • Peluncuran beta Afterschool dan analisis global pasar
    Pengembangan arsitektur proyek
    Dana sendiri
    Pengembangan platform
  • 2015

  • - Peluncuran beta Afterschool dan analisis global pasar - Pengembangan arsitektur proyek - Prototyping - Pendanaan sendiri - Pengembangan platform
  • 2016-08-31

  • Menghasilkan total $ 2M GMV untuk penyedia aktivitas
    Antarmuka web dan seluler baru
    Perluasan tim penjualan
    Pembatalan dan daftar sekolah yang ditambahkan
    Meluncurkan solusi label putih untuk penyedia layanan
  • 2016

  • - Menghasilkan total $ 2 juta GMV untuk penyedia aktivitas - Antarmuka web dan seluler baru - Tim penjualan yang diperluas - Menambahkan pembibitan dan daftar sekolah - Meluncurkan solusi label putih untuk penyedia layanan
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • 2017-08-30

  • Total pendapatan menghasilkan $ 350K USD
  • 2017

  • Total pendapatan menghasilkan $ 350K USD
  • 2017-09-25

  • Penawaran Koin Awal
  • September 2017

  • Daftar ICO
  • 2017-10-30

  • Akuisisi pemain incumbent di Indonesia, Singapura dan Malaysia
  • November 2017

  • Akuisisi pemain incumbent di Indonesia, Singapura dan Malaysia
  • 2017-11-29

  • Peluncuran publik Afterschool dibangun dengan blokade ethereum
    Pembangunan infrastruktur
    Cara pembayaran pembangunan
    Pengembangan masyarakat
    Dukung peluncuran program
  • Desember 2017

  • - Peluncuran publik Afterschool yang dibangun dengan blokade ethereum - Pembangunan infrastruktur - Cara pengembangan pembayaran - Pengembangan komunitas - Peluncuran program dukungan
  • 2018-12-30

  • Reward system launch
    Peluncuran di Malaysia, Singapura, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bahrain, Qatar
    Pengembangan E-wallet
    Antarmuka UX dan UI Baru
    Program loyalitas mekanik gamifikasi
    Integrasi dengan platform tambahan dari ekosistem Etherium
  • 2018

  • - Reward system launch- Launch di Malaysia, Singapura, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bahrain, Qatar-E-wallet Development
    - Interface UX dan UI Interface-Gamification mekanika loyalitas baru - Pelokalan - Integrasi dengan platform tambahan dari ekosistem Etherium
  • 2019-12-30

  • Peluncuran di Rusia, India, China dan Jepang
    Daftar di bursa dagang
  • 2019

  • - Peluncuran di Rusia, India, Cina dan Jepang - Daftar di bursa perdagangan
  • 2020-12-30

  • Peluncuran di Belanda, Swiss, Denmark dan Australia
  • 2020

  • Peluncuran di Belanda, Swiss, Denmark dan Australia

Afterschool Tim

Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Joanna Nazareno
tidak diverifikasi
Pam Williams
Head of Sales
tidak diverifikasi
Cottie Ragany
Operations Manager
tidak diverifikasi
Walfrido Perez
tidak diverifikasi
Cuenca Aguilar
Senior Software Engineer
tidak diverifikasi
Ferina Millwala
Sales Assistant
tidak diverifikasi
Edzen Manalo
Software Engineer
tidak diverifikasi
Joven Serrano
Success Support
tidak diverifikasi
Aryo Pamungkas
UX / UI Designer
tidak diverifikasi
Rian Setiawan
Creative Designer
tidak diverifikasi
Andri Prasetia
Creative Designer
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Pawel Iwanow
tidak diverifikasi


$2 747 604

Jon Santillan
tidak diverifikasi

Afterschool Berita terakhir

5.0 0
ICO Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan

Afterschool aims to help parents plan afterschool activities for their children in a more transparent and efficient way. Thanks to Afterschool, parents and businesses can transact with one another over a blockchain-based marketplace.

Afterschool was first launched in 2015. With their September/October crowdsale, they’re seeking to raise money to push the platform onto decentralized blockchain technology.

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