MDL Talent Hub

MDL Talent Hub

Created using Figma

Letztes Update


Trustchain für die Talent Sourcing Industrie.

Unser Projekt ist es, Transparenz und Effizienz, zwei grundlegende Eigenschaften der neuen Ära, auf den Talent-Sourcing-Markt zu bringen - Tänzer, Schauspieler, Models, alle Arten von Gig-Darstellern. Wir wollen die Angebots- und Nachfragekanäle konsolidieren und jedem Marktteilnehmer einen nicht verderblichen Ruf bieten. Zunächst werden unsere Tools helfen, die Mehrheit der bestehenden Probleme in der Talent-Booker-Beziehung zu überwinden: umfassende Suche nach Talenten / Gigs, Reputation-Tracing und praktische Präsentationstools für beide Seiten.
Mit der Projektentwicklung werden wir einen Ökosystem-Marktplatz für Talente einrichten, um ihre Ausrüstung und Ausrüstung sowie Mikro-KOL-Partnerschaftsprogramme mit Marken auszutauschen / zu verkaufen / zu vermieten, um ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen mit hochrangigen Plattformteilnehmern zu bewerben. Meta-Data Mining wird über das Skyledger CXO-Protokoll aktiviert. All dies wird von MDL Token unterstützt.
ITO - Stage 3
100% abgeschlossen
$2 500 000
harte kappe
30% limit abgeschlossen
Limit 8 200 000.00 USD
Harte Kappe 15 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 MDL
    0.05 USD
ITO - Stage 1
100% abgeschlossen
$2 500 000
100% limit abgeschlossen
Ziel 1 800 000.00 USD
Limit 2 500 000.00 USD
  • 1 MDL
    0.03 USD
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Limit 500 000.00 USD
  • 1 MDL
    0.01 USD
Akzeptierte Währungen
Weitere Details
Fiber (Skycoin)
Plattform, Medien, Bildung, Unterhaltung, Kunst

Über MDL Talent Hub

In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat die Weltwirtschaft eine massive Verschiebung von Landwirtschaft und Produktion hin zu Dienstleistungen und weiter zu einem kreativen Sektor der Wirtschaft durchgemacht, wie Richard Florida, Leiter des Martin Prosperity Institute, Kanada, festgestellt hat. Moderne Technologien stören die Wirtschaft derart, dass immer mehr Menschen arbeitslos bleiben und die früher als verrückt angesehene Idee des bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens in fortgeschrittenen Ländern bereits umgesetzt wird. Sehr bald wird unsere Gesellschaft mit der Dynamik konfrontiert sein, wenn routinemäßige physische und sogar mentale menschliche Arbeit für den Fortschritt nicht mehr benötigt wird. Hier kommt die Frage. Was zur Hölle werden die Leute tun? MDL Talent Hub wird wahrscheinlich nicht die Welt retten, aber sicherlich wird die Plattform es heller machen. Eines der grundlegenden Merkmale des Projekts ist, dass es Arbeitsplätze schaffen und den Teilnehmern eine Bedeutung geben wird; Leben. Ist es nicht nett, wenn Leute ein zahlendes Publikum für ihre Talente finden und ihre Zeit für Hobbies monetarisieren können? MDL wird es einfacher machen! Brave New World ist bereits Teil unserer Realität und die Menschen geben es bewusst oder unbewusst zu und bedauern, dass sie ihre Hobbys aufgegeben haben und nun ihre eigenen Kinder dazu bringen, künstlerischer zu werden. MDL Talent Hub ist konzeptionell, was früher oder später passieren sollte und wir sind glücklich, die Moderatoren zu sein.


Prosumer-Ökosystem-Marktplatz und reputationsbasierte Partnerschaftsprogramme mit Marken als Einnahmequelle.

Technische Information

Warum brauchen wir zuerst die Blockchain-Technologie, um nur eine Rekrutierungsanwendung zu erstellen?

Wir sind der Meinung, dass die derzeitigen Möglichkeiten zur Buchung von Talenten logisch und technologisch überholt sind. Mit Hilfe der Blockchain-Technologie (sowie anderer Instrumente und Ansätze) werden wir ein Reputationsmodul erstellen, so dass jede Marktaktivität konsolidiert und verfolgt werden kann. Mehr noch, mit MDL Token schaffen wir eine Ökosystemökonomie, die es uns ermöglicht, nicht nur mehr Teilnehmer anzuziehen, sondern auch Einkommensquellen zu verbreiten. Die Transaktionsprovisionen werden daher sinken und wir werden unsere möglichen Konkurrenten übertreffen.

Warum arbeiten wir genau mit Interpreten, die den Markt beschaffen?

Es gibt mehrere Gründe. Zunächst wollen wir mit einem Nischenmarkt beginnen und glauben, dass das von uns ausgewählte Segment die technologische Erleichterung am meisten erfordert. Es gibt noch keine umfassende und globale Suchmaschine für Talente und Talente. Unser Team verfügt über fundierte Erfahrung in diesem Bereich und wir nehmen nicht nur bestehende Probleme wahr, sondern können auch den Weg zu deren Lösung finden. Zweitens glauben wir, dass der Markt im Zusammenhang mit der industriellen Revolution 4.0 bei Robotern und KI ständig wachsen wird nehmen Sie mehr und mehr Jobs. Menschen sind von Natur aus kreativ und wir möchten mit Hilfe unserer Lösung die Monetarisierung ihrer Hobbies und Fähigkeiten vereinfachen. Und das letzte, aber nicht das geringste, wir finden es lustig, mit Talenten zu arbeiten! Darsteller sind herausragend und ihre Energie ist entscheidend für die menschliche Entwicklung. Deshalb möchten wir der Quelle der Kreativität so viel näher als möglich sein!

MDL Talent Hub Roadmap

  • OCTOBER 2017

  • Launch of Website and blog,
    MDL Token issue
  • Pre-ITO

  • Hard Cap Taken
  • NOVEMBER 2017

  • GUI prototype
  • ITO

  • Weiterlesen
  • JANUARY 2018

  • Pre-ITO - 500k hardcap is taken
  • Alpha Launch

  • Testing will be done within our community in Shanghai. The Alpha will be on Android
  • MARCH 2018

  • Launch of the mainnet and Initial Token Offering
  • Beta Launch

  • Launch to Chinese market
  • JUNE 2018

  • Alpha LaunchTesting will be done within our community in Shanghai. The Alpha will be on Android
  • NOVEMBER 2018

  • Alpha Launch
  • Expansion to Asia

  • Main targets are Korea and Japan
  • JULY 2018

  • RISE Conference. People from the world’s biggest companies and most exciting startups will come to Hong Kong to share their stories and experiences. They’ll be joined by major global media, hundreds of investors and thousands of attendees for three days of legendary networking.
  • MARCH 2019

  • MVP Beta launch
  • Meta-data mining via Skyledger

  • APRIL-JUNE 2019

  • Launch of Chinese version for local talents
  • SEPTEMBER 2019

  • Expansion to entire China talent market
  • DECEMBER 2019

  • Cross-border expansion to Asia
  • MARCH 2020

  • Prosumer ecosystem marketplace
  • APRIL 2020

  • Launch of Website and blog, MDL Token issue
  • JUNE 2020

  • Mining system launch
  • February 2019

  • Livestreaming implementation
  • March 2019

  • Release on Korean and Japanese markets
  • April 2019

  • Major partnerships with brands
  • May 2019

  • Internal marketplace implementation
  • August 2019

  • Expansion to the whole Asia
  • December 2019

  • Expansion to Africa, South America, Western and Eastern Europe
  • May 2020

  • Skymining implementation
  • August 2020

  • Global expansion

MDL Talent Hub Mannschaft

Verifiziert 100%

Thomas Modeines
Blockchain chief architect


$2 500 000

Nathan Horn
Global Marketing Director
Dimitry Doronin
Roman Tronenko
Dmitry Timokhin
Bulat Zamilov
Samuel Doe
Maria Tsatsynkina
Graphic Designer
Alexander Pala
Crypto Community Manager
Daniil Kostin
Android Developer
Bogdan Pshenichniy
Web Designer


Verifiziert 67%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

10 ICOs

$26 799 547

Daniil Morozov
Monika Rofler
Business Advisor
Chris Ihidero
Business Advisor
Jevgenij Konn
Financial Advisor
Brandon Smetana (Syn...
ICO Advisor
Qiang Liu
Strategic Advisor

MDL Talent Hub Interviews

Thomas Modeines
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm a IT professional with 15 years of experience in software development. I've played several different roles across the board, from engineering and team leading to solutions architect and technical testing. Some of the customers I have has been working with are: IBM, William Hill, Coull Video Advertising Platform,, and many more. During my career, I have gained knowledge in team leadership, vendor management and contracting as well as managing large data pools and data streaming. In his spare time, I act as a member of SouJava NGO board of directors, where he advocates for the Java User Group in the Java Community Process.
Personally I'm contributing for the success of the project and the whole organisation mission in respect to deliver a clean working software iteration after iteration with the objective of having a mature, well tested, well designed and functional software; allowing the organization to react quickly to situations and its users to take advantage of the best and most modern technologies available on the market.
Nathan Horn
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
MDL Talent Hub is a welcome innovation in an industry that has had its fair share of unaccountability, safety concerns and lack of transparency. What I like about MDL Talent Hub is that it will provide a solution to said problems. By implementing blockchain technology, a trustchain system and working with pioneers of accountability technology they can ensure every party on the MDL Platform can benifit from a healthy and positive reputation system that will create a safe ecosystem for brands, performers and agencies.
Daniil Morozov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Monika Rofler
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
MDL is a great project and app using blockchain technologies to bring in more transparency into the model/fashion business. It connects the talents to brands and agencies, where professorial behavior is evaluated so u easily can work with good people.
Chris Ihidero
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
MDL presents a great opportunity for African talents to leap frog many of the issues they have to deal with in exhibiting their talents globally across platforms and derive maximum value from the value chain of their artistic expressions.

MDL is a great idea for all creatives in an emerging and constantly changing world where tech changes the dynamics of artistic engagements favourably.
Dimitry Doronin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Taking into account dynamic shift of world economy from agriculture and production sectors of economy to service and further to creative industries, MDL Talent Hub is what should happen sooner or later and we are happy to be the facilitators. Being insiders in the industry we know the problem and we believe we have power and knowledge to solve them bringing pure value to the society.
Roman Tronenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
We are using the most modern technologies to solve the real market problems. We are not a “blockchain project”, but instead we are an innovative “tech startup” which is aiming to use the most advanced solutions. We are trying to adopt the most recent approaches that already have some approval as well as test and create new ways of bringing value to the society.
Dmitry Timokhin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I believe we met here for the purpose – to make a world a better place. Everyone in the team has his own dream, but in any case together there’s one: ease of living with transparency and efficiency. Absolutely sure we’re doing it first for ourselves and our ancestors as people are egoistic by the nature, still there is a good will of selfishness.
Bulat Zamilov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am building IT infrastructure for MDL.
Jevgenij Konn
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Great idea targeting a unique opportunity! Perfect timing for combining this idea with new technology! Amazing team with strong determination to achieve and clear vision.

Happy to support with my expertise in all finance and business development related topics.
Samuel Doe
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I have been mentoring MDL through the process and helping with introductions to build out the network. I really believe MDL has a solid team.
Maria Tsatsynkina
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I simply love the concept of MDL Talent Hub. Creating visuals for project devoted to young and passionate talents all over the world is probably what every graphic designer dreams about. It great experience to work with the team – I am certainly getting to the next level.
Alexander Pala
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
An interesting project developed by the industry insiders. I think that each member of the team is a professional in his area. That is why it is going to solve many real market issues that are not visible at first sight. And thats why its going to be a success.
Daniil Kostin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am very happy to be in the team of professionals who look into the future andexperiment with new promising technologies. The workflow is well coordinated and I feel comfortable to be a part of MDL Talent Hub.
Bogdan Pshenichniy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
A revolutionary project that will help creative people to work with bookers easier and gain independence. I believe in MDL because the problems are close to me and for my environment and with the new technology we have found the solution. I am proud to work with such a team.

MDL Talent Hub Letzte Nachrichten

5.0 9
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft

% name% Bewertungen

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

MDL is a platform built on block chain for talent sourcing industry where dancers, models and all kind of gig performers can easily explore their talents.


  1. Transparency: The use of block chain eliminates the discriminative and manual way of selecting individuals and this promotes adequate talent explorations with advanced instruments
  2. Security: The platform provides a unified data base for talents and bookers where all their details are fully encrypted and inaccessible by the public
  3. Reduced misconducts: There is easy trace of reputation reducing misbehavior associated with the entertainment industry
  4. Source of livelihood: The platform ensures that the participants get payment for their talents  and monetize the time spent on their hobbies
  5. Lower cost: The ecosystem created by the platform ensures that more participants are attracted at a reduced commission hence eliminating competitors
  6. Promotes presentation of standardized tools creating the trust with the public once they access the articles presented by the participants
  7. The team involved has adequate know how on promotion of different technological based sectors


  1. The platform doesn’t illustrate how other users can get into the industry
  2. The MDL token is not supported by other crypto currencies used in the remote areas
  3. The platform doesn’t recognize the cultural talent search


  1. The platform should provide a mobile application that is easily accessible by the users to get into the platform
  2. The platform should realize the existence of cultural talents

Project strong sides: realistic idea, understanding of the market issues and ways to solve them.

Project weak sides: absence of the business plan and detailed marketing research; the team without proved achievements.

So our position is neutral.


Honestly we’re not that sure about MDL as a platform. While the functionality described certainly seems to have potential to support the talent industry by establishing an immutable, transparent database, we’re unsure of the role that the token itself will play in this environment. This is made doubly confusing by the fact that there’s simply not enough information on the token’s use on the MDL website.

It’s true that the token itself is relatively cheap during its pre-ITO. A single US dollar does provide 100 MDL tokens, making it a good “penny stock” option for diversifying your crypto portfolio. However, with such a niche appeal there’s not much to say about whether your investment will ever amount to anything.

There are other issues with MDL, at least there are on a presentational level. The MDL website has obviously been written by a non-native English speaker, as the content is sometimes laborious and often grammatically incorrect. There’s not necessarily anything wrong with this, but it does exude an unprofessional air that may result in prospective investors not taking the project seriously – this could result in less market adoption of the token and eventually lead to poor performance as a speculative asset.

Unfortunately, we see MDL as not going very far. You can, of course, still invest; as always, we recommend you never invest an amount of money, either in fiat currency or in cryptocurrency, that you can’t afford to lose.

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