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Идея Playkey заключается в создании экосистемы для облачных игр на основе технологий P2P и blockchain, в которых представлены: - независимые владельцы мощных компьютеров по всему миру (шахтеры), объединенные в сообществе и действующие как поставщики услуг облачных игр; - единая универсальная экосистемная криптовалюта - токен PKT, который будет выпущен через ICO; -Увеличенные высокие стандарты службы облачных игр (SLA), установленные в виде интеллектуального контракта с мини-игроком; - Руководящий и общинный регулирующий орган - Playkey Foundation, эмитент токена PKT, ответственный за обслуживание и развитие экосистем.
  • рынок
    Том 24Н
    24ч (цена)
    24 ч (объем)
  • HitBTC
    PKT/ETH год назад
    $ 0.0023
    $ 0.0047
  • HitBTC
    PKT/BTC год назад
    $ 0.0019
    $ 0.0038
  • Mercatox
    PKT/ETH 2 год назад
    $ 0.0033
    $ 27.274 K
  • Mercatox
    PKT/BTC 2 год назад
    $ 0.0032
    $ 18.674 K
  • Lykke
    PKT/ETH 3 год назад
    $ 0.0119
    $ 0.2389
  • ForkDelta
    PKT/ETH 3 год назад
    $ 0.8898
    $ 0.0
  • Lykke
    PKT/BTC 4 год назад
    $ 0.0132
    $ 0.6801
  • Uniswap (v3)
    PKT/ETH 4 год назад
  • Lukki
    PKT/BTC 4 год назад
    $ 0.0312
    $ 69.49
    PKT/BTC 5 год назад
    $ 0.0204
  • Idex
    PKT/ETH 5 год назад
    $ 0.0266
  • Bamboo Relay
    PKT/WETH 5 год назад
  • TokenJar
    PKT/WETH 5 год назад
  • YoBit
    PKT/BTC 5 год назад
    $ 0.0536
    $ 4.77
  • YoBit
    PKT/USD 5 год назад
    $ 0.0650
    $ 3.55
  • Everbloom
    PKT/ETH 6 год назад
    $ 0.0564
1 нояб. 2017 г.
1 дек. 2017 г.
100% завершено
$10 512 361
100% цель завершено
Детали токена
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Платформа, Развлечение

О проекте ICO

Playkey, ведущий поставщик облачных игр, рассматривает ICO с целью экспоненциального
ускорения темпов развития облачных игр посредством децентрализации. Цель состоит в том, чтобы предоставить игрокам разумную цену, чтобы играть в самые рейтинговые игры в любое время и в любом месте, используя
любое устройство, подключенное к Интернету, без необходимости приобретать высокопроизводительный ПК или консоль.
Революция облачных игр подняла пар, но все еще борется с
некоторыми препятствиями, а именно:
& bull; сложный процесс разработки игрового потокового программного обеспечения;
& bull; получение одобрения от разработчиков игр и издателей, чтобы использовать их названия игр на облачных платформах;
& bull; высокая стоимость аппаратного обеспечения (профессиональные графические процессоры, серверное оборудование, оборудование для хранения данных и т. д.). Playkey основан на проверенных рабочих технологиях. Команда из 45 опытных специалистов R & amp; D,
сотрудничает с ведущими издателями игр, включая Ubisoft, Bethesda и Wargaming. Playkey
имеет сеть из 120 серверов Nvidia Grid, базирующихся в Лондоне, Франкфурте, Амстердаме и Москве, и поддерживается большим европейским фондом VC.


Playkey стремится создать экосистему, в которой: - майнеры начинают предоставлять услуги по облачным играм; - все транзакции выполняются в токене PKT; сообщество геймеров и майнеров и для разработки системы

Техническая информация

Существующая версия платформы может быть протестирована на ICO Roadmap

  • 2013

  • development started
  • 2015

  • Cloud gaming service started
  • 2016

  • expanded in Europe and USA with 2.5M users
  • 2017

  • ICO Pre-Sale, PKT ICO and Blockchain Integration
  • Прочитайте больше
  • 2017 Q4

  • Access to exchanges: Cryptopia, Evercoin and Coinexchange, Smart-contract for Gamers and Miners
  • 2018 Q1

  • Pro-Miners support, GTX 1080/1080Ti/1070 support, AMD Radeon support, Miners SLA v.1
  • 2018 Q2

  • Miners Community Conference in Europe and US, Pricing policy, Miners SLA v.2
  • 2018 Q3

  • Home Miners Support, Miners SLA v.3, Full Nvidia/AMD GPU line support
  • 2018 Q4

  • 1000 miners in US/EU/APAC, Miners Community Conference in Singapore
  • 2019

  • Third party gaming services integration

Участие в мероприятиях

  • E3 2018
  • 801-897 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 900... ICO Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Egor Gurjev
Co-founder, CEO of Playkey
Alexey Lykov
Co-founder, CTO
Vadim Andreev
Co-founder, Director of Game Strategy
Roman Epishin
Marketing Director
Maksim Kudymov
Product Manager
Vladimir Shestakov
Development Team Leader
Vladimir Kosov
Blockchain Smart-Contract Developer
Maksim Vladykin
Blockchain Smart-Contract Developer


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Georgy Dobrodeev
Epic games Marketing Director


$10 512 361

Alexander Agapitov
Xsolla Founder & CEO


$10 512 361

Peter Zhalov
Former VP Marketing & Advertising of
Reuben Godfrey
Co-Founder Blockchain Association of Ireland


$10 812 361

Arseniy Strizhenok
Co-founder and managing partner of Blockchainunive...
Dillon Seo
CEO and Founder, VoleR Creative Co-founder, Oculus...


$13 481 359

Michael Kim
EO & Founder of CoinInside Former executive of Bli...


$107 512 361

Miko Matsumura
Pantera Capital LP and founder of Evercoin Exchang...


$10 512 361

David Carlson
Founder & CEO at GigaWatt,Inc


$10 512 361

Albert Castellana
Blockchain & Innovation Specialist - NEM Foundatio...
непроверенно ICO Последние Новости

$ 0.0043
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
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Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 5.78
Circ. Supply:
PKT ICO Обзоры
ICO review website

Stagnant target market with signs of depression. The opportunity for large corporate players to enter the market.
Decentralization can not lead to a significant jump in the signal quality, since the mining capacities are often geographically tied to specific places, hence, problems with the coverage of some areas are possible. Restrictions on the minimum necessary Internet connection speed for service users play a deterrent role for the project development in less developed markets like LATAM, thus, the service can at some point have problems with scalability, not related to infrastructure. The value proposition level ischallenged due to the fact that the project did not attract the interest of major game developers (activision, EA, ubisoft).

Many aspects of the business model either put the company in an uncomfortable position before the partner publishers, forcing to coordinate each project placed on the platform with them and on their terms and share some of the proceeds, or they force to rely on the miners community with its exclusively speculative motives. Generating part of the revenue in the tokens form , even if the cost of services is fixed in dollars, exposes part of the company's revenues to the risk associated with the courses volatility of the crypto-currencies and the token itself. Mining of tokens can be more risky and less profitable than developers suggest - in particular, it is more discrete - thus, this video streaming channel for users can be unstable. Moreover, this business model element may not in principle take place , because in order to meet the standards of the infrastructure provider for the Playkey ecosystem - that is, the miner - another configuration of the equipment may be required, in other words, a direct transition from crypto-currency mining to PKT mining may not be possible that means additional costs for the miners, as well as the loss of precious time. Due to the chosen model, sales problems may arise because, because according to Playplay experience ,they drive mainly AAA- games with the rights to distribute which are extremely difficult to part by subscription publishers because of a conflict of interest.

The company is too ambitious in assessing its capitalization - an estimation is on the level of $ 150 million puts it on a par with the top ICO on the market - there is a risk of the company's capitalization collapse if its decision "does not shoot properly". There is no refund mechanism in case of ICO fails - collected funds leave the company, unrealized tokens are destroyed. Playkey allocates a significant tokens share - up to 18 million - for pre-sale, characterized by a significant (up to 35%) discount and 20% bonus which makes it attractive for investors to exit the secondary market for tokens. That infringes the interests of investors who entered the project later, given the volume of sales at the Pre Sale stage, the risk of negative impact of such speculation on the token rate. The part of expences, represented in the WP has already been included in the road maps, financed by the previous project investors, so the project takes twice as much money for the same thing.

Lack of experience in creating and scaling similar scale projects on the side of the company's management core leaders. Lack of specialists with block development experience. Regional education of the company's management core. The team has already been calculated in fairly simple terms from the point of view of marketing and experimentation -design situations, and it cost the time.The team task is much more complex now, and no one will wait for the solution.

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News, reviews

Gaming is moving into the cloud, following video, music and other services. For gamers, cloud gaming is 10x cheaper than owning personal gaming hardware (PC/console), leveraging share economy principles. The development of GPUs, the Internet, and low-latency streaming, have diminished the demand for personal gaming hardware. In fact, the next generation of consoles could be the last one that is based on hardware.

Moving gaming into cloud technology has now become inevitable – 70% of Steam players are unable to play AAA titles like GTA V in high resolution, and 30% of players cannot even run such titles on their obsolete PCs. The demand for cloud gaming will continue to grow. The demand for latest-generation hardware, and the increased requirements from gaming caused by resource-intensive VR technologies, will be making home hardware more and more expensive and non-viable for casual gamers.

Industry leaders predict – the future of gaming is streaming.

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