Googleの特許申請中< 表示の確認”テクノロジーにより、正当なビデオビューのみがブロックチェーンにコミットされます。 Verasityでは、視聴者は、第三者や広告主ではなく、消費によってコンテンツの価値を判断します。
このプラットフォームでは、寄付、ペイパービュー、購読など、さまざまな収益化ソリューションを作成者や出版社に提供しています。作成者は「VeraSparks」の販売を選択することもできます。彼らのチャネルで彼らの成長を加速させます。 [ Spark Marketplace ]からそれらを購入したユーザーは、チャンネルで現在進行中の経済的な成功を共有します。
Verasity for Viewers:
View great video content
Verasity’s economy is designed to help Viewers find the content that they really want to watch. Direct commercial relationships between channel owners and their Viewers, ensure no third party can bias content suggestions.
Get rewarded for viewing
Verasity incentivizes Viewers to engage with the platform by rewarding them with VERA for the content they watch. Advertisers directly reward Viewers who choose to watch their adverts.
Earn VERA by supporting channels
Within Verasity, Viewers can help support the growth of a content channel through VeraSparks. If Viewers own VeraSparks in a channel, they receive a portion of the VERA collected by the channel.
Verasity for Video Content Creators:
Create channels and upload videos
Any Verasity user can become a Creator and launch a channel. Verasity uses proven, scalable and high-quality video streaming technology that ensures the best experience for Creators and their fans.
Multiple monetization methods
Verasity enables microtransactions that create the most flexibility for Creators and Publishers to monetize their content. No more waiting on payments as Verasity transactions are fast, secure and transparent.
Fund development of your channel
Through VeraSparks, Creators can sell a portion of their channel’s future revenue on Verasity, in exchange for VERA. This VERA can be used to accelerate growth in a channel and users who buy VeraSparks share in the success they helped to create.
Verasity for Advertisers and Sponsors
Brand new value
Verasity creates a direct value exchange between brand spend and Viewer interaction. With Verasity’s Proof-of-View technology, each view will be recorded in a way that is transparently auditable within the Verasity Blockchain.
Verasity enables Advertisers to directly pay Viewers VERA in exchange for their attention. Advertisers are guaranteed to reach engaged Viewers who voluntarily accept to watch the adverts.
Verasity enables Brands to transact with Creators directly through the platform using VERA. This assures sponsorships and brand placements are verified through Verasity’s Proof of View technology.
Verasity Economics Paper:https://verasity.io/documents/verasity_economics_eng.pdf
Verasityトークン販売文書:  https://verasity.io/documents/verasity_token_sale_proposal.pdf
Q4 2023
Q3 2023
Q2 2023
Q1 2023
Q4 2022
Q3 2022
Q2 2022
Q1 2022
検証済み 92%
検証済み 50%
VERASITY is a platform thatentirely restructures video economy by transforming the relationships between advertisers, content creators, and consumers. Unlike current video sharing platforms that feature several layers of vendors and middlemen between ecosystem participants, this ecosystem skew the content value so that high volume engagements benefit the consumer and content creator.
Verasity features an effective Proof of View, makes Viewers the center of content transactions and utilizes blockchain technology, making it a very irresistible platform. I will invest, therefore, in this attractive platform.
The competition on the market of video platforms is very high, over 20 ICO projects were held for the year, which were Youtube “killers”, but there were no significant shifts on the market.
The main competitors in the decentralized environment:
Theta token - in the course of ICO $20M was raised, capitalization - $139M, ROI USD - 1.81x
FLIXXO - raised - $4,7M, capitalization - $7,36M, ROI USD - 1,02x
Viuly - capitalization - $4,1M, ROI USD - 0,04x
Viewly - raised - $12M, ROI USD - 0,43x
BitTube - capitalization - $10M, from the time of entering exchange the price decreased 2 times
As distinct from competitors, which use decentralized p2p system, Verasity uses the centralized model of video content distribution and additional economic incentives for platform participants. The project founders named a new economy of advertising income distribution and the opportunity of crowdfunding for video bloggers’ channels the main advantages over Youtube.
Social activity:
The marketing activity of the project team in the Internet is high, although the community’s interest in the project is low. Verasity is represented on more than 30 news resources, almost in all social networks: Facebook, Medium, Reddit, Linkedin, Steemit. There’s also a channel in Discord and a Telegram group. The record number of subscribers is in Facebook – 284K users, in Twitter 11,2K, however the average number of likes and shares per post in FB and Twitter is 50, which indicates audience cheat. The official chat in Telegram counts 47900 users, but their activity is as low as discussion of posts in Medium and Reddit.
The focus of competitive advantage of the project is on a new economy, and not technological innovations. The algorithm Proof of View is being patented, and its operating principle is not disclosed, also there’s no possibility to get to know the project developer’s pride - the source code of VeraPlayer. However, the team experience and several methods of income receipt for content creators and viewers are potential for the project’s success. However, the influence on the market of video hosting of world giants Youtube, Netflix will scarcely be reduced in the next 5 years.
There is a strong and knowledgeable team leading this, and they are also have a strong vision in what is a competitive market. I look forward to seeing how this one develops over the coming months
Verasity is going to bring transparency and security traditional for blockchain technology to the video sharing industry. Though the hype around the project is quite high, the platform has multiple competitors to fight with. A significant advantage of the platform is their partnership with Akamai, a global content distribution network, so the scalability problem is partly resolved. Their hard cap which is quite high is another disadvantage. Anyway, considering huge size of the video sharing industry, its high demand, the strong team, and the idea realized in a scheme attractive for all parties, Verasity is an excellent project.
Yet another platform for media content, this time it’s about videos, that solves transparency problem and making the entire process, from ordering video content till viewing it, attractive for everyone.
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