2)既存のエンタープライズレベルのITソリューション(Hyperledger Fabric)を使用して、市場参入に必要な時間を大幅に短縮することを計画しています。
Kvantor Tech LTD, based in the Republic of Cyprus, is a software developer which owns the rights to the results of the intellectual activities of the Kvantor platform. The KVANTOR digital token is a license to a non-exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity (software) and
revenue generation from it on exclusive terms. This opportunity is implemented through the mechanism of a partner program with the help of KVANTOR.KEY software For companies:
• Direct settlements with contractors in national currencies (avoiding traditional channels and
protocols of monetary circulation);
• Convenient marketplace with automatic execution of transactions, complementary services
(logistics, insurance), electronic arbitrage;
• Verification of the counterpart — the platform’s architecture allows to check counterpart’s
status and reputation beforehand without any violation of information confidentiality, which
is the high priority for us;
• Usage of financial instruments (financial guarantees, factoring, etc.) and complementary
services (insurance, etc.) based on new technologies — automatically executed smart contracts
— for transaction security;
• Sufficient decrease of financial and time expenditures for execution of transactions;
• Trading of assets/liabilities in decentralized mode;
• Protection of confidential information from unauthorized regulators.
For banks:
• Automatic clearing of mutual obligations;
• Independence from centralized payment systems (provision of alternative channel, which may
be used for either all or specialized transactions/clients);
• Engagement of new clients by means of provision of innovative banking services demanded by
small, medium and large businesses;
• Protection of confidential information from unauthorized regulators.
For government:
• Protection from control of economical operations exercised by IMF, NSA and other unfriendly
• Execution of all operations on the basis of consensus of the stakeholders;
• Increase in national monetary aggregates and decrease of actual operations in foreign
currency, increase in the country’s financial stability;
• In prospect, creation of a governmental settlement platform and uniting on its basis of
interested entities and political blocs.
II quarter 2018
III quarter 2018
IV quarter 2018
検証済み 13%
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