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Platform hubungan perusahaan yang terdesentralisasi.
15 Jun 2018
31 Jul 2018
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$9 200 000
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Tentang Loyakk

Misi Loyakk adalah mengubah bagaimana bisnis menciptakan dan memberikan nilai pada ekonomi terdesentralisasi yang baru dengan jaringan mitra, saluran, distributor dan vendor global mereka yang terdistribusi secara global. Bisnis saat ini menghadapi banyak tantangan yang berkaitan dengan keamanan data dan privasi, rekonsiliasi data, perselisihan kontrak, proses yang tidak efisien dan tata kelola yang terbatas dalam jaringan bisnis mereka yang menyebabkan miliaran dolar hilang setiap tahunnya karena meningkatnya biaya dan kehilangan pendapatan.


1. Manajer Transisi (TM). Peran TM & rsquo dalam platform Loyakk Vega adalah untuk menyimpan dan menyediakan akses ke data transaksi pribadi terenkripsi. Ini juga akan bertanggung jawab untuk berkomunikasi dengan TM lain di jaringan jika diperlukan berdasarkan partisipasi node lain dan jenis transaksi.
2. Crypto Manager (CM). CM di platform Loyakk Vega akan bertanggung jawab untuk manajemen kunci privat, komunikasi dengan TM, dan enkripsi dan dekripsi data transaksi. CM di jaringan Loyakk dapat digunakan pada tingkat di pohon atau pada tingkat di bawah levelnya sendiri.
3. Voting Chain (VC). VC dalam platform Vegetoy Loyakk akan menawarkan mekanisme konsensus berdasarkan suara mayoritas untuk memverifikasi transaksi.
4. Validation Manager (VM). VM di platform Vegetoy Loyakk akan melayani seorang arbiter dan pemegang rekaman yang bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga keadaan publik dan juga transaksi keadaan pribadi yang dilibatkannya.

Info Teknis

Rincian teknis: & nbsp; token standar Ethereum ERC20. Kode sumber: & nbsp; Kode tidak tersedia. Bukti pengembang: & nbsp; Tim publik

% name% Roadmap

  • November 2015

  • Customer Relationship Platform Release
  • January - October 2016

  • Onboarding of Blue chip clients (SAP, infosys, Abbott, Novartis, Mphasis)
  • October - December 2016

  • Customer demand for Enterprise Relationship capability with Blockchain-grade security and integrity
  • January - April 2017

  • Customer Requirements Gathering
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • May - July 2017

  • Enterprise Blockchain Solution Scoping and Design
  • August - September 2017

  • Patent-filling & ICO plans
  • February 2018

  • ICO Main Sale Starts
  • March - April 2018

  • Token Reconciliation & Issue Vega Platform Development continuous
  • July 2018

  • Vega Alpha Release
  • August 2018

  • Lighthouse Customer Engagement Join Go-to-Market with Charter Technology and Service Partner
  • October 2018

  • Industry Value Web Solution for Insurance Released
  • December 2018

  • Focus on Customer Success & Referenceability
  • January 2019

  • Industry Web Solution for Wealth Mgt Released
  • February 2019

  • API Release for third-party App developers Vega Blockchain Developer Network Program Launch
  • March 2019

  • Vega Platform Update - Version 2.0 Released
  • April 2019

  • Industry Value Web Solution for Hight-tech Released
  • June 2019

  • Vega Developer Ecosystem Marketing and Growth. Start showcasing Developers and their software/add-ons
  • October 2019

  • Industry Value Web Solution for Life Science Released
  • November 2019

  • Platform Updates - Version 3.0 Released

Loyakk Tim

Diverifikasi 25%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Jitu Telang
tidak diverifikasi
Tsvetan Georgiev
Blockchain Technical Architect and Development Lea...
tidak diverifikasi
Jimjees Abraham
Blockchain Solutions Architect
tidak diverifikasi
Jaijiv Prabhakaran
Chief Architect
tidak diverifikasi
Marzanne Deloof
Customer Success
tidak diverifikasi
Rakesh Sreekumar
Chief Marketing Officer
Sadiq Quasim
Director, Loyakk Ltd.


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Anthony Thomas
tidak diverifikasi
Patricia Hatter
tidak diverifikasi
Jonathan Becher
tidak diverifikasi
Gerry Mcclement
tidak diverifikasi

Loyakk Wawancara

Rakesh Sreekumar
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I manage marketing at Loyakk. Loyakk is a truly 'Blue Chip' ICO that distinctly stands apart from other ICOs today. We are addressing a $100 billion+ global market, we have a patent-pending solution that adapts blockchain to business network use cases, we have top notable global brands as existing customers, A top-tier team, industry luminaries as advisers, Investment backing by Venture Capital and business leaders and we have Premier domain, tech and go-to-market partnerships in place. In essence, we have all the ingredients for a top-ranked ICO but also to be a thriving player and market leader in this chosen market space going forward.
Sadiq Quasim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm CEO of Loyakk Ltd. the entity running the Loyakk ICO.

I'm primarily focused on delivering a successful fundraising event via the Loyakk Token sale.

Loyakk Berita terakhir

5.0 10
ICO Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan


Loyakk is creating a platform (currently patent pending) that will bring business communication from simple emailing to a brand new level by using the blockchain technology. The project is driven by a strong experienced team and led by Salim Ali, a recognized personality in blockchain community. The team has established several partnerships and will potentially have SAP as a partner. Considering disadvantages we note quite high hard cap ($45 million) and weak token adoption scheme which is set to gain token value only with increasing number of transactions on the platform. They even don’t have a token burning stage. Anyway the project is recognized and included in different independent top ICO project lists.
A project that is aiming to make emailing a past day and bring inter-business communication to a completely new level.

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ICO Pantera
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ICO review website

As the product niche is so specialised, Loyakk appear to have no direct competitor currently within the blockchain realm. That is not to say one won’t emerge for that another traditional EAS company won’t build their own version, but it appears that Loyakk have both field experience and first mover advantage to face down potential future challengers.

It would have been preferable for a platform prototype to be available for evaluation but, as Loyakk already have a ‘legacy’ EAS system operational within the business world, the existing business could be seen as the MVP itself.

The team’s presence within the EAS is proven, as is its credentials, and given its current client list the obstacles to future adoption appear to be minimal in comparison to the vast majority of ICOs in operation today. Technically, the team appear suited to the task and the advisors have been well chosen to add wider skill sets to compliment those the team already hold.

With the direction of the project being at least partly guided by initial customer feedback and ongoing consultation, the business need-case for the product is also clearly demonstrated.

The hard-cap is high but perhaps not excessively so for a project that essentially carries global ambitions. The final amount raised will determine how fast and how far the blockchain platform is rolled out rather than covering start-up costs associated with many ICOs.

Potential investors may have wished to see more of the tokens available in the ICO, perhaps with a lower % allocated for the team and advisors, but the lock-up period for those tokens will possibly offset those concerns.

Another point to consider is the un-mined pool of tokens used to on-board license holders. It is undoubtedly a useful product selling point and should help to drive adoption but even though these tokens are not available for resale, ICO contributors will need to evaluate if they believe this will increase or reduce secondary market demand for LYK.

The ICO bonus structure is well thought out and the promised delivery of the second version of the platform within the next 6 months will be an early indication for investors of the company’s true potential and growth possibilities.

Overall, then, this appears to be a stand-out ICO from a qualified team with established credentials, proposing a sound business model that makes for a good blockchain fit.

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