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The Neutro Protocol solves the trilemma of scalability, security and decentralization, allows for anonymous transactions and eradicates the need for centralized oracles. Neutro users can create a decentralized version of almost any real-world market that exists now only in a centralized system that we all use currently.
May 1, 2019
Jul 31, 2019
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Goal 12 000 000.00 USD
Cap 12 000 000.00 USD
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
8,000,000 Neutro Tokens available for token sale to investors
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Spacesoft LLC
Registered Country
Nevis and Saint Kitts
Additional Details
Building a new one

About Neutro

We believe that blockchain should be a viable, accessible alternative to governing real-world economy. We believe that solving some core issues around the technology will allow it to be more versatile and more useable than traditional system. We believe we have solved those problems, and that it's time for cryptocurrency to move out of the early adopter phase, and move toward mass adoption.

We believe that Neutro can make that happen.

No technology or innovation becomes widely adopted without providing more than its predecessor. Blockchain and cryptocurrency industry have provided some good additional features, but at the expense of what people need the most - scalability, stability, anonymity and ease of use.

Through an innovative blockchain protocol, Neutro solves the trilemma of scalability, security and decentralisation. It is anonymous. It can assimilate real world values, and has rich smart contracts that can create many new markets.


Scalability, Security, Decentralization

Neutro uses sharding to increase network capacity along with a novel protocol that merges proof of work with validation tokens to ensure security and decentralization in an energy-efficient way. The protocol is designed to ensure that the incentive to preserve overall health of the network is aligned with the needs of all network participants, giving the first blockchain to scale without nominating central nodes. This backbone is the first step in making Neutro a technology for mass adoption.


Anonymous transactions are part of every banking system, so they should be part of any economy, including cryptoeconomy. Neutro uses part encryption of the message to ensure that transactions are anonymous but can still be visible on the blockchain and validated. Security measures are also taken to protect transactors and ensure only honest actors prevail in validating and securing the privacy of the transactions.

Decentralized Oracles

Oracles centralize blockchains, but without them, the blockchain is introspective only. Neutro uses Schelling Point Schemes to bring external data into the blockchain. Any value can be arrived at using the schemes, so "stable" coins and "risk" coins can be created, assets can be invested in without the need to own them, and almost any aspect of the real world economy can be replicated and put onto Neutro's scalable, anonymous blockchain.

Technical Info

Scaling via Sharding, Assimilating via Voting

Sharding allows simultaneous calculations to be made on shard chains without slowing the production of main chain blocks, helping Neutro to scale. Not only is Neutro aiming for scale, we also aim to assimilate far more data than any other blockchain using Schelling Point Scheme voting and have a rich suite of native dApps that replicate real world markets. We're scaling both in size and features.

Part-encryption of Messages

As a transaction message is sent, the receiving address (addresses) and amounts (if many in one transaction) are part encrypted using the public key of the validating node. The message is then signed using the private key of the sender. This mechanism means that it is possible to see that some transaction is made, but the details remain private.

Mimic Any Market

Neutro can bring any data into the blockchain whether it is the weather (!) or the USD price. This has far reaching implications. Imagine that we want to set up a market trading against the price of commodities, or against volatile crypto investments; it's easy to do and as the network grows, the counterparties will become easier to find. Vitally, we want this to be found in the wallet itself. We believe that any new technology should surpass its predecessor. Neutro is more private and more accessible, and this feature allows it to be just as rich.

Neutro Roadmap

  • Preliminary technical work and documentation

  • The starting point will see the development of the Neutro concept and the creation of a conceptual white paper. Concept materials, scientific papers, technical specifications architecture and business materials will all be drawn up in the lead up to a prototype being created.
  • Creating a prototype and community building

  • We have placed efficiency at the heart of our commercial strategy, and this is nowhere more visible than in our approach to community-building and support. Neutro is a truly innovative blockchain, built with a platform approach in mind, so we aim to collaborate and share with the community as early as possible. There is no wasted effort here; our initial move will be to bring technically-minded support from our ICO community, and bring it into our technical community – this will itself be a precursor to a more formal accelerator, where proposals can be submitted to receive either technical or financial support from the innovation fund.

    The same is true of the commercial community, where we will guide and encourage active debate, scoping and ideation within a commercial context to explore use cases for the Neutro platform.

    By curating and guiding these communities with formal accelerators in mind, we can structure the conversation around a broad scope of need to create the next generation of Neutro dApps as well as contributing to the development of the platform itself.

    This debate and the products and ideas it gives rise to will initially be considered a blend of commercial and technical – the benefit to this view is that it generates constant news and content about genuine use cases for the platform, innovation in technical design and crafts a marketing output that is based on function not hype.
  • Neutro test net and native suite of dApps.

  • With the ERC-20 token supported with consistent community content about the Neutro platform, the marketing focus at month 8 will be on our own initial suite of applications and the wallet, as well as development updates. This activity will be partly supported by the community as we begin to target areas where we have traction to focus some of our early launch marketing efforts.

    The community conversation and updates will give us rich content to run native ad campaigns in support of PR activity and organic coverage. We will support this with targeted ad spend through what are now traditional digital funnels of ad to landing page with email nurturing to give us a ready community of Neutro consumers outside of our commercial and technical communities. This early data on traction will ensure that our launch marketing is targeted correctly for good acceleration of acquisition in the first quarter after protocol launch.

    The combination of native and organic content along with PR will be entirely supported by the early investment in community engagement. This approach gives us ample lines of communication and a solid relationship with consumers in the event of delays or pivots in the development process.
  • Accelerators and Innovation Fund.

  • As described above, the initial commercial and developer communities will form from the ICO, formalise into distinct groups that are well-led by us; by month 12, we will want to have further refined segments of those communities into accelerators, where there are formal bid processes to gain access to the innovation fund described in the costings chart.

    The innovation fund is $500k, and will be flexibly applied through a mixture of development and commercial support; in-kind support in the form of PR or other resources and hard cash in the form of dollars. We have the option of supplementing this with Neutro coins once the protocol launches. We will not be prescriptive at this stage about the mix of deployment between commercial and development, or about what kind of support each project will get. We believe at this stage that we would encourage projects around PoS (Point of Sale systems for retail), potentially payment gateways and plugins, though it might well be that other priorities emerge or gain traction in the conversation.

    Importantly, we already have an experienced commercial team familiar with tech and tech startups as well as a startup-orientated tech team, so we will lever these internal skills as well as bringing in further support to assess opportunities and partnerships, and create commercial arrangements that best fit the requirements of the platform.

    This innovation fund and the accelerators that feed from it are vital to our approach of lean delivery. They are our opportunity to seed genuine innovation in a next- generation blockchain, and a functional real world economy based on this technology.
  • Read More
  • Platform Launch

  • At this stage, we will have incrementally developed our first consumers and partners over the past 12 months. These groups will have been segmented into communities: Firstly, the token owner and ICO community; split from there, the commercial and technical development communities, and refined from there our accelerator partners. We will have been running launch marketing for 4 months. Early token buyers will have been given the opportunity to exit, with new entrants as well as initial supporters ready to take part in the network.

    At this stage, the effort will be to manage the launch itself, mostly by increasing efforts when the protocol launches, but also in effective marketing to our curated audiences. Where the budget for the first 15 months has been efficiently delivered in an exercise of cross pollination and refinement, the strategy at launch does contain additional budget.

    We believe this is an appropriate approach as a great deal of content, traction and learning will have refined our marketing delivery at this stage, so additional spend will be extremely powerful. The aim here is to give the Neutro token itself as much initial traction as possible.

Neutro Team

Verified 33%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Alesandro Toumi


$15 000 200

Ed Lobbett


$7 541 916

Benjamin Leiding

Neutro Interviews

Alesandro Toumi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Alesandro has been an early follower and adopter of blockchain technology. The creator of the Neutro protocol, he has a deep understanding of the underlying cryptography and economics as well as a passion for making wealth accessible and private for everyone.
What do you think about idea?
Neutro is an ambitious project, and the result of 10 months of research. This time was spent on discovery for the underlying economics, computer science and cryptography for the project, starting with the goal of creating a truly decentralized and anonymous way to create a real-world economy on the blockchain. It's exciting and innovative!

Neutro Last News

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