Bityond ICO

Bityond ICO

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所有BITYOND TOKEN持有人的200万个空中飞行器
100% 完成
$134 234
10% 硬帽子 完成
目标 40.00 ETH
硬帽子 400.00 ETH
  • 1 BYT
    0.00001 ETH
Bityond users - 50%
ICO Participants - 40%
Team - 10%
MVP /原型

关于 Bityond ICO






(b)  投票:因为用户可以对新的发展和功能进行投票,

(c)   实用程序:因为用户可以使用代币来赞助新的开发和购买订阅。


(1)    参与ICO

(2)    使用平台,因为在完成某些操作(创建个人资料,添加技能,接受工作等)后,将免费提供令牌。这将包含在第3版中。

* BYT是ERC20令牌。



  1. 创建个人资料
  2. 添加技能,
  3. 在仪表板上查看工作机会!
  4. 雇主:

    1. 创建组织和项目
    2. 创建工作并添加技能,
    3. 检查匹配的配置文件邀请候选人是否适用!
    4. 想知道更多吗?





  1. 创建多个组织,项目和工作!
  2. 匹配整个Bityond网络的两位候选人,或
  3. 仅匹配组织员工!
  4. 候选人

    1. 不再找工作了!
    2. 将工作与您的技能,经验和可用性相匹配!
    3. 提供所有类型的工作!
    4. 所有的

      1. 只需使用Bityond即可免费获得令牌!
      2. 保持代币投票和/或
      3. 用它们来帮助我们改善Bityond!


Bityond 1.0 :



  • March 2017 — August 2017

  • Bityond beta release
    UAT, Partnership agreements
  • September 2017 — February 2018

  • Bityond 2.0 design
    Bityond 1.0 beta & Marketing
  • March 2018 — August 2018

  • Bityond 2.0 development
    Bityond 1.0 Live, ICO
  • September 2018 — February 2019

  • Bityond 2.0 beta
    Smart-contracts, Marketing & Growth
  • 阅读更多
  • March 2019 — August 2019

  • Bityond 2.0 Live
    Bityond 3.0 beta, Mobile APP

Bityond ICO 球队

验证 67%



$134 009

Pedro Febrero
Miguel Moura (Moleky...
Beatriz Pereira
Digital Designer
Luís Freitas
Smart Contract Dev
Marco Amaro
Community Manager
Nuno Mouro
Blockchain Analyst


验证 100%

Armindo Fortes
Business Advisor
Miljan Mikic, Phd
Business Development Advisor
Joana Pereira, Phd
Strategy Advisor

18 ICOs

$91 882 538

Roman Karimov
ICO Advisor
Bruno Vasconcelos
ICO Advisor
Adrian Arora
ICO Advisor


Bobby Tomkins
ICO Advisor

Bityond ICO 面试

Pedro Febrero
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hello! I'm Pedro the founder of Bityond.

My role is to guide the team by allowing each member to develop their own tasks individually, using their own vision. I trust people that work with me and I hope those values are cherished by the Bityond community. Transparency is the most important feature of our project.

I personally believe Bityond's matching mechanism is amazing, due to every skill being standardized on our database, meaning total accuracy. By linking user interface with economic incentives (BYT) we aim at bringing more users to the platform, as the value for using Bityond exponentially grows.

The ICO goal is to use funds in order to grow the platform slowly, incorporating valuable feedback from users and companies. Our marketing strategy is based on different social networks, blockchain events, job fairs and academic talks.

Hopefully your feedback, comments and ideas will help Bityond becoming the most transparent, trustworthy and economic viable Recruitment and Talent management community in the web!

Thank you.
Beatriz Pereira
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role in this team has been making user interaction with the entire bityond interface as simple and efficient as possible, always following user-centered-design methodology.

The main objective is to balance the technical functionality with the visual, creating a functional end result, useful and adaptable to the needs of the user.

In my opinion, the platform stands out from other recruitment platforms, offering a simpler and clearer experience, with an effective and accurate matching mechanism between candidates and employers.
Luís Freitas
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am a Smart Contract developer and a fullstack engineer. I am working on a solution to reward the users with BYT tokens and channel payments with BYT tokens. I am developing a solution that includes the usage of a sidechain to make scalability possible within the platform as well as preventing paying for gas every now and then.

I like the idea a lot. I believe it's very straight forward to the problem. I think LinkedIn is failing in multiple aspects. For example, I'm a software engineer and I get multiple messages per week with offers. 95% are not my interest. I think Bityond will address to this problem very well.
Nuno Mouro
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Smart Contracts logic and tokenomics. I think that it's an idea very well oriented with a propose of simplify a market that nowdays gets confused and with a lot of lost hours/days Invested.
Also it lets the community participate in the decisions of how the profits should be invested so everyone grow together.
Armindo Fortes
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Business Advisor of Bityond my main role is to guide new investors and spread the world about the Bityond.
Miljan Mikic, PhD
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Bityond enables a time and cost effective search for professionals and/or jobs in the tech sector. With important features of sector-specific matching and distributed network model, the platform is, in my opinion, well positioned to grow.

My role in Bityond's dynamic team is to help with establishing partnership network and widening scope of the platform to include construction industry sector in addition to the tech.
Joana Pereira, PhD
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role at Bityond is to support the development of the matching mechanisms that sustain the platform, as well as the design of the incentive systems both for candidates and employers in the tokenized version of the platform.
Roman Karimov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I joined at the project as an ICO advisor. It's really an honor for me to work together with such a team. Coming to ICO, the project presented really working platform with its users, the number of which is constantly growing. The team adequately assesses the investment size that is necessary for the development and promotion of the platform - is only 400ETH, which contrasts sharply with other projects trying to collect the N-th amount actually under the idea, a unclear business model and vague prospects for the project as a whole. This project, unlike competing platforms, will be one of the first to provide an economic incentive for its users in the form of BYT tokens.

The project is really worthy and I'm sure that it will take its place in the market of recruitment, talent and project management.
Bruno Vasconcelos
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My main goal was to help Pedro and the team come up with an easy to read, clear and captivating White Paper that provided good information about the project's mission and roadmap.

Bityond is positioned to disrupt the recruitment platform model by making it so much easier and transparent for the users than the current available platforms. What I love the most is how the team is passing their honest and open mindset into the product.

It has been a pleasure to take a small part in this project so far and I hope I can keep working with these guys for a long time to come.
Adrian Arora
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am working with project as an Advisor/Mentor

Bityond ICO 最新消息

5.0 5
ICO 轮廓 视力 活动 潜在 产品 球队


Ismail Malik
ICOCROWD Editor-in-Chief - Blockchain + Strategic ICO Advisory

Quite interesting and promising project. Experienced advisors and good, but professional team with an experience in software and smart contracts development.
KYC, is passed and as i checked up there is really a working platform with users. Team adequately estimates the volume of investment needed for development.
Project will not become a killer of LinkedIn, but who knows if it can occupy some worthy place in the market of recruitment and talent management.
Good luck to the team!

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