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Последнее обновление

18 мая 2018 г.

Yumerium представляет новую нативную монету, которая улучшает отношения между разработчиками и геймерами с помощью следующих функций руководства.
Группа Yumerium состоит из опытных ветеранов и трудолюбивых новичков в производстве игровых событий. Они оба взволнованы тем, как умные контракты могут сформировать следующее поколение игр. Они верят, что и разработчики, и геймеры могут, наконец, повеселиться вместе в самой прибыльной индустрии развлечений в мире.
Token Sale
26 сент. 2018 г.
26 окт. 2018 г.
100% завершено
$1 250 000
6% цель завершено
Цель 20 000 000.00 USD
24 мая 2018 г.
10 июл. 2018 г.
100% завершено
$1 250 000
6% цель завершено
Цель 20 000 000.00 USD
Cap 20 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 YUM
    0.1 USD
24 мая 2018 г.
24 июл. 2018 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
Цель 20 000 000.00 USD
Cap 20 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 YUM
    0.1 USD
Детали токена
Бегущая строка
Общее предложение
Распределение токенов
50% - Token Sale
20% - Network Seeding
20% - Team & Advisor
10% - Reserve
Принимаемые валюты
Минимальный вклад
Сведения о компании
Зарегистрированное название компании
Yumerium Ltd
Зарегистрированная Страна
British Virgin Islands
Бонусная структура
30% May 24 - June 9
20% June 10 - June 25
10% June 26 - July 10
дополнительные детали
да ,
Ограниченные страны
Платформа, криптовалюта, Виртуальная реальность, Развлечение, Розничная торговля

О проекте Yumerium

О Yumerium

С целью создания разрушительной игровой индустрии с помощью блокчейна и технологии интеллектуальных контрактов мы создали Subdream Labs с ключевыми талантами из Subdream Studios и VR Plus, которые имеют большой опыт в игровой индустрии. Мы привлекли 2,2 млн. Долл. США от глобальных инвесторов.

Каждая игра, которая присоединяется к Yumerium, будет выделена & nbsp; первоначальный & ldquo; Seeding Fund & rdquo; в YUM для привлечения новых & NBSP; геймеры к игре. Затем геймеры будут зарабатывать (или & ldquo; mine & rdquo;) & nbsp; YUM путем игры, обмена, обзора игры. Геймеры & NBSP; у кого YUM будет использовать YUM для оплаты игровых денег. & nbsp; Разработчики игр могут использовать YUM для привлечения и взаимодействия с пользователями, используя маркетинговые инструменты, такие как реферальный бонус или кампания airdrop / bounty.


User Benefits

There is currently no safe and easy way for players to receive valuable prizes. Whenever a developer creates a contest, gamers need to read long legal documents and provide personal information to simply participate in the campaign. Even after a winner is chosen, it often takes a long time to receive the prize. Even worse, some winners do not even get their prizes due to intentionally misleading rules or because the developers disappear altogether. Yumerium fixes these problems (ease, integrity and speed) by using a decentralized system. 

Developer Benefits

Yumerium is a gaming community where gamers play, speculate (eSports), and share their experiences with other gamers which provides community driven marketing. Gamers will be properly compensated with YUM for spreading the word.

Limited Copies

Collecting video games has only been possible with physical copies due to the ease of pirating digital copies. By authenticating digital game copies with the blockchain, the Yumerium Native Token can verify the ownership of limited edition copies. This allows players to seek and collect unique and scarce copies of their favorite games to showcase to the world. Collectors can then sell their copies or trade with other collectors, creating a digital copy resale market that has never existed for digital products.

Influencer Compensation

There are a few ways that influencers can be compensated in the current economy, but most of these require sponsorship or donations and require influencers to play or review games that are popular. With Influencer Compensation, developers can compensate reviewers for honest opinions and steamers for playing their games. Reviewers receive YUM tokens depending on how helpful their articles are according to readers. Streamers receive YUM tokens when their viewers purchase games using their referral code.

Decentralized Crowdfunding

In 2016, there were 2,000+ games funded through Kickstarter and roughly half of them raised more than $500K. However, running a crowdfunding campaign can be difficult for both developers and fans. Developers want to be well funded and provide awesome games, and fans want to make sure that their pledges are not squandered. Decentralized Crowdfunding gives more assurance to both members by running the campaign on the blockchain. A fan gives a certain amount of YUM tokens when pledging, so developers can feel assured of the funds they will receive. However, the developer can raise faith in the project by setting milestones and only accepting only some of the funds until each milestone is reached, giving fans frequent updates on the progress before receiving all the funds. 

Yumerium Seeding Fund

Yumerium will help indie game studios run crowdfunding campaign within the Yumerium community. We will help indie game studios to run the campaign with Yumerium token incentives through the use of the Marketing Fund. Successfully funded games will get additional budget from the Marketing Fund that can be used for their launch marketing. We believe crowdfunding can play a pivotal role in attracting game lovers’ participation in the early stage.



Техническая информация

Yumerium - игровая платформа, основанная на технологиях блокчейна для поощрения игроков и влиятельных лиц, пока снижение затрат на маркетинг, связанных с выпуском новой игры. Проект Yumerium разделен на три системы: собственный маркер Yumerium, SDK Yumerium Game и игровая платформа Yumerium.

Yumerium Roadmap

  • 01-2017

  • Subdream Studios Launched.
  • 04-2017

  • Released Mega Overload.
  • 06-2017

  • Released Kingdom Watcher.
  • 10-2017

  • Released Hell Dimension.
  • Прочитайте больше
  • 11-2017

  • Expanded into offline game arcade.
  • 03-2018

  • Yumerium Private Sale
  • 05-2018

  • Yumerium Public Sale
  • 07-2018

  • Upgrade One Game to use Yumerium Token
  • Q3-2018

  • Release all Subdream Studios games with YUM & Native Yumerium Token Release
  • Q4-2018

  • Release Yumerium game, CryptoMine
  • Q1-2019

  • Broad adoption with 3rd party games.

Yumerium материалы

Yumerium Команда

Проверено 30%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Jikhan Jung
Chief Executive Officer
Francisco Martin
Chief Gaming Officer
Jaehyun Lee
Chief Security Officer
Jaehon Kim
Director of Offline Distribution
Un Sung Yoo
Software Engineer
Sean Yoon
Head of Product Management
Khoi Le
Director of Communication
Fukuta Kanji
Creative Director
Eunyoung Choi
Director of PR
Won Sang Choi
Project Manager


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Andy Le Tong
Hirosue Noriyuki


$27 700 000

Suyong Park
Koji Sakamoto
Sungwoo Lee
Kohei Ogawa
Matthew Lee

Бывшие сотрудники

Jaeheon Kim
Co-Founder & COO
Brenna Von Kleist
Sound Designer
Ahmed Sobhy
Software Engineer
Haider Abbss
Crypto Engineer
Ambriel Pouncy
Community/Content Manager
Seungmin Baek
2D Artist
Kyuri Kim
Social Media Specialist
Yebin Kim
Client Specialist
Sungho Lee

Yumerium Интервью

Jikhan Jung
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hi this is Jikhan, CEO of Yumerium.com
Francisco Martin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
CTO of Yumerium, CTO of Subdream Studios
Sean Yoon
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm Head of Product Management
As I've been in the gaming industry for 10+ years, I can't wait to see Yumerium release

Yumerium Последние Новости

5.0 13
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда

Yumerium Обзоры

ICO review website

The project is based on a gaming platform that enables game developers to post games, receive funding and attract gamers.

Strengths of the project:

  • The market is developing dynamically.
  • Experienced team and advisors.
  • Starting investments have been made.

Weaknesses of the project:

  • According to statistics, the games integrated on the platform are not yet popular enough;
  • No marketing campaign to attract gamers to the platform is presented as yet.
Прочитайте больше
ICO review website

Compared to many wildly-ambitious ICO projects, the Yumerium proposition is rather modest. Half of funds raised are earmarked for game development, and the team acknowledges that at each stage of development the platform will need to be stress-tested by users before the next phase is possible. The roadmap also refuses to look any further down the line than one calendar year, which is a prudent approach for such a rapidly changing industry.

The technical problems of the project seem by no means seem insurmountable for a team with this amount of experience. That leaves the ability to capture a market as the main determiner of Yumerium’s success. The parent company’s existing audience and customer base, as well as the funds set aside for community building, should give the ICO a good chance of building up a critical mass of initial users.

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