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Последнее обновление

13 сент. 2018 г.

Варанида позволяет новой эре Интернета справедливо компенсировать ценность, которую все заинтересованные стороны принесли для всей экосистемы.
сент., 2018
март, 2020
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
Cap 8 000 000.00 USD
Hard cap 60 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 VAD
    0.05 USD
Детали токена
Бегущая строка
Общее предложение
Распределение токенов
53% - token sale
17% - community
15% - team
12% - company reserve
3% - advisors
Принимаемые валюты
Сведения о компании
Зарегистрированное название компании
Varanida SAS
Зарегистрированная Страна
Компания основана
Jan 1, 2018
Бонусная структура
30% - research and development
25% - veranida ecosystem
20% - business development
10% - communication
5% - post token sale cost
5% - legal and compliance
5% - hidden cost
дополнительные детали
MVP / Prototype
да , от Jun 25, 2018 до Aug 15, 2018
Ограниченные страны
China, Australia, New Zealand

О проекте Varanida

Varanida - это децентрализованная рекламная сеть, созданная для & nbsp; пользователей , которые хотят улучшить работу в Интернете, издателей , которые хотят максимизировать свои доходы, и рекламодатели , которым нужна гарантированная эффективность.

Варанида выступает в роли активиста и нейтрального игрока на рынке рекламы и контента, взимая комиссию менее 1%. Varanida позволяет рекламодателям, издателям и другим участникам создавать надстройку над «Проверенным протоколом рекламы». & Nbsp;

Техническая информация

Децентрализованная проверка рекламы. Пользователи Varanida могут совместно голосовать за качество и актуальность рекламы, брендов и веб-сайтов. Результаты хранятся в нашем блокчейне для прозрачности.

Шифрование личных данных: Varanida создала "кошелек данных" & nbsp; , где пользователи владеют своими личными данными через свой закрытый ключ. Данные зашифрованы в AES и подписаны через ECDSA.

Транзакции с высокой пропускной способностью: наша децентрализованная система ставок в реальном времени будет построена на нашей цепочке блоков с поддержкой высоких ставок транзакций.

Простые в создании приложения: Varanida будет поддерживать децентрализованные и традиционные приложения, чтобы обеспечить более активное участие и более эффективные рекламные кампании.

Пользователи Incentiviez: токены VAD награждают пользователей за просмотр рекламы, обмен зашифрованными данными или добавление контента, обеспечивая механизм распределения справедливой стоимости.

Эффективность вознаграждения издателя. Издатели получают больше дохода от Varanida, чем от традиционных сетей, и их стимулирует качество и производительность их контента.

Полезные мастер-узлы: В блокчейне Вараниды издатели будут играть важную роль в поддержке сети доставки с помощью мастер-узлов и POS-механизмов.

Сеть, свободная от мошенничества: системы идентификации и репутации Varanida сделают сеть более устойчивой к мошенничеству с рекламой, обеспечивая более высокую и предсказуемую производительность.

Лучшая доставка: сеть Varanida улучшит скорость доставки контента и рекламы, увеличит емкость и будет стимулировать взаимодействие с инновационными форматами.

Varanida Roadmap

  • June 2009 - Beginning of DOZ

  • Faouzi El Yagoubi and Anji Ismaïl, are starting iterating on what would become, a software enabled marketplace to deliver more transparent and better marketing campaigns.
  • July 2017 - Varanida was born

  • Looking at the opportunity that represents Blockchain based models, Faouzi & Anji are imagining how they could improve the advertising industry; and this starts by cleaning the Internet.
  • January 2018 - Team Varanida

  • Anji & Faouzi are joined by Thomas Schmider, and a team of talented and experienced people is being assembled.
  • April/May 2018 - Prototype release

  • Varanida releases to the community a first iteration of the Varanida browser extension with the purpose to clean the web from intrusive ads and scripts.
  • Прочитайте больше
  • Q3 2018 - Token Generation Event

  • 1,000,000,000 VAD (Verified Ad) ERC-20 Tokens will be launched on the Ethereum Network.
  • Q4 2018 - Varanida Protocol

  • Varanida will release a complete decentralized and open protocol to allow publishers and advertisers to build their own audience engagement applications.
  • Q2 2019 - Varanida Blockchain

  • Varanida will move to its own blockchain, releasing its complete solution for web users, advertisers and publishers.

Varanida материалы

Varanida Команда

Проверено 69%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Anji Ismaïl
Cofounder & CEO
Faouzi Elyagoubi
Cofounder & CTO
Thomas Schmider
Cofounder & COO
Mickael Crozes
System/Software Engineer
Pierre Antoine Meley
Blockchain Engineer
Marc Vincenti
Blockchain Developer
Jon Lord
Senior Ad Tech Consultant
Steve Amani
Media Expert
Cory O’Brien
Content Manager
Carine Esteves
Operations Manager
Thibault Lemaitre
Social Media Manager
Lina Albin-Azar
Community Manager
Kevin De Silva
Finance & Compliance


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Jean Christophe Cont...
Thomas Hessler
Natalia Martinez-Win...

10 ICOs

$262 665 648

Elie Galam
Frédéric Montagnon
Travis Wright
Jonathan Levine
Julien Romanetto
Ouziel Slama


$105 000 000

Hen Tekle
Sylvain Morel
Florian Jourda

Varanida Интервью

Anji Ismaïl
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm Anji, co-founder and CEO of Varanida.
Obviously, I'm fan of the project, even though I know we have lot of challenges to face.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Iam CTO and Cofounder of Varanida.
Varanida is the revolution of the Ads industry.
Mickael Crozes
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
A better way to browse internet.
Marc Vincenti
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Steve Amani
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Steve is a successful Finance Director at Comcast NBCUniversal. He has over 10 years experience in finance and strategy, reviewing long term trends in the media industry. Steve is also an accredited investor and has supported multiple blockchain projects.
Carine Esteves
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Marketing and Operations
Thibault Lemaitre
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I’m in charge of support and community. I love being able to help users understand how Varanida can help them get back in control of their privacy!
Lina Albin-Azar
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Varanida is a revolutionary tool. It enables a fair compromise between all parties and truly has the power to change the Internet as we know it today. My role as a community manager is to make sure all users, advertisers and publishers understand their benefits in using Varanida and encounter no issue with the tool.
Kevin De Silva
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
- Financial management
- Audit management
- Conformity respect
- Relation with the investors
- Relation with the banks

Varanida Последние Новости

5.0 2
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда

Varanida Обзоры

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

VARANIDA is a decentralized, fair and transparent digital platform that builds a better internet and ethical ad network through a decentralized advertising and content solution.


  1. The platform implements  a strict anti-fraud system  powered by blockchain  enabling a fully transparent reporting
  2. The platform provides the users with inbuilt tools enabling the advertisers to easily design better campaigns  with better results
  3. The platform  through the reward system enables the users to earn VAD tokens as a reward for the time they are exposed to ads111
  4. The platform is highly scalable as it leverages a cutting-edge technology designed to handle several millions of request within a shorter period of time hence promoting faster transactions
  5. The platform enables the users to store several relevant information on blockchain technology  through encryption which fully secures the user’s personal information
  6. The platform team members involved in the project are adequate with relevant skills and experience in business management  and blockchain enthusiast  under the guidance of the CEO Anji  Ismail
  7. The platform whitepaper has adequate information on the project use in ensuring easy digital advertising  enabling the users to easily understand the project


  1. The platform team members doesn’t include the project advisors
  2. The platform VAD tokens doesn’t guarantee the holders any rights to participate  in the project management
  3. The platform VAD token is not easily exchangeable with the commonly used cryptocurrencies and fiat limiting  its usage in remote areas


  1. The platform team members  should involve  advisors to help ins steering the project
  2. The platform token use should offer more benefits to the holders by guaranteeing them voting rights and participation in the project management


The platform through the use of blockchain helps in improving digital advertising via the use of the internet making the project viable. I would likely to place my investment in it.

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Jeremy Khoo
Group CEO | Blockchain Entrepreneur | VeChain ICO Partner | Fund Partner | Exchange Founder |

A decentralised advertising network is always the holy grail. It always falls on execution and how solid the product is. This project looks interesting enough in their approach.

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Market Competitive environment:
According to the team’s information market cap of the global digital advertising market in 2017 hit $228 bln.
The team made a research of the market and see as their blockchain-competitors:
Basic Attention ($ 35 mln raised in the ICO, market cap $ 254 mln, ROI USD 5,5x);
AdEx ($ 10,5 mln raised in the ICO, market cap $ 29 mln, ROI USD 0,58x);
AdShares ($ 11.9 mln raised in the ICO, market cap $ 3,1 mln, ROI USD 0,04x)
As competitors on traditional market:
Google (241.4M US unique users (95.2% reach), $95.4B advertising revenue in 2017);
Facebook (203.9M US monthly unique users (80.4% reach), $39.9B advertising revenue in 2017);
Yahoo (185.6M US monthly unique users (73.2% reach), $4.7B advertising revenue in 2016).
On the niche of the ad-blocking Varanida see as their competitors: AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, AdGuard, uBlock Origin.
Many of this projects have strong teams with years in software development experience and in their product was already made large investments. Some of this products are already in beta-phase.

The project advantages:
Varanida blockchain is developing on the base of the current working product DOZ as a way to deliver the more efficient experience of the marketing.
The project made a comparison with some of its competitors in advertisement space. As clear advantages over them Varanida see:
Rewards users for attention;
Rewards users for interaction;
Decentralized ad-blocking;
Consensus ad validation;
Support for publisher applications;
Protocol release planned;
Reputation system;
Decentralised real-time bidding;
As an advantage over ad-blocking tools, Varanida points out an ability to choose what ads they can see (not clear how it differs from the user whitelist in the AdBlock). Weak advantage.

The project popularity in the social networks and discussion forums
The project is not detected on the radar of influencers.
Facebook: 492 followers, average number of likes per post is 6, without any discussions, user activity is low.
Bitcointalk: thread has 7 pages of the discussion, user activity is medium.
Twitter: 1,3k followers, average number of likes per post is 190, average number of retweets per post is 60, average number of comments under the post is 3, user activity is high.
Youtube: 53 subscribers, average number of views per video is 50, comments are turned off, user activity is medium.
Medium: 425 followers, average number of likes per post is 500 without any discussion in the comment section, user activity is low.
Reddit: 137 followers, user activity is low.
Discord: 805 followers, user activity is medium, admins are responding fast.
Telegram: 1,2k members, the channel is used to share news (~4 in the week), for chat is used discord.


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ICO review website

The project has the following notable strengths:

It is aimed at a significant, fast-growing market (Digital Advertising).
It has an interesting idea.
Based on an existing business,
Importance of blockchain in the project’s realization.
An existing working product.

However, there are also a number of risks associated with this ICO project:
- Technical description
- Commercial risks
- Decrease in token price
- Non-comprehensive roadmap

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