Bitok Dice (pre-ICO)

Bitok Dice (pre-ICO)

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Bitok Dice - is een online op crypto-valuta gebaseerd casino met unieke multiplayer games mechanica en eerlijkheidscontrole.
25 jul. 2017
25 aug. 2017
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Doel 1 200.00 ETH
pet 1 200.00 ETH
  • 1 BIC
    0.0035 ETH
aanvullende details

Over Bitok Dice (pre-ICO)

Bitok Dice preICO

70% verzamelde investeringen voor de periode die Pre-ICO zal duren marketingorganisatie en voorbereiding op de volgende fases van ICO. Onze Marketinggedeelte bestaat uit projectpopularisatie op thematisch gebied magazine, verkeersaankopen en webmasters. De rest 30% wordt geïnvesteerd in ontwikkeling: extra module ontwikkeling voor Bitokcoin-integratie. Er zal vermogen zijn om binnen te komen en uit Bitokcoin-token zoals innerlijke spelvaluta 2 extra multiplayer spellen Ontwikkeling van het partnerprogramma

& lt; / br & gt;

% naam% Roadmap

  • Begin

  • Bitokcoin integratie.
    Extra multiplayer-spellen.
    Ontwikkeling van het partnerprogramma
  • Portfolio Tracking

  • The ability to track all major currencies against all major exchanges in a logical and concise manner.
  • Portfolio Management

  • The ability to track all major currencies against all major exchanges in a logical and concise manner.
  • Portfolio Alerting

  • The ability to set fixed threshold alerts, or percentage of change alerts, that can be sent to a user's email or mobile device.
  • Lees verder
  • Public API

  • A free to use public API that gives users the ability to perform a number of operations against the dataset. Check out the documentation for more information.
  • FLN Token listed on Exchanges - Q1 2018

  • The team will work with major cryptocurrency exchanges to list our ERC20 token - allowing users who were unable to participate in the crowdsale to obtain tokens, and those that did participate to speculate with their tokens value.
  • API Integration Engine - Q2 2018

  • will start integration with supported exchanges. A supported exchange is defined as an exchange that has a publicly accessible and documented API with secure API key functionality. This is a fundamental component as it enables’s future features and services to collect and interact with other systems and provide a single pane of glass for viewing and executing on trade information.
  • Mobile Application - Q3 2018

  • will develop an iOS and Android compatible mobile application that integrates seamlessly with all services and tools.
  • Automated Trading - Q4 2018

  • Automated investing is the process of setting predefined thresholds that will trigger a trade automatically once the thresholds are satisfied. These thresholds and interactions will change and develop over time as stipulated in the Whitepaper.
  • Social Trading Platform - Q1 2019

  • Social trading is the process through which online investors rely on community based user generated analytics and historical trades to make financial trading decisions to benefit their investment portfolios.
  • Arbitrage Trading Bot - Q2 2019

  • Arbitrage is the simultaneous purchase and sale of an asset in order to profit from a difference in asset price on different exchanges and marketplaces.
  • Machine Learning & AI Algorithms - Q3 2019

  • Machine Learning & AI algorithms can identify complex patterns in historical data that can be used to predict future trading outcomes.
  • Additional features and suggestions from the community

  • Ether Milestone: 10,000+ - To be used throughout the Roadmap for community driven suggestions and features and also milestone acceleration.The team will constantly be receiving feedback from initial contributors, users and the greater crypto community. We invite all users to participate in our Slack channel for discussions

Bitok Dice (pre-ICO) Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Vladimir Muraviov
Christina Muratkina
  • Omdat er mogelijk tijdsverschillen zijn in informatie-updates, moet nauwkeurige informatie over elk ICO-project worden geverifieerd via de officiële website of andere communicatiekanalen.
  • Deze informatie is geen suggestie of advies over beleggen in ICO-financiering. Onderzoek de relevante informatie zelf grondig en besluit over ICO-deelname.
  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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