Tech Overview
PMOTION is being built on top of the Ethereum network because it has proven live implementation, a strong team and a promising roadmap.
The PMOTION token itself (PMO) will be based on Ethereum, a blockchain-based distributed computing platform. Ethereum allows smart contracts – distributed computer programs that can facilitate online contractual agreements in a cryptographically secure manner.
Large ad networks and publishers generate hundreds of billions of ad clicks and at least two orders of magnitude more ad impressions annually. Any attempt to execute smart contracts, even for only a fraction of these transactions, will generate exorbitant gas costs. In its present state, this would surpass the bandwidth of the Ethereum network. A technology called state channels is being developed, however, that is capable of supporting these loads.
There are already projects dedicated to using state channels for high-speed payments such as the Raiden Network14 and Lightning Network15. PMOTION will implement similar state channel protocols designed to accommodate real-time bidding (RTB) needs.
Decentralized Data storage
Permanent storage of 10 billion ad events within a secure decentralized storage such as Storj with data history tamper proofing is now affordable.
Smart Contracts
Smart contracts are what enables the existence of PMOTION as a truly transparent and decentralized ad serving exchange. Smart contracts are essentially computer programs that run on a distributed public ledger, therefore ensuring their result is always consistent, open and cannot be manipulated.
This technology also ensures that PMOTION to remove the need for intermediaries and to have a central authority while still running on the distributed Ethereum network and taking advantage of the blockchain qualities.
Data Monetization Solution
Users create an account in the PMOTION ecosystem using PMO USER ID dApp. Users can provide details such as age, gender, general interests, geolocation, device models and so on. The PMO USER ID dApp will connect external user accounts (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, etc.) via OAuth.
PMOTION will specify an API for other applications that can collect and provide user data automatically. These applications can send raw data (browsing history, viewed banners, etc.) to the PMOTION dDMP.
Data is stored locally or encrypted and placed in decentralized storage or blockchain.
A user can select user-preferred advertisements and be append any displayed ad and designate it as inappropriate.
사용자는 PMOTION 사용자 ID dAPP를 통해 볼 수있는 광고 수를 제어 할 수 있습니다.
사용자는 PMOTION User ID dAPP를 통해 추적을 사용 중지 할 수 있습니다.
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January 2017 - December 2017
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이 토큰 판매 또는 관련 인물의 성격, 적법성 또는 합법성에 대해 우려되는 점이 있으면 에 문의하십시오. 귀하의 우려 사항에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공하십시오. p> div>