마지막 업데이트
2018. 3. 12.
The Gizer platform is a global gaming network that connects the entire gaming community - Gamers, Hosts, Services, Venues and Businesses. Gizer creates a wide array of opportunities for these parties through tournament hosting and discovery, service and product listings, and brand sponsorships found directly on the platform. To help gamers best leverage the platform, the GZR token will take advantage of the latest advances in blockchain technology to allow for transparent, seamless UX integration across multiple gaming platforms. Gamers can use the tokens to gain access to their Gizer Global Gaming Identity, or GG ID, by holding any amount of GZR in their wallet. The GG ID is a profile created on Gizer, which can be accessed by any game developers who adopt Gizer’s technology through the use of Gizer API’s and Oracles. GG ID will consist of three parts: a customizable avatar, gamertag, and gaming statistics. GZR represents an unlockable profile item in an “unknown” state. The user can unlock tokens at any time, resulting in a randomized profile item being unlocked that can be applied to a gamer’s avatar. The rarity and type of the item unlocked is completely random and decided only after the user decides to unlock it. A secondary use of GZR tokens will be to pay for commissions or other fees on the Gizer platform. Users can collect items to power up and customize their avatars to gain prestige within the gaming community. Once certain sets of items are collected, the user is rewarded with exclusive items, rank boosts, and badges specific to their accolades.
검증 됨 57%
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이 토큰 판매 또는 관련 인물의 성격, 적법성 또는 합법성에 대해 우려되는 점이 있으면 info@icoholder.com 에 문의하십시오. 귀하의 우려 사항에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공하십시오. p> div>