Farmer World

Farmer World

Created using Figma
FarmersWorld is the first farming game to function on the NFTs platform. Pick for yourself suitable tools, exploit various resources, buy land to build enormous farms, and enjoy the fascinating experiences of a farmer working in Farmersworld’s Ecosystem.
  • 시장
    24H 권
    24H (가격)
    24H (부피)
  • BKEX
    FWW/USDT 1 년 전
    $ 1.707E-5
    $ 1.37 K
To be announced
토큰 세부 정보
증권 시세 표시기
총 공급
추가 세부 사항
MVP / 프로토 타입

약 Farmer World

Farmers World is a decentralized NFT game operating on the WAX blockchain. It is built on the premise of Game-Fi and NFTs. Players engage in different farming activities, interact with other farmers, discover many resources, purchase tools, and buy land.

This November, Farmers World officially announced to everyone that we are very close to the biggest Farmers World Token IDO release in the history of blockchain gaming.

We have worked with more than 10 major investment funds in the world, and decided to go with partners who have the same vision for the future development of Farmers World.

We have designed tokenomics, properly distributed with a long-term vision. Specifically, investors and development teams will hold tokens for a minimum of 1 year before being released in small parts. This is an unwavering commitment to the community.

We also introduce a new concept: Farmverse, where farmers experience their journey across all continents of the world, they can grow rice in the Asian plains, can raise cows in the fields of Europe, fish in the Amazon rivers. But more than that, they can go to other planets to explore land, grow crops, raise livestock. We will create a shimmering, colorful world, vast fields… Besides, we will also introduce the Farmers World ecosystem which we will keep secret until the last minute to create an interesting surprise.

This November we will also hold a Drop to introduce new tools, stay tuned, farmers.


Raising cows
Calves are raised to grow. Mature cows can interbreed and produce calves.

Raising chickens
The farmer takes care of hens to harvest the eggs, then put them in the incubator. Chicken eggs will be incubated into chicks.

The farmers grow rice and corn, they need seeds, then they harvest food.

Farmers need to equip sustainable barns for their cattle to grow healthy. Once the barns are built, farmers can start raising and developing their livestock.

% name % 로드맵

  • Completed

  • Composing game scripts
    Draw characters and items
    Smart contract completed
    UI developed
    Beta UI tested
    Standard packs released and sales
  • Crop Cultivation

  • Farmers grow crops, harvest them, and exchange fruits with others to complete a variety of fruit collections. Farmers will receive valuable rewards when acquiring all of the required fruits.

    New characters & items
    Introducing new characters and items

    Mobile app
    We are currently developing Farmersworld application on both iOS and Android platforms in order to provide players with a fantastic brand-new experience
  • Comig soon

  • IDO
    We are working with partners and investment funds to prepare for the IDO in November, and the listing of Farmers World tokens on exchanges.

    The white tribes, as well as the red ones, have discovered the farms and are planning to conquer them. Aware of this potential threat, farmers now start to forge new weapons, recruit new warriors, and join forces to protect their farms against dangerous intruders. It appears that devastating conflicts are seemingly inevitable.

    Farmersworld’s Ecosystem
    Players can easily switch resources between Farmersworld and other games. For example, players can bring their land and troops in other games to Farmersworld and vice versa.

    Farmers Land
    After mining gold, farmers will find ways to buy new land on which they build their farms.

Farmer World 최근 뉴스

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