Cosmochain (COSM)

Cosmochain (COSM)

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Cosmochain은 화장품 제품 소비자와 콘텐츠 제작자를 화장품 회사에 연결하는 B2B 플랫폼입니다.
  • 시장
    24H 권
    24H (가격)
    24H (부피)
  • BitGlobal
    COSM/USDT % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0002
    $ 0.0901
  • GDAC
    COSM/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0003
    $ 24.41
  • GDAC
    COSM/KRW % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0005
  • Bittrex Global
    COSM/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0004
    $ 7.83
  • GDAC
    COSM/KRW % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0009
    $ 2.261 K
  • GDAC
    COSM/KRW % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0009
    $ 188.165 K
  • CoinBene
    COSM/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0022
    $ 3.52
  • CoinBene
    COSM/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0013
  • CoinAll
    COSM/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0005
    $ 0.0725
  • Bithumb
    COSM/KRW % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0034
    $ 1.349 M
  • Upbit
    COSM/KRW % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0010
    $ 3.167 K
  • Upbit
    COSM/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0019
    $ 296.78
  • Coinone
    COSM/KRW % count % 1 년 전
    $ 2.691 K
  • Coinzest
    COSM/KRW % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0067
    $ 232.28
  • KuCoin
    COSM/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0097
    $ 6.715 K
  • KuCoin
    COSM/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0092
    $ 918.44
  • HitBTC
    COSM/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0115
    $ 1.48
  • HitBTC
    COSM/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0117
    COSM/KRW % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0105
  • Dcoin
    COSM/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0181
    $ 21.93
  • OKX
    COSM/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0523
  • Upbit
    COSM/KRW % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0254
    $ 5.334 M
  • Coinone
    COSM/KRW % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0265
    $ 15.468 K
  • Coinzest
    COSM/KRW % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0255
    $ 101.26
    COSM/KRW % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0253
    $ 2.708 K
  • GDAC
    COSM/KRW % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0253
  • Idex
    COSM/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0460
    $ 25.80
  • FCoin
    COSM/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0221
  • Dcoin
    COSM/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0220
    $ 123.326 K
  • Coinzest
    COSM/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0094
  • Coinzest
    COSM/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0121
  • UEX
    COSM/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0069
    $ 6.857 K
2018. 4. 21.
2018. 5. 20.
100% 완료된
기금 모금 - 데이터 없음
토큰 세부 정보
증권 시세 표시기
허용 된 통화
추가 세부 사항
플랫폼, 미디어, 환대, 소매, 스마트 계약, 빅 데이터

약 Cosmochain (COSM)

In recent years, cosmetics and skincare (“beauty”) as an industry has blossomed and become a ubiquitous presence throughout social media, communities, and commerce platforms. The global cosmetics market has been registering steady annual growth of 3%, and in developing countries, (including China) the growth rate has been at 5% annually1; however, within the market, hundreds of cosmetics companies have entered a zero-sum game with nearly identical product lines, brand, and sales channels. Simply speaking, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find players that provide differentiated and personalized services or products catering to individuals with tastes and qualities that are outside of the “average” user. The focus on the “average” is ironic because beauty products tend to be one of the most polarizing products in terms of user experience between different individuals, yet due to traditional marketing strategies, the overall industry has been forced away from personalization to generalization and mass marketing, effectively functioning in a declining state of innovation. In an attempt to solve this dilemma, cosmetic companies are perpetually seeking ‘innovative’ ideas that will bring creative disruption to the traditional value chain, but in the absence of a marketplace or channels that provide reliable consumer data and actionable data insights, such measures face an uphill battle.

At the other end of the market, consumers have to cope with different difficulties. As mentioned above, “cosmetics” is one of the hottest buzzwords and industries regardless of gender, age, and nationality, and among such heated discussions, customers face three major difficulties. First, it is difficult to distinguish real information from fake or manipulated information as companies sponsor and fund most of the current cosmetics content and so-called “studies”. Secondly, only a select few ‘power influencers’ are currently benefiting from pro-rata ownership or enjoying appropriate rewards for their meticulous contribution to various platforms. Thirdly, cyber security has become a dire and pressing issue as the amount of personal information shared throughout social media grows exponentially.

Cosmochain is a complementary Company-to-Consumer platform that connects cosmetics product users and content creators to cosmetics product suppliers, including cosmetics companies, OEM/ODM manufacturers, R&D centers, and distributors. Through this platform, the Cosmochain Team aims to solve the aforementioned unmet needs of both companies and customers. All data collected from platform participants are kept confidential in this customer-centered ecosystem. Those who contribute their scarce time and attention toward producing and curating contents for others are compensated with tokens and receive pro-rata ownership of the contents they create. On the other hand, cosmetics product suppliers are able to actualize a wide variety of “on-demand” services on the platform by utilizing API that Cosmochain provides.

Two different tokens and one internal virtual index make up the Cosmochain ecosystem:

  • The first token is an externally traded token called Cosmo Coin,
  • The second token as well as an index of contribution to the platform is Cosmo Power, which can be used to make payment within the platform and given out as rewards for activities, and
  • The one virtual index is called Cosmo Level. Cosmo Level, a reputation index, is designed to prevent abuse of power within the platform and can only be accumulated by actual activities and contribution. Having been assigned distinct roles within the Cosmochain platform, these three entities construct a healthy ecosystem.


The cosmochain ecosystem comprises three different asset classes: two tokens managed by the blockchain (Cosmo Coin / Cosmo Power) and a third in-platform index (Cosmo Level) for expressing the contribution level within the platform.

  • Cosmo Coin is the primary medium of economic activity and exchange within the Cosmochain platform. To companies, Cosmo Coin is used as a means of payment for utilizing various solutions within the Cosmochain platform. To individual users, Cosmo Coin is used as a means to purchase Cosmo Power necessary for in-platform activities, and acts as a medium of exchange to convert Cosmo Power acquired from activities into other currencies.
  • Cosmo Power can be obtained by conversion from Cosmo Coins or through community contributions (e.g. posting reviews, upvoting and downvoting posts), and it represents level of contribution to the platform.
  • Cosmo Level is an indicator and measure of a user’s contribution to the Cosmochain community. Cosmo Level is determined by the total amount of Cosmo Power accrued in the allotted time window.

From a user's perspective the platform has five key features:

  • Social media / Community platform. Users are able to upload and view content, while other users can vote, write comments or repost to their personal pages. Each uploading of content is regarded as a contribution to the Cosmochain platform and responses from other users will be evaluated automatically by an internal algorithm, which will decide how much Cosmo Power or Cosmo Level will be rewarded
  • Participating in company-sponsored projects. In addition to the basic information provided by platform participants, companies can initiate sponsored projects when in need of extra data, surveys or tests. In the “Project” tab, users can see the current list of sponsored projects, Cosmo Power to be rewarded, qualifications to participate and other information.
  • A marketplace, where participating companies can sell their products. When a transaction is made, payment is made with Cosmo Power, and companies can either convert it into Cosmo Coin and then into fiat or use Cosmo Power freely within the Cosmochain platform.
  • Data submission. Participating customers can provide their personal dermatological and cosmetics-related data and if companies access the uploaded data, customers receive a preassigned amount of Cosmo Power.
  • Personal account management, Cosmo Coin / Cosmo Power conversion, and provision of platform information.

% name % 로드맵

  • Q1 2018

  • MAR
    Whitepaper Ver 1.0 Release
    Platform prototype build (China only)
    Extends platform partnership
  • Q2 2018

  • APR
    Private / Pre-sale
    Private / Crowdsale
  • Q3 2018

    Data migration of Chinese partners’ customer database
  • Q4 2018

    Launch of on-demand business projects within Chinese and Korean market
  • 더 읽기
  • Q1 2019

    Expansion of customer pool and collection of personal data within Korean market
  • Q2 2019

    1st target:ASEAN countries
    2nd target:Americas
    3rd target:Europe, Oceania

Cosmochain (COSM) 팀

검증 됨 0%

주의. 확인되지 않은 회원은 실제로 팀원이 아닌 위험이 있습니다.

Howon Song
확인되지 않음
Joowon Hur
확인되지 않음
Seungho Shin
확인되지 않음
Jingoo Kim
확인되지 않음
Joonsuk Park
Head of Marketing
확인되지 않음
Changmin Oh
Head of Investment
확인되지 않음
Junmyeong Lee
Blockchain Engineer
확인되지 않음
Mong Lu
Asian Market Researcher
확인되지 않음


검증 됨 0%

주의. 확인되지 않은 회원은 실제로 팀원이 아닌 위험이 있습니다.

Younog Kim
Design Advisor
확인되지 않음
Howard Ro
Engineering Advisor
확인되지 않음
Mingyu Kim
Engineering Advisor
확인되지 않음
Jae Jang
Engineering Advisor
확인되지 않음
Sung Park
Co-Founder and Managing Director, Translink Capita...
확인되지 않음
Yeonhee Kim
Senior Parter & Managing Director, The Boston Cons...
확인되지 않음
Simon Seojoon Kim
Chief Executive Officer, Hashed
확인되지 않음
Ryan Sungho Kim
Chief Acceleration Officer, Hashed
확인되지 않음
Hongzhuang Lim
CEO, XSQ Pte Ltd.
확인되지 않음
Darius Sit
Managing Partner, QCP Capital
확인되지 않음
Hee-Eun (Baki) Park
Principal, Altos Ventures
확인되지 않음
Bokyung Kim
CEO, Make My Wedding
확인되지 않음
Eunielle Lee
Chief Executive Officer, Cut & Curl Inc.
확인되지 않음
Karine Estelle Cheon...
Chief Executive Officer, Klover Group SG
확인되지 않음
Hojin Jung
Assistant Professor in Marketing, Hongik Universit...
확인되지 않음
Geoffrey Yoon, M.d.
Cardiologist, El Camino Hospital in Silicon Valley
확인되지 않음

Cosmochain (COSM) 최근 뉴스

$ 0.0002
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 0.2002
Circ. Supply:

% name % 리뷰

Size of Potential Market

The cosmetics industry has seen tremendous growth over the past few decades. Analysts at Goldman Sachs estimate that the global beauty industry market is growing up to 7% each year, which is more than twice the rate of the developed world’s GDP. If Cosmochain can have cover a small chunk of this rapidly growing market, its valuation would be big enough to ensure sizable profits investors and a sizable market capitalization. Competition Although, Cosmochain is unique in its niche, it may face indirect competition in the Blockchain space. Nucleus Vision is one such competitor, aiming to do something similar for the retail industry, and it plans to enhance the average individual’s shopping experience. Nucleus Vision can easily take over the market from Cosmochain as it is operating in a much broader niche and is further ahead in the development. Moreover, Cosmochain is trying to build a reward engine for content creators which is very similar to Steemit. The only advantage Cosmochain can have is that it would be targeting a particular niche while Steemit is more for the general population.

Blockchain Advantage

The essence of the Cosmochain platform is the collection and management of data using blockchain technology, and the key data here is each customer’s basic demographic information, and also cosmetics-specific data such as skin type. Such personal data are used only within the Cosmochain platform and are selectively filled out by customers. Cosmochain’s architecture is made up of three layers – the database, platform, and application layers. All information created and shared within the platform are managed securely by the blockchain. All individual customers and participants can exercise ownership and management right of their own content, and all platform users can receive compensation when data and content are shared with company participants. To put it in a nutshell, Blockchain technology allows Cosmochain to offer extra security for all of the platform stakeholders.


Cosmochain has made their Github public and are transparent enough to highlight where they stand in terms of development of the platform so far. However, the information about their progress in regard to the Alpha version is not available. Also, the selection of EOS as the main Blockchain used for the Cosmochain platform has been recently announced which is not touched upon in the documentation.


The roadmap highlights the major milestones for the next 12 months, and the team presented a vision on how they will expand their business and potential reach in the market. In fact, Cosmochain is targeting cosmetic companies based on their varied use cases. The team also have a plans in place to onboard various bloggers and social celebs who should give initial boost to the live platform once it will be in place.

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