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Become Aether (Your avater) and explore Avania with your guardians.
To be announced
토큰 세부 정보
증권 시세 표시기
추가 세부 사항

약 Avania

Avania is a game where you can earn a token by contributing your talent to the game such as playing the game, awaken nexus, building community, supporting other players, supporting the game, etc.

Avania will be a place to build the greatest gamefi community through well-designed gameplay.

" Supporting people to earn happiness by playing games "
We believe that happiness can be described in many ways such as fun moments, warm relationships, self-esteem, money, ETC.
We also believe that happiness is a purpose of living. It is a goal of life, people are searching for it.
As a result, we would like to support people in every way we can to make sure people can earn happiness happily.

The key factor that makes Avania different from other traditional online games is the “Play to Earn” concept that takes advantage of blockchain technology. Everyone in the world can enjoy the game while also experiencing a new way of making some income.


  • Focus on player centric.
  • Create and maintain a sustainable ecosystem.
  • Add interesting content and feature frequently.
  • Build a supportive community
  • Offer a reasonable reward to everyone in ecosystem.


% name % 로드맵

  • ✔️ Team Recruitment
    ✔️ Market Research
    ✔️ Feasibility Analysis
    ✔️ Game Design
    ✔️ Tokenomic Design
    ✔️ GOA Seed Sale
    ✔️ Website Launch
    ✔️ Social Media Account
    ✔️ Initiate Marketing Campaign
    ✔️ Initiation GOA
    ✔️ Private Sale
    ✔️ Publish Whitepaper
    ✔️ Publish Trailer
    ✔️ Partnership Announcement
    ✔️ Adventure Mode Demo Reveal

Avania 팀

검증 됨 0%

주의. 확인되지 않은 회원은 실제로 팀원이 아닌 위험이 있습니다.

Kampanart Koisirtiph...
확인되지 않음
Navapan Arampibulkit
Lead Technology Developer
확인되지 않음
Nachon Kijsaowapak
Lead Game Developer
확인되지 않음
Boonyarij Rakvijitsi...
Graphic Director
확인되지 않음
Chanettee Tewkettron...
Marketing Director
확인되지 않음
Kittithat Thunyavach...
Game Director
확인되지 않음

Avania 최근 뉴스

  • 정보 업데이트에는 시간차가있을 수 있으므로 각 ICO 프로젝트에 대한 정확한 정보는 공식 웹 사이트 또는 기타 커뮤니케이션 채널을 통해 확인해야합니다.
  • 이 정보는 ICO 기금 투자에 대한 제안이나 조언이 아닙니다. 관련 정보를 철저히 조사하고 ICO 참여를 결정하십시오.
  • 이 콘텐츠에 대해 수정해야 할 문제 또는 문제가 있다고 생각되거나 자신의 ICO 프로젝트를 제출하고자 할 경우 이메일을 보내주십시오. a>
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