「“ Requit」という用語は“「何かを返す」という意味で定義されています。なぜなら、私たちは返済についてすべてを再考し、何かを返済することを信じるオンライン決済ソリューションとなるからです私たちの顧客には、それはより低い利益とより高い利益の形で来て、私たちは素晴らしいと思っています!
支払いゲートウェイのソリューションと同様に、取引手数料が発生します。クレイジーなのは、PayPalやStripeのようなサイトがトータル・トランザクションの3%を請求しているということです。 ccBillのような他のゲートウェイは、さらに毎月の使用料やその他の料金を請求します。チャージバック手数料に25ドル以上の料金は含まれていません。それは手数料以外何もありません! Requitixでは、1つの手数料は0.5%で、残りの手数料なしで5%がポイントになります!
信頼できるレビュー - ブロックチェーン上の実際の顧客による実際のレビュー。
Scammer protection - ストライキ前に詐欺師やスパマーを止める。
モバイル支払い - ボタンをクリックして商人、友人、家族に支払う
最低手数料 - あなたは5%を支払う必要があります。
追跡なし - 追跡されずに匿名で支払います。
迅速な取引 - 要求システムを使用して瞬時にトランザクションを検証します。
グローバルに送信 - RQXを仲介者なしで迅速かつ国際的に国境を越えて送信します。
Indeed the problems voiced in the project are a scourge of modern e-commerce. Unfortunately competitive struggle is often reduced to undercover games, black PR (dark public relations (DPR)), negative feedback on marketplaces and recommendation sites as well as on the online stores websites. The fight against spam comes with varying success not in favor of normal stores. Internet payments fraud adds even more distrust to Internet trading. The presented service promises to solve the majority of existing and voiced problems. How much the project succeeds is a question that only the Requitix clients can answer.
The question of the feasibility of investing in this project remains open. If the authors claim that the service is already working on one of the dating sites then why not acquaint potential investors with the results of this work, including in monetary terms.
And since it is supposed to begin to implement the service on existing sites why not to calculate the potential economic effect to show the attractiveness of the project as an investment object?
In general, everything is beautifully painted but there are a lot of questions that are not answered.
Requitix is dissimilar to Inspeer (INSP), FinTab (FNT), Bananacoin (BCO), and several other ICO tokens, as it is a unique e-commerce platform that claims to provide low fees of 0.5%.
In parallel, many other similar ICOs, for example; Mirocana, Qbao, MiniApps are already offering lower fees.
Nevertheless, this cryptocurrency payment does differentiate itself when it comes to providing solutions for fake and falsified reviews, and protection from scammers and spammers. On the fees front, it may have to face competition, but the other two solutions that it is providing may surely help it create a strong base from the investment point of view.
With their pre ICO sale, the company raised sufficient funds to accomplish its tasks, and it hopes to achieve the set target through its ICO crowd sale in March 2018.
This ICO may be liked for its long-term potential, for, there are just a few companies providing protection from fake and falsified reviews, scammers and spammers, and higher profits with minimal fees charges.
Keep in mind though that the Requitix white paper does not shed much light on technical details, and it does not divulge anything about how the platform is going to offer 0.5% fees.
Requitix is an e-commerce platform that promises to offer low fees of 0.5%. The company implemented a proof of concept on a dating website called ZugNug.com. With their crowdsale, they plan to raise funds to continue development of the platform and roll it out to new partners – including over 3,000 dating websites catered to niche markets.
Overall, the Requitix whitepaper is light on technical details. It’s a 16 page whitepaper that only touches briefly on how the platform works. We know the core features of the platform, but we don’t know any technical details of how the platform works, or how they’re able to offer 0.5% fees.
Nevertheless, not all whitepapers reveal technical details like this.
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