PlaceToRent is a decentralized global peer-to-peer rental platform in the space of commercial and residential rentals designed to facilitate and streamline the rental process through blockchain technology by providing transparent and efficient transactions while reducing the need for a trusted third party, and offer tools for such underserved segments of rental population as younger and low-income households to stand out in low vacancy markets. PlaceToRent is the first cryptographic real estate rental platform to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to assist households with invisible credit or work history in gaining access to rental opportunities and affordability. Our goal is to bring significant value to the rental industry and offer to all rental market participants a fair, secure and less costly experience within the rental process.
Our Vision
By employing best-of-the-breed technologies, PlaceToRent is poised to deliver towards its grand vision to explore big-picture problems and dream up innovative solutions. The diversity of the rental population creates opportunities for PlaceToRent to offer responsible, sustainable and innovative tools to a vibrant and stable demographic ignored by traditional rental process. At PlaceToRent, we strive to promote data democracy, increase the level of rental market inclusion and expand the number of alternatives for the underserved. We believe in a more trusted, safe, and equitable shared cyberspace where you can interact with each other directly in your digital communities and have a peace of mind that your counterparty is who they say they are, without entrusting a central organization with your data and privacy. We believe control belongs to you.
Our Team
PlaceToRent team is an interdisciplinary crew of dedicated professionals from all over the world who are committed to transforming the rental experience worldwide using blockchain technology and who have the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver towards our grand vision. Our Engineering operations are based in Saudi Arabia, and our team and advisors come from US, Canada, European Union and Japan. Their work experience spans the fields of finance, data analytics, AI, engineering, research, development, design, system architecture, and retail.
Our Platform
As blockchain continues to evolve, it is challenging the status quo of the present rental market and its existing business models and processes. In response to greater demand for transparency and disintermediation, PlaceToRent has designed an integrated ecosystem of the commercial and residential rental marketplace powered by blockchain decentralized technology, self-executing smart contracts, and utility tokens with the aim to transcend consumer expectations and to capitalize on major opportunities within the rental market. To-date, we have conducted a thorough market research and analysis, defined the project’s technical specifications, and designed our basic feature platform prototype which is currently undergoing development. We hope to fund the continuous active development of the PlaceToRent project through our Token sale, and secure the necessary capital to grow and expand our operations worldwide.
PlaceToRentは、ハイブリッド予測を利用することで、賃貸市場への参入レベルを高め、信用力や勤務歴のない、特に未成年の借家人のための選択肢の数を増やすよう努めています。入居予定者を予測するためのより良い審査プロセスを可能にするために’クレジットまたは職歴が未確定の場合の家主への信用力として、PlaceToRentは、出席した学校、研究分野、学業成績/ GPA、標準テスト成績、職歴などの標準データに加えて、収集および分析します。その他の関連情報当社独自の独自の分析により、借主は入居予定者に対してより深い推奨を提供し(単なるクレジットスコアや勤務歴とは対照的に)、空室の少ない市場で応募する際に際立ったテナントの権限を得ることができます。人工知能を使用した革新的なアルゴリズムにより、大家は従来の信用調査や何百万人もの人々を疎外させ、ペナルティを課すことのできる作業検証以外に信用力を評価でき、活気に満ちた安定した人口統計が賃貸機会を得ることができます。
さらに、PlaceToRentは、クラウドファンディング機能を使用して入居金、保証金、または賃貸料を融資できるようにすることで、借家人に経済的な柔軟性を提供します。 プラットフォームのユーザーに最良のアドバイスを提供します。可能。たとえば、バイオインスパイアード計算とSwarm Intelligenceを使用して、地理的に異なる場所での正確なレンタル料金を予測します。このアプローチでは、レンタル市場で最も優れたオファーを特定することでプラットフォームユーザーに優れた洞察を提供します。家主に利益を最大化する。テナントと家主に私たちのプラットフォーム上で改善されたより公平な経験を提供するために、PlaceToRentは将来のテナントに彼らの賃貸申込と一緒にカスタムベストレートオファーを入札するオプションも可能にします。オファーは封印されます。” (つまり、競合するテナントには、入札を回避し、賃貸料の高騰を防ぐためには見えません。
As technology evolves rapidly, we continually analyze our platform architecture and components and will apply appropriate technology in accordance with the tasks to be accomplished. Ethereum Virtual Machine, the most established blockchain-based distributed computing platform with smart contract functionality, is at the heart of the PlaceToRent platform. We will look to adopt Raiden and Plasma as Ethereum’s Layer 2. The blockchain technology enables near real-time settlement of transactions, which provides reliable data and reduces risk. Smart contracts allow transacting peer-to-peer in a secure and transparent environment, mitigating the risk of fraud, abuse, and manipulation. Our peer-to-peer distributed network will record a public history of all transactions and retain a secure source of proof that they occurred. Automating transactions between the tenant and landlord eliminates the need for a real estate broker or agent, saving our users thousands in commission fees. To address the blockchain's transaction speed, scalability, and privacy issues, PlaceToRent considers the Enigma protocol that uses “Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Technology” with “secret contracts,” allowing data to be processed by nodes while being kept private. We will use machine learning to give our platform users the best advice possible. For example, we will implement bio-inspired computation and Swarm Intelligence to predict accurate rental rates in different geographical locations. The bio-inspired feature will become a self-evolving tool capable of generating the “best rental rate” solution. We will also implement Distribute Sparse Learning as a second layer to handle high-dimensional data. This approach will provide great insights to the platform users by identifying the best offers in the rental market, thus minimizing costs to tenants and maximizing profits to landlords. PlaceToRent will strive to expand the number of alternatives for the underserved, especially younger renters who have no credit or work history, by utilizing hybrid forecasting. Our revolutionary algorithms powered by Artificial Intelligence will allow landlords to assess creditworthiness outside conventional credit checks and work verifications and will help a vibrant and stable demographic qualify for a rental opportunity. For each executed lease with a tenant who has no credit or work history, PlaceToRent will incentivize landlords and property managers by reimbursing any previously charged related listing fees and rewarding them with PTRT tokens. Additionally, our platform will enable qualified renters to finance their rental expenses through a built-in peer-to-peer alternative financing feature.
Q1 2017
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Q4 2021
Q1 2022
Q2 2022
Q3 2022
Q4 2022
検証済み 57%
検証済み 0%
PlaceToRent can provide an alternative method of funding rental payments
Improves rental property search with a very detailed history of property and landlord
Removes the need of a third party or intermediary which would likely take high commission and promote higher rental fees to gain higher commission
Incentive to landlords if they list their property on the platform and ease of tenant screening
Transparency on the platform will only work if both sides of the party are fully honest with anything that occurs within the duration of them existing on the platform such as number of days before issue was solved. Tenant may have lied as he/she was scared of the landlord
このオファーは、オファーと他の一般に公開されている情報によってのみ提供される情報に基づいています。トークンの販売または交換のイベントは、ICOholderとは全く無関係であり、ICOholderはそれに関与していません(技術サポートやプロモーションを含む)。 ICOholderとの関係がない人物からのトークンの売り上げは、顧客が全体のトークンセクター内で行われている活動を追跡するのを助けるためにのみ表示されます。この情報は、あなたが頼りにするべきアドバイスにはなりません。弊社サイトのコンテンツに基づいて、行動を取る、または控える前に、プロフェッショナルまたはスペシャリストの助言を得るか、またはお客様のデューデリジェンスを実施する必要があります。トークンの取得に関してコントリビュータによって入力された条件は、トークンの発行者とトークンの発行者であり、ICOholderはそのようなトークンの販売者ではありません。 ICOholderは、トークンの販売に関して第三者が行ったいかなる表明についても法的責任を負いません。また、契約違反の申し立ては、ここに記載されたトークン発行会社に対して直接行われなければなりません。 p>
このトークン販売の性質、妥当性または合法性について懸念がある場合は、 info@icoholder.com までご連絡ください。あなたの懸念事項に関する詳細情報と一緒に。 p> div>