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Última atualização

5 de jun. de 2018

A PlaceToRent automatiza o processo de aluguel, utiliza inteligência artificial, oferece suporte a domicílios com histórico de crédito invisível, acesso a oportunidades de aluguel e à plataforma de aluguel de próxima geração acessível. Nosso objetivo é trazer grande valor para o setor de locação, para fornecer transações transparentes e seguras para todos os participantes do mercado de aluguel, reduzindo a necessidade de supervisão de terceiros, a equidade no processo de aluguel é proporcionar uma experiência segura e barata.
Token Sale
4 de jul. de 2018
25 de set. de 2018
100% completou
Fundos arrecadados - sem dados
objetivo 30 000 000.00 USD
Boné 1 000 000.00 USD
4 de jun. de 2018
4 de jul. de 2018
100% completou
Fundos arrecadados - sem dados
Capa dura 30 000 000.00 USD
  • 500 PTRT
    1 ETH
Detalhes do token
Moedas Aceitas
detalhes adicionais

Sobre PlaceToRent

PlaceToRent is a decentralized global peer-to-peer rental platform in the space of commercial and residential rentals designed to facilitate and streamline the rental process through blockchain technology by providing transparent and efficient transactions while reducing the need for a trusted third party, and offer tools for such underserved segments of rental population as younger and low-income households to stand out in low vacancy markets. PlaceToRent is the first cryptographic real estate rental platform to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to assist households with invisible credit or work history in gaining access to rental opportunities and affordability. Our goal is to bring significant value to the rental industry and offer to all rental market participants a fair, secure and less costly experience within the rental process.

Our Vision

By employing best-of-the-breed technologies, PlaceToRent is poised to deliver towards its grand vision to explore big-picture problems and dream up innovative solutions. The diversity of the rental population creates opportunities for PlaceToRent to offer responsible, sustainable and innovative tools to a vibrant and stable demographic ignored by traditional rental process. At PlaceToRent, we strive to promote data democracy, increase the level of rental market inclusion and expand the number of alternatives for the underserved. We believe in a more trusted, safe, and equitable shared cyberspace where you can interact with each other directly in your digital communities and have a peace of mind that your counterparty is who they say they are, without entrusting a central organization with your data and privacy. We believe control belongs to you.

Our Team

PlaceToRent team is an interdisciplinary crew of dedicated professionals from all over the world who are committed to transforming the rental experience worldwide using blockchain technology and who have the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver towards our grand vision. Our Engineering operations are based in Saudi Arabia, and our team and advisors come from US, Canada, European Union and Japan. Their work experience spans the fields of finance, data analytics, AI, engineering, research, development, design, system architecture, and retail.

Our Platform

As blockchain continues to evolve, it is challenging the status quo of the present rental market and its existing business models and processes. In response to greater demand for transparency and disintermediation, PlaceToRent has designed an integrated ecosystem of the commercial and residential rental marketplace powered by blockchain decentralized technology, self-executing smart contracts, and utility tokens with the aim to transcend consumer expectations and to capitalize on major opportunities within the rental market. To-date, we have conducted a thorough market research and analysis, defined the project’s technical specifications, and designed our basic feature platform prototype which is currently undergoing development. We hope to fund the continuous active development of the PlaceToRent project through our Token sale, and secure the necessary capital to grow and expand our operations worldwide.



A PlaceToRent se esforça para aumentar o nível de inclusão no mercado de locação e expandir o número de alternativas para locatários carentes, especialmente os mais jovens, que não têm histórico de crédito ou trabalho, utilizando a previsão híbrida. Para permitir um melhor processo de verificação que possa prever os possíveis inquilinos & rsquo; crédito para um senhorio quando um histórico de crédito ou trabalho ainda não está estabelecido, a PlaceToRent irá coletar e analisar, além de dados padrão, informações como escolas frequentadas, área de estudo, desempenho acadêmico / GPA, pontuação de testes padronizados, histórico de trabalho e outra informação relevante. Acreditamos que nossa exclusiva análise proprietária fornecerá ao locatário uma recomendação mais profunda para possíveis locatários (em oposição a apenas uma pontuação de crédito ou histórico de trabalho) e capacitará os locatários a se destacarem quando se candidatarem em mercados de baixa vacância. Nossos algoritmos revolucionários baseados em Inteligência Artificial permitirão aos locatários avaliar a qualidade de crédito fora das verificações de crédito convencionais e verificações de trabalho que alienam e penalizam milhões de pessoas e ajudarão uma população dinâmica e estável a se qualificar para uma oportunidade de aluguel.

Além disso, a PlaceToRent oferecerá flexibilidade financeira aos locatários, permitindo que eles financiem suas despesas de mudança, depósito de segurança ou aluguel por meio do recurso de crowdfunding integrado. Usaremos o aprendizado de máquina para dar aos usuários da nossa plataforma o melhor conselho possível. Por exemplo, implementaremos a computação de inspiração biológica e o Swarm Intelligence para prever taxas precisas de locação em diferentes localizações geográficas. Essa abordagem fornecerá ótimos insights aos usuários da plataforma, identificando as melhores ofertas no mercado de locação, minimizando os custos para os locatários. e maximizando lucros para senhorios. Para fornecer aos inquilinos e senhorios uma experiência melhor e mais justa na nossa plataforma, a PlaceToRent também permitirá aos possíveis inquilinos uma opção para oferecer uma oferta de tarifa melhor personalizada juntamente com o seu pedido de aluguer. As ofertas serão lacradas & rdquo; (isto é, não é visível para inquilinos concorrentes para ajudar a evitar guerras de licitação e evitar a agitação nas taxas de aluguel

Informações técnicas


As technology evolves rapidly, we continually analyze our platform architecture and components and will apply appropriate technology in accordance with the tasks to be accomplished. Ethereum Virtual Machine, the most established blockchain-based distributed computing platform with smart contract functionality, is at the heart of the PlaceToRent platform. We will look to adopt Raiden and Plasma as Ethereum’s Layer 2. The blockchain technology enables near real-time settlement of transactions, which provides reliable data and reduces risk. Smart contracts allow transacting peer-to-peer in a secure and transparent environment, mitigating the risk of fraud, abuse, and manipulation. Our peer-to-peer distributed network will record a public history of all transactions and retain a secure source of proof that they occurred. Automating transactions between the tenant and landlord eliminates the need for a real estate broker or agent, saving our users thousands in commission fees. To address the blockchain's transaction speed, scalability, and privacy issues, PlaceToRent considers the Enigma protocol that uses “Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Technology” with “secret contracts,” allowing data to be processed by nodes while being kept private. We will use machine learning to give our platform users the best advice possible. For example, we will implement bio-inspired computation and Swarm Intelligence to predict accurate rental rates in different geographical locations. The bio-inspired feature will become a self-evolving tool capable of generating the “best rental rate” solution. We will also implement Distribute Sparse Learning as a second layer to handle high-dimensional data. This approach will provide great insights to the platform users by identifying the best offers in the rental market, thus minimizing costs to tenants and maximizing profits to landlords. PlaceToRent will strive to expand the number of alternatives for the underserved, especially younger renters who have no credit or work history, by utilizing hybrid forecasting. Our revolutionary algorithms powered by Artificial Intelligence will allow landlords to assess creditworthiness outside conventional credit checks and work verifications and will help a vibrant and stable demographic qualify for a rental opportunity. For each executed lease with a tenant who has no credit or work history, PlaceToRent will incentivize landlords and property managers by reimbursing any previously charged related listing fees and rewarding them with PTRT tokens. Additionally, our platform will enable qualified renters to finance their rental expenses through a built-in peer-to-peer alternative financing feature.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q1 2017

  • Global rental market research and analysis.
  • Q2 2017

  • Interviews with industry professionals, investors and startups.
  • Q3 2017

  • Concept Design; Technical Specifications.
  • Q4 2017

  • Blockchain developers interviewed; Platform prototype.
  • consulte Mais informação
  • Q1 2018

  • Smart Contract prototype; Legal framework for the project; Smart Lock market research.
  • Q2 2018

  • Proof of concept; Whitepaper creation; Token Pre-Sale Event.
  • Q3 2018

  • Token Sale; Disbursement of tokens to contributors.
  • Q4 2018

  • Development of PlaceToRent platform; Partnerships with third-party service providers.
  • Q1 2019

  • Alpha-testing of the platform; Smart Lock technology specifications completed.
  • Q2 2019

  • Beta-testing of the platform; Marketing campaigns in key markets,
  • Q3 2019

  • Platform fully developed; Release of iOS and Android apps.
  • Q4 2019

  • Official launch in North America, UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
  • Q1 2020

  • Tokenization of the platform; Multilanguage support.
  • Q2 2020

  • Expansion to South America and EU; Marketing campaign in target markets.
  • Q3 2020

  • Marketing campaign in target markets.
  • Q4 2020

  • API integration with third-party providers.
  • Q1 2021

  • Integration of Smart Lock technology (for both commercial and residential application) with the platform.
  • Q2 2021

  • Expansion to Eastern Europe and Russian Federation; Marketing campaign in target markets.
  • Q3 2021

  • Expansion to Asia; Marketing campaign in target markets.
  • Q4 2021

  • Expansion to Middle East; Marketing campaign in target markets.
  • Q1 2022

  • Expansion to Middle East; Marketing campaign in target markets.
  • Q2 2022

  • Introduction of facial and/or fingerprint technology for data validation.
  • Q3 2022

  • 5% of global real rental market transactions.
  • Q4 2022

  • Partnerships with Governmental Blockchains; Enabling data-driven utility service management and bill payment with tokens.

PlaceToRent Equipe

Verificado 57%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Marvin Bear
Founder and CEO
Carlos Gironda,
CTO and Sr. Data Scientist
não verificado
Sachin Choube
Lead Blockchain Developer
Rob Davis
Dominic Donofrio
Blockchain Developer
não verificado
Jay Moar
não verificado
Alfredo Colina
Head of Hispanic Market PR & Digital Marketing


Verificado 0%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Toru Kazama
CEO of Leonhard Japan
não verificado
Illia Pashkov
Creative Technologist & Blockchain Designer
não verificado

34 ICOs

$123 685 865

Bogdan Fiedur
ICO Advisor
não verificado

34 ICOs

$64 733 579

Giovanni Casagrande
Blockchain and ICO Maestro
não verificado
Massimiliano Schilli...
Aerospace Engineer, AI Technology Evangelist
não verificado
Carl Jones
Digital Marketing Expert, Growth Hacker, Founder o...
não verificado

29 ICOs

$5 754 875

Timo Trippler
Member of Blockchain Advisory Council, Financial A...
não verificado
Randy Lim
Real Estate Broker, Investor
não verificado

PlaceToRent Entrevistas

Marvin Bear
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Founder and President of PlaceToRent
Sachin Choube
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am working on solidity and micro services which are part of our projects
Rob Davis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hello, I am the Chief Marketing Officer for PlaceToRent. Our project will revolutionize the commercial real estate rental process by leveraging AI and machine learning
Alfredo Colina
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Thanks for this post, we appreciate all the efforts to spread the word about PlaceToRent project.

PlaceToRent Últimas notícias

5.0 1
ICO Perfil Visão Atividade Potencial produtos Equipe

% name% comentários

PlaceToRent can provide an alternative method of funding rental payments
Improves rental property search with a very detailed history of property and landlord
Removes the need of a third party or intermediary which would likely take high commission and promote higher rental fees to gain higher commission
Incentive to landlords if they list their property on the platform and ease of tenant screening
Transparency on the platform will only work if both sides of the party are fully honest with anything that occurs within the duration of them existing on the platform such as number of days before issue was solved. Tenant may have lied as he/she was scared of the landlord

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  • Esta informação não é uma sugestão ou conselho para investir no financiamento da OIC. Por favor, investigue completamente as informações relevantes e decida sobre a participação da OIC.
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