IAME初期コイン・オファーリングの目的は、IAME識別ネットワークの開発と商品化の資金を調達することです。 ICOは無駄になり、EthereumとIAM Tokenという2つの暗号資産だけが含まれます。
October 2017 - Technology Conceptualisation
January 2018 - Angel Investment
February 2018 - Prototyping
March 2018 - iOS and Android Proof of Concept
April 2018 - Road Show
June 2018 - QTUM Upgrade
検証済み 50%
検証済み 83%
Main positives:
IAME has a broader vision and a concrete goal in comparison to other KYC / Identification Validation solutions. The company will not only provide a DApp targeted for individuals, but also plan to develop enterprise solutions. A few examples of such solutions are: cross validation of fragmented data with a centralised database, and single sign-on which is a property of access allowing control of multiple related, yet independent, software systems.
IAME already has an established minimum viable product, and the team have been upgrading the product since its initial release. If you use an iOS device, you can download their app from the App Store in the link: (https://itunes.apple.com/it/app/iame/id1356513567?l=en&mt=8)
The Advisory Board is strong and can bring substantial added value to IAME
Main negatives:
The information available in the documentation is somewhat limited. Both the Enterprise Solutions and the Automation Lab that they plan to introduce are not well explained.
The competition in the Identification market is very high. While it is true that each company aims to solve different problems with different approaches, they can still be considered as direct competitors. Only time will tell if there is space for IAME in the market considering its competitive nature.
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