IAME Identity

IAME Identity

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  • 市场
  • Orderbook.io
    IAM/ETH ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.0207
    $ 2.48
  • Chaince
    IAM/EOS ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.0411
    $ 1.525 K
  • Newdex
    IAM/EOS ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.0406
    $ 1.159 K
  • Orderbook.io
    IAM/OBTC ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
目标 15 000 000.00 USD
1 000 000.00 USD
100,000,000 IAM tokens will be offered during our sale.

Business Pool (20%)
Advisory Pool (10%)
Community Pool (10%)
Team Pool (10%)
Private Sale, Presale and ICO Investors (50%)

Soft Cap250,000 QTUM
Hard Cap1,000,000 QTUM
IAME Limited
Privete Sale - 25 % Bonus

关于 IAME Identity

IAME初始投币产品的目的是为IAME识别网络的开发和商业化筹集资金。 ICO将是精益,只会涉及两个密码资产,以太坊和IAM令牌。



  1. 基于分片和共识识别的身份构建;
  2. 通过QTUM身份DApp和数据最小化进行数据验证和共享;和
  3. 以反洗钱和反恐融资为目的的交易分析。


  • October 2017 - Technology Conceptualisation

  • IAME: An Expert System for Blockchain Identity Verification

    After 3 months of Research & Development, the technological architecture and development plan for the IAME Identification network was completed by the Co-founders.
  • January 2018 - Angel Investment

  • Many blockchain startups initiate an initial coin offering with just an idea in mind, the Co-founders team spent months pitching toangel investors to come up with a viable development and go-to-market strategy, hence securing the necessary funds to kickstart development.
  • February 2018 - Prototyping

  • Two prototypes have been released – one for identification and one for validation. Through the prototypes, users can experience the identification and the validation systems that are being proposed by IAME.
  • March 2018 - iOS and Android Proof of Concept

  • To show what the team is made of, a iOS mobile proof of concept is released. This proof of concept is actively being developed with new functionalities being added every week to reach a minimum viable product status.
  • 阅读更多
  • April 2018 - Road Show

  • Over 6 weeks the team crossed over 4 continent and 7 cities: New York, London, Dubai, New Delhi, Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore; to demonstrate our idea and product to the world.
  • June 2018 - QTUM Upgrade

  • After a whole month of research and development, the team made a strategic decision to switch from Ethereum to QTUM. This has been a strategic decision which is reflected in our updated development architecture.

IAME Identity 物料

IAME Identity 球队

验证 50%


Nathaniel Tsang Mang...
Legal & Compliance
Suryani Chang
Blockchain Developer
Kevin Chung Fat
Back End Developer
Chirag Patel
Android Developer
Ludovik Lejeune
iOS Developper
Stephen Sunassee
UI Designer


验证 83%


Nicholas Allen
Jevon Coffin-Grey
Shaun Ritson
Clayton Scott
Andre Bergh

45 ICOs

$86 900 763

Jason Hung


Ari Vivekanandarajah
Community Manager
Oliver Oxenham
Engineering, Entrepreneurship

IAME Identity 面试

Ari Vivekanandarajah
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I work as IAME's Community Manager and I handle a wide array of things - from community engagement to social engagement to content strategy and many other areas. I work with IAME because I really believe the blockchain identification technology they are putting forward is transformative and unlike anything that's currently out there. The decentralised fragmented identification system is brilliant and, in addition to being a great product, will also do a lot of good in terms of data security and identity protection/security. Feel free to reach out to me with any Qs you might have!
Oliver Oxenham
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am an Advisor to the IAME team. I have experience building a successful startup and technology product. I plan to help the IAME team with their business execution and product development.
I can foresee the IAME project becoming the future of identity management. It’s a very creative way of sharing user credentials while keeping the security to the highest level.
Nathaniel Tsang Mang Kin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Originating from both a legal and financial background, I oversee that the compliance solution we are building at IAME can be integrated for future use by cryptocurrency businesses, merchants and financial institutions.
Suryani Chang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I believe that blockchain will go mainstream, sooner or later. Identification is crucial for this to happen. At IAME, we aim to provide identification solution that allows users to keep information to themselves.
Chirag Patel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As the Lead Front End Developer, I overlook the core development of the user facing software which include the website and mobile apps that accompany the IAME product.
Nicholas Allen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
IAME provide an innovative new slant on a problem that needs a solution. With the global shift to digital- & decentralised-X, the team is well positioned with their fragmented KYC solution.

I have a background in the R&D space and am able to provide input into various aspects of the business.
Jevon Coffin-Grey
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Blockchain and Identity suit each other. The IAME team have identified this and have a unique and innovative solution which I'm excited about. My role is to provide advisory in the actual development of the product.
Shaun Ritson
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
In a world where we spend much of our lives interacting and performing business online, the security around our personal information has lagged significantly. IAME are a strong team of talented individuals who are well positioned to offer a solid product which fills a massive space in the market.

I have a background in managing teams and high transaction environments. I will be advising IAME on aspects around the management and availability of their product implementation.
Clayton Scott
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My primary strengths are around finance and business management and guidance with regard to strategic direction and decision making. I hope my experience in a traditional space can be optimised by the IAME team to innovate and solve the problems everyone in this space is struggling with.

The IAME concept is forward thinking and dynamic, but a concept is nothing without a solid team to implement. These two combinations give me faith in the IAME project and it's longevity.
Andre Bergh
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
In an industry with a few recent Blockchain/KYC solutions, IAME’s fragmented identity solution is innovative, differentiated and well positioned.

I will be advising the team on various technical product development aspects ranging from infrastructure to big data.

IAME Identity 最新消息

Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
Circ. Supply:



Main positives:
IAME has a broader vision and a concrete goal in comparison to other KYC / Identification Validation solutions. The company will not only provide a DApp targeted for individuals, but also plan to develop enterprise solutions. A few examples of such solutions are: cross validation of fragmented data with a centralised database, and single sign-on which is a property of access allowing control of multiple related, yet independent, software systems.
IAME already has an established minimum viable product, and the team have been upgrading the product since its initial release. If you use an iOS device, you can download their app from the App Store in the link: (https://itunes.apple.com/it/app/iame/id1356513567?l=en&mt=8)
The Advisory Board is strong and can bring substantial added value to IAME

Main negatives:
The information available in the documentation is somewhat limited. Both the Enterprise Solutions and the Automation Lab that they plan to introduce are not well explained.
The competition in the Identification market is very high. While it is true that each company aims to solve different problems with different approaches, they can still be considered as direct competitors. Only time will tell if there is space for IAME in the market considering its competitive nature.

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