私たちの使命は、大規模な使用に適した直感的で使いやすいアプリケーションを作成することにより、グローバルスケールでの暗号化の採用を促進することです。私たちは今後3年以内に大量採用を期待しています。 Expertyアプリケーションを使用して相談する必要がある人は、ポケットに秘密鍵を持つウォレットを持ちます。
Desktop Beta
Q1 2017
Advance features
Q2 2017
Screen sharing
Q3 2017
Group calls
Q4 2017
Pre-TGE opens
TGE Launch
Q4 2018
Q1 2019
Q2 2019
検証済み 53%
検証済み 7%
EXPERTY is a block chain based calling platform which allows two or more parties to connect via video or audio call. It enables the knowledge provider can set their rate per minute by the knowledge seekers whenever they call.
The use of Ethereum block chain has led to massive improvement of different sectors. The application of this project promotes easy reach of the most frequently contacted professionals in different sectors leading to improved service delivery and economic growth. I would therefore invest in this project.
By removing the middleman, Experty is able to provide expert network services at a lower rate than current incumbents. Certain experts currently charge a rate of thousands of dollars per hour and hopefully this would be reduced if they choose Experty.
The team has already lined up a fair number of cryptocurrency experts ready to provide consulting services when the platform launches.
By putting a link in the expert’s social media instead of having a centralized place with all the experts' information, we believe it would make it a lot easier for users to consult with the experts.
Key team members are all software developers who don’t seem to have experience in consulting or working with expert networks. It may be difficult for the team to expand outside the crypto space and into other areas such as legal, financial services, health, etc.
There is a limit as to the number of calls an expert can take per day, so we believe Experty will need a very large number of experts in order to justify a potential valuation in the range of tens of millions of dollars.
Overall, we like the short-term potential but are neutral about the long-term potential for this ICO. If you decide to contribute into the ICO, participate in the Proof-of-Caring program to potentially qualify for a higher bonus.
Our thoughts of the tokens for short term and long term are as follows:
For short-term holding
Good. The project has a high market awareness, therefore the $9 million hard cap with the potential for higher bonuses is compelling.
For long-term holding
Neutral. Given the team’s background in software development, we are unsure whether they can branch out from the initial focus of the cryptocurrency space. If the team cannot provide a better user experience than current incumbents in the centralized space, the adoption for the project may be slow.
Monetization of knowledge seems a fairly simple and natural idea, with a broad variety of application fields. It’s good to see the project is undertaken by a fairly big team, with significant experience in development. We are particularly fond of the choice to allow Experty profile links to be placed in regular social networks, as this may benefit the project’s promotion by utilizing existing communities. This choice and a few others, however, also raise a problem – the Experty team clearly wants to involve regular users who are not part of the crypto-community. But doing this while maintaining obligatory payments in EXY may make it more complicated for users unfamiliar with or unwilling to utilize crypto. There is also the matter of balancing between convenient monetization and the risk of tokens transforming into securities. The team is mindful of the latter in particular.
Currently Experty remains significantly flexible, allowing it to change in order to account for existing risks. The team is also listening closely to feedback from the community. This may not be ideal for a fundraiser, since this means investors will spend a while without having an exact image of the final product they would be getting, but that does not make it a poor strategy for a company developing a new application.
We will preface our verdict on the Experty ICO with several factors that must firstly be taken into consideration. Our final rating of the project reflects how the ICO would perform in a rational market. That said, with all of the hype and enthusiasm present in the industry at the moment, this is not a rational market. Furthermore, our rating system is generally designed to assess the long-term prospects of a project versus the short-term. Given the present market conditions, there are ICOs that have high short-term ROI but will not survive in the long run.
We make our own investment decisions based on the performance of long-term fundamentals. If the current exuberance of the market dies down, we don’t want to be holding a bag of coins with a low chance of success thereafter. Given the ever present possibility of changing market tides, it’s prudent to protect ourselves in the long-term.
That said, if we look past the red flags, the short term prospects of the Experty ICO may still be positive. The team’s background in the software development sector, prominent advisors and community support indicate the possibility of a ROI in the short term. Will we be placing a bet on it ourselves? No. We make our moves based on fundamentals that predict success in the long term. We also like to take into consideration how riskier ICOs affect the overall state of the market- while there initially may be a decent ROI, launching ICOs without strong fundamentals could do more harm than good in the long run. However, as with any project that genuinely sets out to improve the crypto space, we always hope for the best- the Experty ICO included.
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