Blockchain For Science - CON 2018 - Berlin

Berlin , Germany

約 Blockchain For Science - CON 2018 - Berlin

Preliminary Announcement:
The 1st international Conference on Blockchain for Science, Research and Knowledge Creation will be held on 5-6 November in NHOW Berlin. Organized by PD Dr. Sönke Bartling (Blockchain for Science GmbH i.Gr.) and Arnoud de Kemp (digiprimo GmbH) under the Auspices of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG).
Topics: Blockchain for Science, Living Knowledge Network, P2P Science, ICOs for Science Funding, New Data Handling Paradigms, Continous & Blockchain Attributed Publishing, Curiosity & Romance, Immutable Data Trailing, Research Subject Privacy, Cryptoeconomy in Science, IP and Blockchain, Connecting the IoRT (Internet of Research Things), Future of Science, Tokenized Data Market Places, Research Motivation, Open Science, Trusted Hardware, User Autonomy, Blockchain & Peer-review, Zero-Knowledge Proofs, Cryptoeconomy in Science, Healthcare Research, Lean Culture, Alternative Science Funding Methods, Decentralized Publishing, AI Training & Blockchain, Overhead Reduction.
This is the first international conference on Blockchain in Science and Knowledge Creation. Almost all parts of the scientific conduct, ranging from data acquisition, post-processing to publication, intellectual property, research incentivisation and money distribution might be affected by the blockchain revolution. The time is now to structure this revolution so that it takes routes that are most beneficial for science and knowledge creation as early as possible, so to avoid dead ends, silos and limiting business models. At this conference we want to bring all interest groups together, to share, educate and identify synergisms for this aim.
As the ‘trust machine’ Blockchain in Science bears the potential to reestablish trust into scientific data. Some claim that it might even be good to fix the reproducibility crisis. New ways to rethink research subject privacy and whole data marketplaces are on the horizon. Blockchain might even play a large role in scientific publishing, where it questions the current role and business models of scientific publishers. New ways to incentivise peer-review or reproduction of results may arise.
As a mean to transfer monetary value, not only innovative and flexible research money distribution methods can be imagined, and one could completely rethink the appreciation of micro-contributions, sharing of ideas and concepts. Whole ‘science token’ frame works are currently being designed for that and many important and potentially highly influential questions need to be worked out now, e.g. how ‘negative’ results will be valued.
Bringing us to the cryptoeconomy in science. Astonishing ICO crowdfunding campaigns happened, and the first ones occurred for research. While many issues (legal, transparency, etc) remain unclear, it is clear, that this phenomenon will stay. This might make the blockchain revolution in science so different from other revolutions before: This time funding is affected! Why not invest in the scientific value of a project, instead of the potential applied value of a project? Those seemingly crazy value propositions might be an approach to overcome the innovator's dilemma and might lead us into an innovation heavy society.
On the edges, social, cultural, copyright questions will be discussed. A solution cannot be fully decentralized, integer and fast at the same time, so we will have to discuss technical questions with their cultural impact. Furthermore, we will ask ourselves, what blockchain actually is and whether there is really something fundamentally new behind it, or whether it just brings the right things together and the time is right for fundamental changes …
We will support big thinking, ‘crazy concepts’ and fun in our serendipity track. We want to support early stage projects and companies as much as we want to bring the established players to the table. In the ‘serious business’ track (see internet meme ‘serious business’) we will bow to the responsibility of us scientists that we have not only to the single research subjects, but to society as a whole.


08:00 - 09:00
Doors open: Coffee, Tea & Breakfast Snacks

09:00 – 09:30
On to the journey ...
Welcome & Housekeeping & Overview
(Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Schildhauer, PD Dr. Sönke Bartling)
Let´s build the open science ecosystem of the future
(TBA, PD Dr. Sönke Bartling)

Status of Science and Knowledge Creation
How to reduce Waste and improve Value in biomedical Research
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dirnagl, Director, Department of Experimental Neurology, Charité, Berlin
Open Science
Dr. Jon Tennant, Rogue scientist, Founder of the Open Science MOOC
Why we need to seed blockchain in research: crisis and opportunities for collaboration
Dr. Aleksandra Sokolowska, Head of Research and Analytics, Validitylabs & Project lead Seed2019
Session chairs: PD Dr. Sönke Bartling, Dr. Martin Etzrodt

Coffee, Tea, Discussions and Networking

11:00 – 12:30
Blockchain for Science and Knowledge Creation
What is DLT? What is Blockchain? What is Bitcoin? And what is decentralization?
Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev, Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Blockchain applications in Science and Knowledge Creation: Overview
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bela Gipp, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, University of Konstanz
Blockchain: From its (scalability) limitations to the internet of blockchains
Ismail Khoffi, Tendermint
Session chairs: Dr. Martin Etzrodt

Panel: From Bitcoin to Consortium Chains
Panel Participants: Prof. Bela Gipp (panel lead), Prof. Ali Sunyaev, Vlad Günther, Ismail Khoffi, Lambert Heller ...

What are the right Blockchain Systems for Science and Knowledge Creation?
Consortium, permissionless, combinations
Do we need Mining?
Delegate Proof-of-...whatever?
What are the Challenges - technical, infrastructure, legal?

Lunch Break, Discussions, Networking, Poster presentations / discussions

Research Data & Blockchain
Decentralized research data: Overview
Denis Parfenov
New deals on data!
Prof. Dr Konrad Förstner, ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences, Cologne, Germany and TH Köln, Cologne, Germany
Ocean protocol (for research data)
Dimitri de Jonghe, Head of research (BigchainDB) and co-founder at Ocean Protocol
Session chair: James Littlejohn

Panel: Decentralized Research Data
Panel participants: Denis Parfenov, Prof. Dr. Konrad Förstner, James Littlejohn, Dimitri de Jonghe ...

Infrastructure (IPFS, DAT, ...)
How will persistance be assured?
Is tokenization of data access the new way to go?
How do we train the research AI of the future?

15:30 - 16:00
Coffee, Tea, Discussions & Networking

Making Blockchain work for the Open Science Ecosystem
Keynote: Blockchain based Social Networking for Science
Mihai Alisie, Founder, Co-Founder of Ethereum (to be confirmed)
Identifying Identities: ORCID, Identities and the Blockchain
Robert Peters, Technical Director,
Creating trust all the way down to the data acquistion ? - Blockchain connection of the Io(R)T - Internet of Research things, Massimiliano Picone, Founder at - Cosmic Blockchain Solutions
Open Technology and Blockchain in Life Sciences
Jim Nasr , Vice President, Technology & Innovation at Synchrogenix, a Certara company

17:30 -19:00
Pre-Dinner Thoughts....
AI-Keynote: About data, and AI compute, the broader economy, and the implications
Trent McConaghy, Founder, Ocean Protocol, BigchainDB
Research Culture - Keynote: Look for the outliers and not the mean OR Stories can wait: Blockchain secured Microntributions
Prof. Dr. Lawrence Rajendran, Founder and CEO of ScienceMatters and EUREKA, Institute of Regenerative Medicine, University of Zürich
Space-Keynote: The Social and Economic Fabric of Decentralized Space Development,
Yalda Mousavinia, Co-Founder Space Cooperative
The Keynote-Keynote: A mathematical Description of Knowledge
Bartmoss St. Clair, Senior AI Researcher at Samsung
Session chair: PD Dr. Sönke Bartling

08:00 - 08:30
Doors open
Coffee, Tea & Breakfast Snacks

Open Mic
Showcase of Napkin Projects from Third Party and other things.... moderated by Mahoney Turnbull, Science Community and Social Hacking Specialist

Presentation of the Blockchain For Science Hackathon / Dorahacks apply here winning team

Napking projects:
5 minutes each, application proceedure for speaker position will be announced during the conference.

2 best posters will be invited to present

9:30 - 11:00
Scientific Publishing on the Blockchain
Keynote: Peer-Review on the Blockchain
Dr. Joris van Rossum, Digital Science, London & Alex Tran Qui, Katalysis
Why should we move to P2P Publishing - a Viewpoint from a Libarian
Lambert Heller, TIB Hannover
Distributed data protection and copyright on the blockchain and in decentralized future
Alexandra Giannopoulou, Postdoctoral Researcher, Blockchain and Society Policy Lab, Institute for Information Law (IViR)

Coffee, Tea, Discussions & Networking

Cryptoeconomy for Science
Overview of the Crypto- and Token Economy
Evgenia Filippova, Senior Scientist at the Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics, Vienna Univerity of Economics
How can tokens and crypto assets be used to fund research?
Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner, Head of the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Crypto-economy for science: automated grants distribution models
Alex Shkor, Founder of DEIP.World
Legal Aspects for ICOs for Research Projects
Dr. Nina-Luisa Siedler, Partner, DFW Germany Rechtsanwalts ges.mbH

Lunch Break, Discussion and Networking, Poster discussions (13:00-13:30) Consitution meeting of the IBFS (International Society of Blockchain for Science)

Specific applications
Keynote token bonding and curation markets: Exploring Curation Markets for Drug Discovery - Introducing Molecule Protocol
Paul Kohlhaas, Founder & CEO of Linum Labs
Blockchain for Clinical Studies
Prof. Dr. Mehdi Benchoufi, Blockchain for Clinical Trials Specialist, Assistant Professor, Clinical Epidemiology Center, Hotel Dieu Hospital, Paris
Accelerating genomic data generation and facilitating genomic data sharing through blockchain-enabled decentralization
Dennis Grishin, Co-Founder Nebula Genomics

15:30 - 16:00
Coffee, Tea & Networking

From Organized and Incentivized Collaboration to IP
Keynote: Research-DAO
Dr. Martin Etzrodt, Principal Researcher Akasha Foundation
Using blockchain to manage IP for scientific crowdsourcing
Jason E Barkeloo, Founder & Chair, Knowbella Tech

17:00 - 19:00
Building the Open Science Ecosystem of the Future
Buidling the Open Science Ecosystem: Status
Prof.Dr. Sascha Friesike, Free University of Amsterdam and Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), Berlin & Benedikt Fecher, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), Berlin
How to cooperate, avoid Silos and walled Gardens - what needs to be done?, Emiliano Velazquez, Open Science Network
Short Reports from Working Groups (TBA)
ALL: Open Panel / Discussion

End of Conference - after hour: TBA




2018/11/05 8:00 , CET (UTC +1)
2018/11/05 17:30 , CET (UTC +1)