echarge.work is the e-mobility platform for tomorrow's e-drivers. Smart, sustainable and made for the future. We provide charging stations to hotels so they can provide charges to e- drivers. These charging stations can be located, booked and paid for via the echarge.work mobile application. The app also provides tailor-made offers such as hotel bookings to e- drivers. Our goal is the EU-wide coverage of echarge.work charging stations and the growth of Europe’s largest community for e-mobility.
E-mobility is far more than just a temporary trend - it is our future. The only hurdle eDrivers currently have to overcome is limited battery range and the shortage of e-charging stations. Although the future is clear, the largest automotive manufacturers presently, such as VW, Nissan, Toyota Volvo, BMW and Porsche are faced with the problem of a non-existent or poorly developed infrastructure at charging stations. So, if you want to travel with your electric car, you have to plan your route well and drive from charging station to charging station - if charging stations are present at all. This is why echarge.work is here: to create the infrastructure boom that e-mobility needs.
Would you go to a hotel that has no WI-FI? In the future, the same logic will count for hotels that do not offer e-vehicle charging stations.
The share of Europe's total electricity consumption from electric vehicles will increase from approximately 0.03% in 2014 to around 4-5% by 2030 and 9.5% by 20501. The growth will be accelerated with countries such as France, UK, Germany the Netherland and Sweden planning to ban the sale of petrol and diesel cars by 2040. The growing demand for e- charging infrastructure is an undeniable hyper trend.
With the continuous improvement in battery technologies, the current limited range problem of electric cars is increasingly moving to the background, nevertheless, e-drivers have to recharge.work the batteries of their vehicles on multi-day trips. Access to charging stations will therefore become a real issue for e-drivers. Luckily, with the echarge.work mobile application, e-drivers can conveniently book a charging station when they book a hotel room. Problem solved!
According to a study conducted by the DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt), an average eCar driver is a well-educated, high-earning 51-year-old. His motivations for buying an e-car are environmental concern and the thrill of driving an e-vehicle. The annual driving performance of 10,000 km is still lower than performance achieved by usual propulsion methods. One of the reasons is the small number of available charging stations. Most drivers demand significantly more. E-drivers belong to a fast-growing customer base for hoteliers and gastronomes. Tap the opportunity and get your first echarge.work charging station today.
In Germany and Austria only 300 hotels provide charging services for their clients’ e- vehicles. Thousands of hotel parking lots are therefore left untapped. This opportunity is truly immense and echarge.work will capitalize on this opportunity to become the largest player in this market.
We install user-friendly, efficient and smart e-vehicle charging infrastructure free of charge at hotels in exchange for an exclusive service delivery agreement and a small rental fee. We will serve existing e-drivers better and provide them with exclusive upselling opportunities. For future e-drivers, we will be the standard by which the competition is judged. Whether the metric is eco-friendliness, user-friendliness, convenience, innovation or availability - echarge.work will lead the market.
April 15th - November 30th: ICO running
December 2018: 10 major Exchanges start trading eCharge token
January 2019: Rollout in Asia
June 2019: Rollout in US
2020: Vehicle2Grid to earn money with your eCar
2021: Vehicle2Vehicle for Peer2Peer Energy Trade based on eCharge Tokens
検証済み 41%
検証済み 0%
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