Brixbyは、使いやすいBrixbyアプリで、(電気)車とそのサービスを提供する準備ができている資産所有者を賃貸し、駐車し、充電したい人々を集めた市場です。 Brixbyはドライバーの旅のすべてを世話し、より速く便利にします。都市の発展と人口の増加により、交通サービスは需要が高まっています。革新と透明性のために準備されている74米ドル以上のBN市場です。
Brixbyは、ブロックチェーン技術を使用して各トランザクションを確認する分散プラットフォームです。 Brixbyの透明性と確認機能は、すべての業界プレイヤーに利益をもたらすと考えています。
Q3 2018
Q4 2018
Q1 2019
Q2 2019
Q3 2019
Q4 2019
検証済み 75%
For a long time I have not seen such a detailed service description with all its subtleties and nuances, functionality and tables of revenue growth. You can get the idea of the project after reading the WhitePaper but when you read the document to the end the feeling of unfinished action remains. Why? Apparently because there is a lot of detailed information about the platform functionality, the prospects for growth of carsharing and parking the market as well as the prospects for the charging stations for electric vehicles development. But there is no definitive understanding why in fact it is necessary to invest in this project. Because there are no clearly prescribed real market competitive advantages over existing services, which do not yet use blockchain technology in their business.
And what prevents the company Uber or booking.com to incorporate the blockchain technology? Looks that time has not come yet.
Thus, we did not have an unequivocal opinion on the need to invest in this project which is however no worse than the rest and even surpasses many other due to more detailed description of its functionality.
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