Brickken is creating a dApp (decentralized application) that provides the tools needed for individuals and businesses to issue their own Security Tokens, anywhere in the world using state-of-the-art blockchain technology.
Brickken technology finally allows self-crowdfunding. Brickken’s platform provides a user interface that is a best-in-class experience and easy to use.
The platform opens opportunities to individuals and businesses looking for alternative methods of raising funding, through tokenization, without intermediaries.
Brickken’s original mantra was that we would ‘tokenize the world’. We quickly realized we were approaching the accessibility of illiquid markets from the wrong perspective.
Our mission statement is to help asset owners around the world raise decentralised funding utilising blockchain-based technology, giving individuals and businesses the chance to generate passive revenue. Brickken is providing the tools needed to tokenize the world.
We aim to standardize the process by which asset tokenization and tokenization services across the globe are executed and facilitate tokenization through Brickken’s decentralized application (dApp). We believe in a decentralised and tokenized world.
The Fuel
Brickken's utility token BKN, will be used for all transactions made within the platform.
The Engine
A decentralized application capable of providing the simplest way to issue security token initiatives and initiate an STO. Brickken's dashboard, allows investors to browse and buy the tokenized assets using Brickken. Smart contracts facilitate legal and regulatory compliance and will engage with the issuer, investor and the platform.
A Know-Your-Customer system integrated with the platform will verify the identity of both issuers and investors and ensure regulatory compliant STOs.
The Vision
Brickken's vision is for our decentralized protocol to become the global legally compliant tokenization standard. Brickken will continue to develop and innovate until it is a full turnkey solution.
Buying BKN
Brickken provides issuers a solution to fund their account balance by purchasing BKN tokens directly from the platform.
Start STOs
Brickken allows issuers to create STOs using BKN and set the terms related to each STO (type, tokenomics, maturity, terms, etc.), directly from the platform.
Withdrawing Funds
Issuers can withdraw successful STO tokens into USDC directly from the platform.
Dividend Management
Issuers can easily manage dividend distribution to investors, which ensure efficient use of time and resources.
Invest in Live STOs
Brickken provides investors with a dashboard broadcasting the live STOs created using Brickken’s decentralized protocol. Brickken’s platform ensures an optimized user interface and experience to improve the investment experience.
Crypto Payments
Brickken has a crypto-payments system that allows investors to buy tokens using any crypto asset available in the marketplace.
Wealth Management
Brickken allows investors to manage their investments in tokenized assets easily. Directly from the platform, investors can receive and withdraw dividends.
STO Token Exchange
Investors can exchange their acquired security tokens for all the available security tokens in the platform.
検証済み 100%
検証済み 86%
Let's talk about the Brickken platform and why it's successful.
I would like to highlight the undoubted advantages of the platform and outline what it can do and what advantages it offers to users.
Brickken is dedicated to providing an optimized user interface and taking care of usability to enhance the investment experience.
The platform allows individuals and businesses looking for alternative methods of raising funds through tokenization without intermediaries, while the Brickken dashboard allows investors to view and buy tokenized assets.
Brickken provides issuers with a solution to top up their account balances by purchasing BKN tokens directly on the platform, which is a very smart solution. The presence of smart contracts allows for easier compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, they will interact with the issuer, investor and platform.
Considering that Brickken, thanks to the crypto payment system, allows investors to buy tokens as well as exchange them using any crypto assets available on the market.
Considering all the above advantages, we can say that the project deserves your attention and it will undoubtedly progress, delighting its users.
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