食品&医学は生命に不可欠な製品ですが、 今日のグローバルサプライチェーンの運営方法は、ほとんどの人が 私たちが食べ物や食べ物を消費するときに本当に得ていることを知る 薬。
Ambrosusプロジェクトでは、グローバル 信頼できるエコシステムを構築してサプライチェーンを 製品の歴史全体を記録し、商業的に実行する それに応じて取引が行われます。
私たちは、より安全で自律的なサプライチェーンを可能にしようと努めています。 流通プロセスを改善し、消費者が容易に見ることができるようにする 彼らの製品はどこから来て、実際には何が入っているのでしょうか?
私たちはあなたにもっと学び、私たちが提供するように調整してお待ちしています 今後数ヶ月の間にさらに多くの情報が得られます。
- Ethereumの実装が組み込まれています。マルチチェーン実装 開発
- スマート契約によるマーケットプレイス
- センサー試作品のテスト
- いくつかの使用事例と実行されたパイロット(オリーブオイル、チーズ、ベイビー 食品、シーフード)
- 国連、EIT食糧スイス連邦機関からの支援 技術とその他(Ambrosusは国連持続可能な開発の公式パートナーです フードプログラム)
- スイス政府からの融資(経済省 プロモーション、スイス、ボー、スイス)
検証済み 0%
検証済み 0%
The project has an above-average team and all-star advisors, which would legitimize the project even when the company is publicly launched only three months ago.
Presale has raised around CHF 30 million already.
New regulations or more stringent requirements around the distribution of specialty goods, such as medicinal products could increase demand for supply chain QA. For example, a recent change under the EU regulation, Good Distribution Practice of Medicinal Products for Human Use, requires companies to report any deviations to the distributor and the recipient of the affected medicinal products
Food sensor and tracking is very common and lots of companies are doing it already. Ambrosus faces stiff competition in the traditional space, such as GlobeRanger, Oceansoft, and Blue Maestro, as well as in the blockchain space from Modum.
The project is only launched for three months old based on the Linkedin profiles of the CEO and CTO. We feel like this project receives the attention it has solely because of Gavin Wood and other advisors. We don’t even see a picture of the hardware – the component that is essential to the Ambrosus platform.
We believe Ambrosus is an average business idea, one that is difficult for the company to gain a substantial competitive advantage over other competitors and gobble up market share.
Seems like the only advantage Ambrosus has over existing competitors is that data on the Ambrosus platform is incorruptible and tamperproof. However, is it really needed? We don’t believe so.
Moreover, Ambrosus is creating its own blockchain. We would question the security of it because there won’t be much decentralization of nodes as there’s no incentive for independent parties to validate the transactions on the Ambrosus blockchain.
Food contamination is not a very big problem that we are facing. Here is a list of major foodborne illness outbreaks. As you can see, they happen rather infrequently.
Overall, we are neutral on the ICO’s short-term potential and dislike its long-term potential.
This project is hyped because of its advisors. All-star advisors are great for an ICO only if the project makes sense. A company that was launched three months ago raising CHF100 million to create food sensors and a related blockchain doesn’t make much sense to us. Without business fundamentals, all the advisors in the world would not help the project.
Our thoughts of the tokens for short term and long term are as follows:
For short-term holding:
Neutral. The team of advisors really bring the awareness up. However, the hard cap of CHF 100 million is exceptionally high, especially if you consider the company is publicly launched only three months ago. The two token ICOs raising over $100 million, Bancor and Status, are both delivering negative return so far.
In addition, with Modum and Ambrosus’ ICO being so close together, many investors would compare the market cap of each ($23 million for Modum and CHF 250 million for Ambrosus on a fully diluted basis if hard caps are reached). Doing so would make Ambrosus’ valuation seem that much more expensive.
For long-term holding:
Bad. As mentioned above, we don’t believe a blockchain solution is really necessary in the food safety supply chain space. Therefore, the chance of Ambrosus being a success is low.
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