Insights Network

Insights Network

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Una piattaforma di ricerca di mercato decentralizzata.
  • Mercato
    Volume 24H
    24 ore (prezzo)
    24 ore (volume)
  • Bittrex Global
    INSTAR/BTC one year ago
    $ 0.0350
    $ 34.97
  • Bancor Network
    INSTAR/BNT 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0440
  • Bibox
    INSTAR/BTC 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0229
    $ 8.54
  • Bibox
    INSTAR/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0110
    $ 37.88
  • KKCoin
    INSTAR/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0017
    $ 3.67
  • Bibox
    INSTAR/BIX 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0200
  • Idex
    INSTAR/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0138
    $ 302.39

Di Insights Network

Informazioni sulla rete di approfondimenti

MISSION & ndash; Creare una rete di ricerca di mercato decentralizzata e fiduciosa.

Insights sta creando una rete decentralizzata per l'archiviazione dei dati sensibili dei consumatori, accompagnata da una piattaforma per le organizzazioni per condurre ricerche di marketing. Le organizzazioni saranno in grado di utilizzare la piattaforma per effettuare richieste di dati su popolazioni target definite con precisione presenti nella Rete di conoscenze.

Insights Network è una piattaforma che facilita le transazioni tra due gruppi distinti: richiedenti e provider. I richiedenti hanno bisogno di informazioni dai fornitori e sono disposti a pagare per questo. Il nostro ecosistema token sarà guidato con INS. INS sarà utilizzato per pagare le richieste di dati dei Richiedenti e per premiare i Provider. I possessori di token di Insights potranno inserire richieste di dati o venderle a persone che lo desiderano.

Adozione dell'ecosistema

I token INS coniati come incentivi per gli early adopter alimenteranno la migrazione dei dati dei consumatori esistenti nella piattaforma in cui diventa sotto il controllo e la proprietà del consumatore. Ad esempio, rilasciando un token per ogni dieci punti dati, gli input consumer convalidati con successo dai nostri partner Secure Multi Party computeranno 900 milioni di punti di dati consumer accurati nella rete. Ciò fornisce un buffet di dati per l'esistente settore di intermediazione di dati da $ 200 miliardi / anno da sfruttare.

Per avviare il nostro ecosistema e continuare il nostro sviluppo, ospiteremo una vendita di token e distribuiremo token. Ci sarà una fornitura totale di 300 milioni di INS creati. 15 milioni (5%) saranno venduti in una prevendita privata con uno sconto. 90 milioni (30%) saranno riservati per l'ecosistema di Insights Network. 90 milioni (30%) saranno riservati al team e ai futuri assunti.
105 milioni (35%) saranno venduti attraverso un evento di crowdsale tramite il contratto smart Ethereum per un aumento massimo di $ 15 milioni USD. Questo crowdsale funzionerà dal 12/5/17 al 27/12/17.


Insights sta automatizzando il settore dell'intermediazione dati tramite tecnologia blockchain e contratti intelligenti. Gli utenti possiedono, gestiscono e monetizzano in modo sicuro i propri dati con Insights Wallet. Le società di Data Brokerage stanno generando $ 200 miliardi all'anno di entrate. The Insights Network trasferirà tale ricchezza da società a consumatore nei prossimi dieci anni.

Informazioni tecniche

Instar è il token nativo di Insights Network. In cambio di token & nbsp; Instar, gli utenti possono acquistare set di dati avanzati. Gli utenti che migrano & nbsp; i dati nella rete vengono premiati con token ecosistemici.

& nbsp;

% name% Roadmap

  • Approfondimenti: Q1-Q3 2017

  • -Verifica teorica
    -Lancia il sito Web di Insights Network
    -I lavori di sviluppo iniziano sulla rete di test EOS
  • Approfondimenti: il quarto trimestre 2017

  • -Annuncio di Project at BlockCon
    -Rilasciare la bozza finale del libro bianco
    - Vendita a pagamento
    -Token Launch
    -Carta distribuzione
    -IN App Gambea per l'integrazione di wallet
  • Approfondimenti: primo trimestre 2018

  • -INS Token ERC-20 di Network Desktop Client Beta riscattabili nel client
  • Approfondimenti: Q2 2018

  • -Multi Party Computation
  • Leggi di più
  • Approfondimenti: terzo trimestre del 2018

  • -EOS Platform Beta Opens
  • Approfondimenti: quarto trimestre del 2018

  • -INS EOS blockchain Desktop Client Completamente funzionale Polling disponibile al pubblico ogni giorno

Insights Network Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Brian Gallagher
Co-founder & CEO
non verificato
Darwin Lo
Co-founder & CTO
non verificato
Brandan Zaucha
Co-founder, Business Development & Community
non verificato
Dylan Herman
Blockchain Developer
non verificato

Insights Network Ultime novità

$ 0.0171
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 404.88
Circ. Supply:

% name% Recensioni

Data analytics is a huge industry and one that’s growing quickly. We like the idea of users taking control of their own data.
Because users control their own data, they can create a very accurate profile of themselves, which allow advertisers to target their audience better than the current offerings. This way, fraud can also be reduced significantly, potentially saving advertisers money.
This project is the first EOS ICO, so it is attracting a lot of attention.
The Equifax hack in September 2017, which allowed attackers to obtain crucial personal identity information for 143 million people, shows that it is unsafe to share consumer information with centralized companies.

​The project is at a pretty early stage, so it is essentially a white paper project.
Should there be any delay in the launch of mainnet for EOS (currently scheduled for June 2018), the roadmap for Insights Network would also be delayed.
Insights Network represents a two-sided market (requesters and users). If the network cannot attract users from both sides quickly, the network effect would be diminished.

Overall, we like both the short- and long-term potential this ICO. Our thoughts of the tokens for short term and long term are as follows:
For ​short-term holding:
Good. Being the first EOS ICO, the market is paying close attention to the project. Red Pulse, the first NEO ICO, has performed very well (10x) as of the time of publication.
The idea, token metrics with a maximum bonus of just 10%, team, and market awareness are all above average. We believe the early stage of the project is less of a concern for this project because EOS mainnet will not be rolled out before June 2018 anyways.
For long-term holding:
Good. We like the idea of users taking control of their own data. This is one of the key benefits of a decentralized system over the centralized counterpart.
The project provides real benefits to both users (they are compensated for sharing their information) and requesters (better targeting and potentially lower cost because of the elimination of middleman and fraud). If the project is successful in building up the network effect, the potential is substantial.

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ICO review website

The main concern for the consumer data market growth is the risk of compromising Vital Consumer Data. The largest players of this segment are Acxiom, Nielsen, and Experian which cover more than a half of the American consumer data market.

The product is only on a concept stage and the alpha version has not yet been launched. It is worth noticing that the issued ERC-20 tokens will be later replaced by EOS tokens. The EOS Blockchain has not been itself launched. The popularity of the platform will heavily depend on the network effect i.e. how many people will register on Insights Network. The given roadmap is not enough detailed and only highlights some of the product development stages.

There is no information on how INSTAR will earn its money, so the commercial viability of the platform is not clear. The popularity of the platform will heavily depend on the network effect i.e. how many people will register on Insights Network.

The Use of Funds is not given in a detailed way and there is no financial plan for anticipated expenditures. There is no information about Soft Cap. 30% of tokens will not be available for sale and will be kept by team. There is no information about vesting scheme for the team reserves. There is no information about escrow in case the hard cap will not be reached.

The team is spread around the globe. According to Linkedin, the employees are located in San Francisco, Chicago, and Copenhagen.

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Data exchanging is an interesting industry where both sides can benefit from. With Insights Network, they work to make this idea possible. Thus, its a nice ICO that should be watched over as it might be great for the long term.

Assisted by EOS Team: Insights Network is one of the first ICOs to work with EOS. Due to its partnership with EOS, we can expect them both to develop a strong interpersonal relationship.
Roadmap Releases: Insights Network has a roadmap that is released on each quarter of the year. If its able to fufill its promises, then the price value of the token will increase.
Low Cap: $16,000,000 is surprisingly low for a marketcap. Since its the first ICO on EOS, it would help attract new users to the platform.

No MVP: There is no MVP available, but its expected to appear on Q2 2018.
Allocation of Funds: The funds distributions has been loosely explained. It would be better if they explained what they were sending their funds to each sector (development, marketing, etc).

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White paper itself consists of 23 pages only, and the only project demonstration is performed in a 43 seconds YouTube video. At the moment that all seems to be hardly enough for predicting a great future, though the Insights Networks idea is certainly interesting and can gain popularity in nowadays market.

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