

Created using Figma
Piattaforma P2P per la pubblicità nativa attraverso lo scambio di pre-token di opinion leaders.
14 mag 2018
30 set 2018
100% completato
$4 301 656
hard cap
8% berretto completato
berretto 15 000.00 ETH
Hard cap 15 000.00 ETH
  • 1 QZ
    0.01 USD
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi
MVP / Prototipo
Divertimento, Internet

Di Efir

Stiamo producendo questo sito per la pubblicità nativa con i blogger. Tutte le barriere per gli inserzionisti vengono rimosse grazie alla maggiore qualità della pubblicità, alla formazione decentrata e al controllo dell'efficacia. Le nostre tecnologie ci consentono di acquistare pubblicità nativa dai blogger di tutto il mondo. Aiuteremo i blogger a condividere le loro abilità uniche per raggiungere il successo. La nostra API consente alle startup tecnologiche volte ad aumentare la qualità della pubblicità con i blogger per ottenere l'accesso al mercato. La nostra esperienza di successo nel mercato della CSI su YouTube consente l'ingresso nei mercati internazionali e ci rappresenta sui social network.


Aumento della qualità della pubblicità dei blogger mediante formazione e produzione decentralizzata sulla base di comunità di esperti

Transazioni internazionali più economiche grazie all'uso di token QZ tra blogger e inserzionisti

Riduzione dei costi di comunicazione mediante l'automatizzazione della selezione e del monitoraggio degli effetti (compreso l'uso di servizi esterni) e realizzazione di canalizzazioni trasparenti tra pubblicità e azioni reali

Possibilità di acquistare e vendere pubblicità con pagamento per l'azione (PR o Marketing), non solo per il fatto di pubblicità

Informazioni tecniche

Il token QZ verrà emesso per transazioni private (sicure) tra blogger e inserzionisti. Queste offerte saranno fuse in un contratto intelligente. Il raggiungimento dei risultati chiave, come la distribuzione pubblicitaria, la copertura del pubblico, il traffc, i collegamenti ecc. È la condizione principale dell'accordo. L'accordo sarà sotto Efr.io servizi o controllo dei servizi commerciali esterni.
& nbsp;

% name% Roadmap

  • Analytics.efir.io (Alfa

  • - Prototype of technology in Russian — April, 2018
    - Scaling to other (non hieroglyphical languages) languages: September 2018
    - Scaling to other (hieroglyphical languages) languages: February 2019
    - Basic functionality: December 2018
    - First preorders for statistics: May 2018
  • Prquality.efir.io - PR Assessment (Research)

  • - Prototype for recognition of emotional influence of voice: October 2018
    - Prototype for recognition of Emotional influence of music: December 2018
    - Prototype for recognition of Emotional influence of picture: February 2018
    - Basic Oracle for technology: March 2019
  • Efir.io – Main platform

  • - Adding YouTube 170 000 bloggers with public data: March 2018
    - Scaling to other Social Networks. First Chinese social net: December 2018
    - Gutenberg first search algorithm: April 2018
    - Next generation search algorithm: August 2018
    - Smart contract condition fixation: July 2018
    - First oracles: 80% complete - July 2018.
    - Integration of exchange services: September 2018
    - Functionality for advertisers: May 2017
    - Open Api Beta: August 2018
    - Open Api Release: November 2018
  • Production.efir.io - Decentralized production (Beta)

  • - Bloggers and Media-Specialists registration: beta testing in Russia at production.efir.io
    - Bloggers assessment: September 2018
    - Functionality for producers: September 2018
    - Opening of a crowd investing campaign: December 2018
    - Assessment of the results of bloggers' development: December 2018
    - Internal communication on the platform between bloggers and media specialists: December 2018
  • Leggi di più
  • Agencies.efir.io - Agency services (Beta)

  • - Agency integration: released
    - Generation of automatic offers: released
    - Smart briefing: December 2018
    - Automatic reports: December 2018
    - Professional search tools: February 2019
    - Automatic requests to bloggers: February 2019

Efir Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$4 315 296

Denis Shayahmetov
non verificato


$4 315 296

Danil Vishnyakov
Front End
non verificato
Vladimir Koveshnikov
Marketing&Product Development
non verificato


$4 315 296

Dmitry Vinokurov
non verificato
Anna Kozlovskaya
non verificato


$4 315 296

Elizabeth Kornaukhov...
Manager of the CIS bloggers
non verificato
Alexander Gerasimov
System Administrator
non verificato
Dr. Sanjaya Kanthan
Regional Consultant (APAC)
non verificato
Michael Belyakov
English speaking segment supervisor
non verificato
Olga Demi
Spanish speaking segment manager
non verificato
Askar Abildaev
Efir.io PM
non verificato
Inna Rudaya
PR manager
non verificato
Anton Elovikov
Product Designer
non verificato
Ilya Holnov
Agencies.efir.io PM
non verificato
Anastasia Zotova
Production.efir.io PM
non verificato
Sergey Potekhin
Blockchain Developer
non verificato
Vicky He
Regional Consultant (Asia)
non verificato
Kirill Dolmatov
Front-end developer
non verificato


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$4 315 296

Dmitry Vasilevsky
non verificato


$4 315 296

Vladimir Sukhodoev
non verificato


$4 315 296

Stanislav Gaiduk
non verificato
Anton Zyuzin
non verificato

Efir Ultime novità

5.0 15
ICO Profilo Visione Attività Potenziale Prodotto Squadra

% name% Recensioni

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a platform that easily connects the players of the bloggers native advertising market


  • The platform enables the advertisers to easily interact with the bloggers as they are able to select the bloggers with  intellectual search and free marketplace for native advertising and external startups
  • The platform increases the quality  and makes the bloggers easily available through the decentralized production
  • The platform enables the bloggers to publish their rates, contact details and statistics enabling advertising agencies to work with bloggers
  • The platform helps to measure  the PR quality through its intellectual measurement of the blogger’s PR quality promoting the bloggers use in different businesses and urgencies
  • The platform increases the market transparency  through the provision of the analytical services as the bloggers are not under control  enabling them to relay all information accurately
  • The platform’s whitepaper is fully detailed  highlighting the need   of the bloggers  by the business agencies, advertisers  and other investors
  • The platform has a qualified team with adequate experience, understanding and skills  in the advertising technology and financial services  to enable easy implementation of the project


  • The amount of funds generated by the QZ token at the pre-ICO stage is not highlighted
  • The platform lacks a mobile application supported by Android to enables the users access the bloggers services via  their smartphones
  • The QZ token is highly influenced by the high rates of taxation imposed by different states


  • The platform technical team should develop a mobile application supported by Android for the users to access the bloggers services via smartphones from any location
  • The QZ token should be made more compatible with other cryptocurrencies and fiat to enable easy payments


The platform increases the need of bloggers in the native advertising market hence improving the business advertisements and promoting external start-ups. This makes the platform viable hence I would invest in it.

Leggi di più

Differentiation: Compared to other blockchain-based advertising platforms, efir.io is specifically targeted towards bloggers. The platform offers a free blogger search engine and marketplace. Furthermore, the platform also focuses on peer-to-peer advertising. It is stated in the whitepaper that Famebit (a social media influencer marketplace owned by Google) is not a competitor to efir.io since Famebit is not actively being developed. This is a fairly weak justification as to why the platform is not a competitor. An comparison of features between the two platforms is not sufficiently described.

Market Penetration Potential: The potential to capitalize on blogger-focused advertising is considerable due to the relatively new development of the space, although a good strategy will be necessary as the platform faces potential competition from established companies such as Famebit.

Solution Advantage: Compared to other advertising platforms, efir.io has existing tools and services and is focused on using bloggers for advertising. Additionally, the platform will have other tools and services which will allow users to automate business processes and analyze data (PR quality, API access, blogger development programs).

Long-Term Vision: The platform aims to provide bloggers (and advertisers) the means to utilize a new advertising channel. As a result, the organization has potential to gain hold over the particular market segment. Based on the roadmap, there are clear plans to expand the platform and legitimize bloggers as a viable marketing strategy.

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Can we comfortably say that this is technology empowering the strength of influencers? Absolutely.

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