The goal of uTrade is to help users carry out the global derivatives trading under in fairness and compliancy. Combining the practices of cryptocurrency and foreign exchange retailing, uTrade is expected to seek our footing in the current market as a new force in sudden rise. uTrade operates in two parts: a proprietary trading platform, and a blockchain protocol that materialises the eco-system of decentralised derivatives trading.The global derivatives trading platform of uTrade, is a universal trading platform (UTP) for native tokens. First of all, by getting the entry into the foreign exchange retail market and counting on the token incentive mechanism and the real documentary mechanism to promote growth, the global derivatives trading platform is expected to become a norm of foreign exchange retail platform, accounting for 20% of the world's daily trading volume on par of a share of hundreds of billions of US dollars in foreign exchange retail. Following that, bonus and other mechanisms are used to complete a smooth shift to convert users from the foreign exchange user to the cryptocurrency user. In the future, uTrade will become a derivative full-assets market covering foreign exchange, cryptocurrency, stocks, bonds, and share options to enable users to carry out the transfer and conversion in multiple markets. This shall inject new vitality into the foreign exchange market while bringing in new increments for existing cryptocurrency money market and opening up a totally new prospect.The second part is the uTrade protocol, a clearing system based on distributed ledgers. uTrade is a network protocol that provides a high-performance underlying clearing network that defines the rules of transaction grammar, data interface, and order matching to unblock the data flow in glob-al trading platforms, helping each distributed brokerage to share the liquidity and share the data. This will make financial derivatives transactions become more practicable, reliable and honest, conducing to the ecology of global financial transactions.The total amount of the UTP tokens is 1 billion. In addition to the first 15% of private placements, 51% will be the feedback to uTrade platform users and uTrade protocol users by means of ecologi-cal incentives to realise the integration of users, operators and investors in one. UTP tokens can be used to Deduct commission, participate in node campaigns, share profit dividends, pay the bro-ker’s margins, work as market maker‘s incentives and be used in other landing scenarios, putting on solid value support for UTP tokens.
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Penawaran ini didasarkan pada informasi yang diberikan semata-mata oleh pemberi penawaran dan informasi lain yang tersedia untuk umum. Penjualan token atau acara pertukaran yang sama sekali tidak terkait dengan ICOholder dan ICOholder tidak memiliki keterlibatan di dalamnya (termasuk dukungan teknis atau promosi). Penjualan Token terdaftar dari orang-orang yang tidak memiliki hubungan dengan ICOholder yang hanya dapat membantu pelanggan melacak aktivitas yang terjadi di dalam keseluruhan token sector. Informasi ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk memberikan nasihat yang harus Anda andalkan. Anda harus mendapatkan saran profesional atau spesialis atau melakukan due diligence Anda sendiri sebelum mengambil, atau menahan diri, tindakan berdasarkan konten di situs kami. Syarat dan ketentuan apa pun yang dimasukkan oleh kontributor sehubungan dengan perolehan Token ada di antara mereka dan penerbit Token dan ICOholder bukanlah penjual Token tersebut. Pemegang ICO tidak memiliki tanggung jawab hukum atas setiap pernyataan yang dibuat oleh pihak ketiga sehubungan dengan penjualan Token dan setiap klaim atas pelanggaran kontrak juga harus dilakukan secara langsung terhadap entitas penerbit Token yang tercantum di sini. P>
Jika Anda memiliki masalah tentang sifat, kepatutan atau legalitas penjualan token ini atau orang-orang yang terlibat di dalamnya, hubungi dengan informasi rinci tentang masalah Anda. p> div>