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Friendz connecte les entreprises à des personnes désireuses de fournir un support pour la génération de contenus publicitaires directement postés sur leurs profils de médias sociaux personnels. Les utilisateurs impliqués dans ce processus de communication peer-to-peer sont récompensés pour leur collaboration sur Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Medium via nos jetons FDZ.

FDZ sera le jeton standard pour gérer et récompenser les gens pour les activités en ligne.
  • Marché
    Volume 24H
    24H (prix)
    24H (volume)
  • HitBTC
    FDZ/BTC % count% months ago
    $ 3.778E-5
    $ 3.12
  • HitBTC
    FDZ/ETH % count% months ago
    $ 3.742E-5
    $ 3.09
  • HitBTC
    FDZ/USDT % count% months ago
    $ 4.087E-5
    $ 0.0016
  • Mercatox
    FDZ/ETH one year ago
    $ 0.0003
    $ 36.077 K
  • Mercatox
    FDZ/BTC one year ago
    $ 0.0002
    $ 4.399 K
  • TheRockTrading
    FDZ/EUR one year ago
    $ 0.0006
    $ 3.80
  • TheRockTrading
    FDZ/ETH 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0007
    $ 22.52
  • DragonEx
    FDZ/ETH 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0029
    $ 2.93
  • BitMart
    FDZ/BMX 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0014
    $ 12.44
  • BitMart
    FDZ/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0015
    $ 12.74
  • ForkDelta
    FDZ/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0006
    $ 1.45
  • HitBTC
    FDZ/USD 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0005
    $ 0.0393
  • Lykke
    FDZ/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0004
    $ 0.0403
  • Idex
    FDZ/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0022
    $ 59.80
  • BitMart
    FDZ/BTC 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0005
    $ 440.44
  • Lykke
    FDZ/BTC 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0067
    $ 0.5372
  • BitMart
    FDZ/BMX 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0031
1 mars 2018
21 mars 2018
100% terminé
$13 755 000
bouchon dur
23768% bouchon dur terminé
objectif 50 000 000.00 FDZ
Bouchon dur 750 000 000.00 FDZ
  • 1 FDZ
    0.067 USD
Détails du jeton
Offre totale
Devises Acceptées
Détails de l'entreprise
Pays enregistré
Détails supplémentaires
Les catégories
Plate-forme, Médias, Les services aux entreprises, l'Internet, la communication

Sur Friendz


Nous développons actuellement un écosystème pour les utilisateurs avec vue de les familiariser avec cryptocurrencies afin qu'ils ne seront pas quitter l'écosystème. Nous commençons à établir des partenariats avec plus de 150 grandes plateformes de commerce électronique en Europe et sont travailler dur pour continuer à élargir notre réseau. Notre communauté être en mesure d'utiliser des pièces Friendz dans divers endroits, y compris les magasins et sera continuellement encouragé à continuer à les dépenser. Nous croyons l'effet de réseau va générer une augmentation de la taille de la communauté et, par conséquent, la demande circulatoire pour pièces de monnaie.

L'utilisation de Friendz Coins enrichira l'expérience utilisateur dans l'application: la communauté bénéficiera de nouvelles fonctionnalités et services à acheter dans l'application en utilisant simplement les pièces de monnaie. De nouvelles fonctionnalités seront conçues pour augmenter le degré d'interaction de l'utilisateur en ligne.


Avoir une pièce dédiée rend la marque identifiable, donc rendre la monnaie forte et puissante. Tout le monde saura que Friendz Coins est la monnaie utilisée pour activer les communautés dans le monde du marketing numérique et cela va créer en conséquence intérêt.

Les pièces Friendz seront le support standard pour l'activation communautés. La pièce deviendra un point de référence pour les marques veulent créer des campagnes et doivent impliquer un grand nombre de les gens.


Notre modèle est conçu pour augmenter l'intérêt et la demande de Pièces Friendz. Nous voulons récompenser ceux qui ont cru au projet dès le début pour leur soutien dans le développement du affaires.


La plate-forme Friendz met en relation les entreprises avec des personnes prêtes à fournir un soutien pour la création de contenu publicitaire directement publié sur leurs profils de réseaux sociaux personnels. Les utilisateurs impliqués dans ce processus de communication entre pairs sont récompensés pour leur collaboration sur Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Medium via des jetons FDZ. FDZ sera le jeton standard pour gérer et récompenser les personnes pour leurs activités en ligne.

% name% roadmap

  • Q1 2018

  • The beginning

  • Friendz was born and its business model validated by the first hundred of users
  • Q2 2018

  • The first year

  • - February: The app has been officially launched and first collaborations with clients started
    - June: We received €500,000 investment round
  • Lire la suite
  • Q3 2018

  • Achievements

  • - February: 100.000 downloads
    - June: Friendz reached the breakeven
    - November: €1.2m revenues amount amount and 200.000 users
  • Q4 2018

  • Near Future

  • - Q1: Listed on Exchange
    - Q2: Expansion in Central Europe
    - Q3: Decentralizing digital advertising
    - Q4: Expansion of services
  • Q1 2019

  • Next year's goals

  • - Q1: Nordics
    - Q2: Widget payment system for commercial partners
    - Q3: Users internal wallet
    - Q4: Expansion in Eastern Europe
  • Q2 2019

  • Further Expansion

  • - Q1: Expansion in North America
    - Q2: Expansion in South America
    - Q3: Expansion in Asia and Australia
  • Q3 2019

  • Q4 2019

  • Q1 2020

  • Q2 2020

  • Q3 2020


Friendz Équipe

Vérifié 62%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Alessandro Cadoni
Cecilia Nostro
Daniele Scaglia
Dario D'antino
non vérifié
Giorgio Pallocca
Flavio Lanternini
Mario Soprano
non vérifié
Alessandro Serafini
non vérifié
Silvia Romano


$13 755 000

Simona Fontana
Silvia Biestro
non vérifié
Martina Pirisi
Carmen Arbizu L.
non vérifié

Friendz Entretiens

Alessandro Cadoni
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role as a cofounder is to manage the Friendz community. Friendz is not an idea, it’s a working product with a strong track record made by 1.2million dollars in revenues and 200,000 users.
Cecilia Nostro
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I’m a cofounder of Friendz. I think this ICO will allow us to export this business model around the world. Our token will use to guarantee common people when they do some action for companies!
Daniele Scaglia
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am Friendz Co-Founder and Head of Operations. Looking at the engagement received in the Telegram group and in the reviews online we can say that the project is receiving a huge interest worldwide and we are proud of the work we are doing
Giorgio Pallocca
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Leading Development Team
Flavio Lanternini
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the blockchain developer of Friendz. I think the idea is as innovative as the company itself!
Silvia Romano
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the graphic designer of Friendz. I think that the idea is innovative and well explained. It is definitely something I am proud of!
Simona Fontana
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am ICO Project Manager at Friendz and we are working hard on the project to make it successful for the thousands of people that are supporting us
Martina Pirisi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Friendz, a digital marketing revolution on the blockchain.

Friendz Dernières nouvelles

$ 0.0001
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 45.79 K
Volume 24h:
$ 2.04
Circ. Supply:
593.439 M FDZ
ICO profit
X 0.0012
ICO Price~$0.0670

% nom%

Samson Owiti
Samson Owiti Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

FREINDZ is a digital marketing revolution on the block chain to promote advertising based peer to peer communication which easily connects brands and their target audience taking the advantage of the most powerful tool ever ‘Word of Mouth’


  • Safer: The platform employs advanced technologies to ensure faster and safer transfer of funds and completion  of all the services must be certified
  • User friendly: The platform  adopts  a traceable single tool that can be used globally to activate users  and involve them in creating advertising campaigns
  • Transparency: The platform adopts a transparent system that easens the track of flow of marketing spending on the platform by the users  where frequent users  will be rewarded to purchases  other services within the platform from the project
  • Faster services: The Friendz dashboard  enables the users to monitor campaigns progress in real time and perform adequate analysis of the results  through the specific KPIs enabling them  to achieve more goals  within a short period of time
  • Community involvement: It promotes users to automatically activate thousands of people to create content and perform  actions  based on the rules of the campaigns
  • Easy accessibility: The generated  Friendz application enables the users easily login  via their facebook profile and find list of active campaigns within the platform
  • Increased advertising: The platform promotes faster  digital advertising for big and fast growing big companies  that require validation system, quick content generation   and market research


  • The cofounders are young  and energetic  but lack adequate experience
  • The FDZ token may lose it value upon acquiring it  hence creating more risk


  • The team should involve more experienced personnel for full project implementation
  • The FDZ token holders should be given more security on the value increase  of the token upon acquiring it
Lire la suite

Unlike a lot of other declining startups that have raised funds through ICO, Friendz is actually a growing company. The company was founded in 2016 and already has 35 employees, and has worked with a number of Fortune 500 companies. This shows the credential of the company and the team.
Influencer marketing is a new and rapidly-growing industry, especially for influencers with a smaller audience. Friendz is well positioned to benefit from this trend.
The integration with FDZ token requires minimal change to the business model so it likely won’t deter the app’s growth.

Brands and advertising agencies can use Friendz’s services with fiat, potentially reducing the demand for FDZ tokens.
The only social media platform that integrates with Friendz is Facebook for now. The lack of additional platform integration is considered slow in development progress as the app was launched two years ago.
Also founded in 2016, Indahash has a very similar business model as Friendz and is more advanced, having worked with 400 clients in over 70 markets and 8 of the top 10 largest media agencies in the world.

Overall, we are neutral about both the short- and long-term potential of this ICO. Our thoughts of the tokens for short term and long term are as follows:
For ​short-term holding:
Neutral. The hard cap is way too large for a mobile application, especially in the current market condition. If the hard cap is not filled in the first week, it would have a difficult time raising additional funds as there will be no more bonus.
For long-term holding:
Neutral. Applications generally have a lower valuation than infrastructure/protocol projects. Indahash, a very similar project with a more advanced development, has a current market cap of $50 million.

Lire la suite

The Friendz platform has been created with the purpose of decentralizing the advertising process and content creation and its validation on social media network. By launching the ICO, the company wants to raise funds to develop the benefits for their business, such as expanding their business worldwide, winning the trust of new clients, integrating an advanced technology system, increasing their offers, and broadening their international community.

Lire la suite

Again, the project is presented as a win-win scheme for all the participants – brands, users, approvers, and as a result, to investors. The team is fully staffed and already proved that they are capable of implementing the idea, because the ecosystem is working right now and it’s quite successful. ICO investment threshold is only 0,1 ETH that means their doors are open for everyone. Add here advantages of blockchain providing transparency, reliability, and decentralization, and you’ll see the complete picture of Friendz.
A win-win combination of brands and usual social network users that makes advertising sharply addressed and much less annoying.

Lire la suite
  • En raison des différences temporelles dans les mises à jour des informations, des informations précises sur chaque projet ICO doivent être vérifiées sur son site web officiel ou via un autre canal de communication.
  • Cette information n'est pas une suggestion ou un conseil pour investir dans un financement ICO. Veuillez examiner vous-même les informations pertinentes et décider de la participation de l’OIC.
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