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Dernière mise à jour

25 déc. 2018

Bethereum est une plate-forme de paris sociaux décentralisée basée sur la technologie Ethereum et les contrats intelligents. Les solutions actuelles pour les paris en ligne comportent un ensemble de problèmes qui la rendent peu attrayante pour de nombreux utilisateurs potentiels. Ceux-ci incluent la transparence, les problèmes de sécurité, le manque de caractère social et l'injustice perçue des paris conventionnels. L'objectif du framework Bethereum est de permettre une création et un déploiement intuitifs de contrats intelligents de paris qui opèrent directement sur la Blockchain.
  • Marché
    Volume 24H
    24H (prix)
    24H (volume)
  • CoinTiger
    BETHER/USDT % count% months ago
    $ 0.0004
    $ 7.016 K
  • CoinTiger
    BETHER/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0008
  • CoinBene
    BETHER/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0002
    $ 8.82
  • Idex
    BETHER/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0001
    $ 29.13
  • Eterbase
    BETHER/USDT 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0004
    $ 1.40
  • Uniswap (v3)
    BETHER/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0002
  • Eterbase
    BETHER/EBASE 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0001
    $ 39.92
  • Eterbase
    BETHER/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0050
  • Eterbase
    BETHER/XBASE 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0008
  • Eterbase
    BETHER/EUR 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0010

Sur Bethereum

Le client d'application Bethereum permet à un utilisateur de placer des paris sur les résultats d'événements futurs et de gagner des récompenses dans les jetons Bether pour prédire correctement le résultat réel. Les contrats intelligents garantissent la transparence de chaque transaction et le paiement des gains aux parieurs victorieux. C'est le moyen le plus pratique de placer des paris sécurisés par des contrats intelligents: l'ensemble du processus peut être entièrement réalisé via votre appareil mobile, généralement en moins d'une minute. Notre solution met l'accent sur la qualité de l'expérience utilisateur et sur l'aspect social des paris, avec un accent particulier sur la construction de communautés fortes. Nous visons à créer une large plateforme en ligne qui rendra l'ensemble du processus de pari accessible, facile à utiliser et attrayant aussi pour les parieurs occasionnels.


Why are we interesting for contributors?

▪ Alpha-tested betting Smart Contracts

▪ Over 30,000 bets placed in Alpha

▪ B2C and B2B business model

▪ Developer SDK and BetherNet protocol for third-party betting applications

▪ Easy purchase of tokens through our Bethereum Wallet

▪ Clear and easy-to-understand use-cases

▪ We’re following an empirically-proven business model

▪ Bethereum is a highly versatile platform that is designed for scalability


Bethereum will deliver a set of industry-winning features and advantages:

▪ Strong support for social and community-building elements

▪ High simplicity to bring in casual bettors, but with advanced functionality for top gamblers and high rollers

▪ Designed from the ground up to deliver viral uptake (minimising player acquisition cost), well beyond the standard friend-get-friend referral programs

▪ Support for limitless rewards and massive bet wagers (High Roller Club)

▪ Powerful gamification elements (aimed at higher player retention and engagement)

▪ Privacy respect (planned support for self-sovereign ID integration, such as Civic)

▪ Ready for AI-based robotisation, to improve user experience and platform profitability

▪ Multi-channel experience: Web, iOS, Android (plus other platforms as market relevant)

▪ Future-proof and ready to include betting and gaming content well beyond sports

▪ Designed for rapid ecosystem uptake (e.g., open-source, third-party integration)

▪ Built as modular technology components, enabling offering of near-turnkey white-label solutions with low customisation cost

▪ Custom solution delivering fast processing time at a lower cost and supported by a deflationary, highly liquid, dedicated token (BETHER)

Info technique

Contrats intelligents alpha-testés

Protocole BetherNet

norme ERC223

technologie Oracle

SDK de développement tiers

& nbsp;

% name% roadmap

  • March 2017

  • • Idea conception
    • Core team setup
  • May 2017

  • • Development start
    • Token sale preparation
  • August 2017

  • First prototype.
  • March - May 2018

  • • iOS app prototype
    • Token sale
  • Lire la suite
  • March 2018

  • Token sale.
  • Q2 2018

  • • Bether on exchanges
    • Team extension
  • Q3 2018

  • Backend build on blockchain.
  • Q3 2018

  • • Closed alpha
    • Oracle / API feed
    • Bethereum wallet
  • Q4 2018

  • • Public beta
    • Developer SDK start
  • Q4+ 2018

  • Other sports, eSports and fantasy.
  • Q1 2019

  • Web / iOS soft launch
    eSports / High Roller Club
    Agency partnerships
  • Q4+ 2018

  • Live and community betting.
  • Q1 2019

  • • Web / iOS soft launch
    • eSports / High Roller Club
    • Agency partnerships
  • Q2 2019

  • Global launch: Web/iOS/Android
    Local / live betting
    Affiliate program
  • 2019+

  • 3rd party Bether adoption.
  • Q2 2019

  • • Global launch: Web / iOS / Android
    • Local / live betting
    • Affiliate program
  • Q3 2019

  • Developer SDK release
    Non-sport betting added
    First third-party games
  • Q4+ 2018

  • Live and community betting.
  • Q4 2019

  • Machine-learning service
    Large game portfolio
  • H1 2020

  • B2B / partner growth
    Bether as major standard
    Multichannel portal
  • Q4 2019

  • • Machine-learning service
    • Large game portfolio
  • H1 2020

  • • B2B / partner growth
    • Bether as major standard
    • Multichannel portal

Bethereum Équipe

Vérifié 100%

Roy Nir Lieberman
Community Manager


Michael Watzke
Fullstack Developer

Bethereum Entretiens

Roy Nir Lieberman
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the community manager at Bethereum. That gives me a daily contact with our enthusiastic Bethereans from around the world. I love how people feel like they are a part of what we are doing, and supporting the team. Can't wait to see all of this unfold !
Michael Watzke
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Fullstack Developer

Bethereum Dernières nouvelles

$ 0.0003
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 155.438 K
Volume 24h:
$ 3.683 K
Circ. Supply:
573.183 M BETHER

% nom%

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

BETHEREUM is a decentralized, social-betting platform based on Ethereum technology and smart contracts enabling the users to bet with friends and other players and not against the bookmaker.


  • Fair conditions: The  platform enables all the bets placed by the users to have a winner  and regardless of the person who wins the bet the money stays in the group
  • Transparency: The platform enables the players to set their own odds  with all the transactions  made visible on blockchain limiting any fraud
  • Simplicity: The platform is designed  for maximum simplicity and intuitiveness  as the users can easily register in the platform as it involves a simple registration process
  • Security: The Bethereum’s decentralized setup and smart contracts offer unmatched player protection  and shield the user’s funds  and bets from manipulation making the platform secure
  • Instant payouts: The platform use through the Bether tokens enables instant bet participation and winning distribution
  • Less costly:  The platform  use has no hidden fees on withdrawals and transactions, the players only pay a small fee on their on their winnings in order to cover third-party services
  • The platform has a good team with most of the members being  the founders of other  projects  with gamification experience  enabling easy implementation of the project


  • The platform  has no legal advisors  to help in guiding the project  implementation
  • The platform  white paper is not available in other languages limiting the project use in all the countries
  • The Bether tokens doesn’t grant the users more incentives by taking part in the overall project decision making  and having a share of the generated profit


  • The platform should  involve internationally qualified translators to enable the creation of the projects whitepaper in other languages
  • The platform team should involve advisors to help in streamlining the project operations and implementation


The platform eliminates exploitation of the players in the betting industry by enabling them to bet in groups and receive winnings without involving an intermediary. This makes the project viable and I would invest in it.

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Bethereum has a great idea of leveraging social factor and user-friendly game-like applications (including those from third-party developers) that will engage to the platform not only seasoned bettors, but casual ones as well. The project is being developed by an excellent team and they already have an MVP on the AppStore. Anyway, the team will face challenges traditional for ICO projects – competition with other companies, product implementation, and the platform adoption. We believe they can make it.
The Bethereum’s idea of bringing social and gamification elements into the betting industry looks very interesting. And decentralized nature of the project makes it clear, trustworthy, and transparent. An excellent bet for the win.

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ICO review website

The project’s positive points include an already-functioning MVP, Bethereum Lite, available for iOS. Bethereum’s advantages over its main competitors are the reason the project has garnered attention from investors, with $4.5 mln (6000 ETH) raised during the presale.

The team has recruited specialists with a variety of backgrounds and experience. Key team members have previously worked together on other projects.

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