Última actualización
8 feb 2022
Peermoon is a Defi mobile wallet that allows investing, managing and tracking finance conveniently in one app. Through the Peermoon app users can invest in different asset classes, like cryptocurrencies, stocks, ETFs, loans, commodities, real estate, etc.
We are a team of experts with extensive experience in the financial sector, investing, and technologies. We are here to bring you a new disruptive solution for managing your finances and investing more conveniently.
Our dedicated team creates solid software products, apps, and operational systems for established businesses and start-ups.
We are passionate about making difficult to simple. Turning static to mobile. And shifting a mobile product to the fastest and the most convenient solution easy to use for everyone.
This time we joined our forces to create a game-changer app we believe in. Our product is a groundbreaking mobile wallet that makes a significant shift in the financial world.
Co-founders of Peermoon are three FinTech experts: Dan Martalog (CEO), Elena Kriek (CMO) and Tadeusz Blago (CTO).
What makes Peermoon unique?
Through the Peermoon app, users can invest in different asset classes, like cryptocurrencies, stocks, ETFs, loans, commodities, real estate, etc., also perform other financial transactions. Peermoon app allows tracking the performance and the statistics of the investment portfolio in one place. These benefits make the Peermoon app a unique investing tool in the market.
Peermoon roadmap
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Si tiene alguna inquietud acerca de la naturaleza, propiedad o legalidad de esta venta de tokens o de las personas involucradas en ella, póngase en contacto con info@icoholder.com . con información detallada sobre sus inquietudes.