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Laatste update

8 feb. 2022

Peermoon DeFi app is here. Invest with your rules.
Peermoon is a new generation decentralized mobile wallet. We are here to disrupt how we see the finance industry from daily payments to the smartest investments.
Public sale
18 apr. 2022
18 mei 2022
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Doel 6 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 PM
    0.01 USD
Private sale B
28 mrt. 2022
11 apr. 2022
100% voltooid
$5 800 000
98% doel voltooid
Doel 5 880 000.00 USD
  • 1 PM
    0.007 USD
Private sale A
28 feb. 2022
14 mrt. 2022
100% voltooid
$4 168 008
86% doel voltooid
Doel 4 800 000.00 USD
  • 1 PM
    0.005 USD
Details token
Token Distributie
Early Bird/Seed Investors 240 000 000,00 2% | 0,004 USD
Private sale A 960 000 000,00 8% | 0,005 USD
Private Sale B 840 000 000,00 7% | 0,007 USD
Public Sale 600 000 000,00 5% | 0,01 USD
Advisors 600 000 000,00 5%
Team 3 000 000 000,00 25%
Liquidity 1 800 000 000,00 15%
Staking Fund 2 400 000 000,00 20%
Marketing 1 560 000 000,00 13%
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerde bedrijfsnaam
Geregistreerd land
Bedrijf opgericht
Aug 2, 2020
aanvullende details
Ja , van Feb 28, 2022 tot Mar 14, 2022

Over Peermoon

Peermoon is a Defi mobile wallet that allows investing, managing and tracking finance conveniently in one app. Through the Peermoon app users can invest in different asset classes, like cryptocurrencies, stocks, ETFs, loans, commodities, real estate, etc.

We are a team of experts with extensive experience in the financial sector, investing, and technologies. We are here to bring you a new disruptive solution for managing your finances and investing more conveniently.

Our dedicated team creates solid software products, apps, and operational systems for established businesses and start-ups.

We are passionate about making difficult to simple. Turning static to mobile. And shifting a mobile product to the fastest and the most convenient solution easy to use for everyone.

This time we joined our forces to create a game-changer app we believe in. Our product is a groundbreaking mobile wallet that makes a significant shift in the financial world.

Co-founders of Peermoon are three FinTech experts: Dan Martalog (CEO), Elena Kriek (CMO) and Tadeusz Blago (CTO).


What makes Peermoon unique?

Through the Peermoon app, users can invest in different asset classes, like cryptocurrencies, stocks, ETFs, loans, commodities, real estate, etc., also perform other financial transactions. Peermoon app allows tracking the performance and the statistics of the investment portfolio in one place. These benefits make the Peermoon app a unique investing tool in the market.

% naam% Roadmap

  • Peermoon roadmap

  • Q1 2021
    Project planning and market research
    Legal environment reseach
    Negotiations with potential wallet partners

    Q1 – Q2 2021
    Recruiting team members
    First stage of mobile app – wallet development
    Negotiations with VC’s

    Q3 2021
    Agreements with VC‘s/seed investors
    Signing partnership agreements with wallet partners
    Smart contract development

    Q4 2021
    White paper release
    Website version 0.1v launch
    Setting up the marketing plan for 2022

    Q1 – Q2 2022
    Presale launch
    Public sale launch
    Start Tokens trade on exchanges
    Recruiting additional team members
    Beta testing of mobile wallet
    Connecting partners via API
    Public launch of the mobile wallet

    Q3 2022
    Launching encrypted chat inside the wallet
    Launching virtual cards
    Active expansion of partners’ network
    The active marketing campaign to increase the number of wallet users

Peermoon Team

geverifieerd 100%

Dan Martalog
Peermoon CEO
Elena Kriek
Peermoon CMO
Tadeusz Blago
Peermoon CTO

Peermoon Interviews

Dan Martalog
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am Dan Martalog, CEO of Peermoon. My main tasks in the Peermoon project is to ensure the successful development of our product, and to expand our business partners network to make our product attractive to our app users. I dedicate my efforts to satisfy the interests of our investors and our future clients.
What do you think about idea?
At Peermoon we believe that for our project to succeed and to make it popular among its user, we must ensure that we share our success with the community and ICO is very good way to implement this.
Elena Kriek
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm Elena Kriek, Chief Marketing Officer at Peermoon. At Peermoon I'm responsible for overall marketing strategy and activities.
What do you think about idea?
The main idea/target of our project - Peermoon DeFi mobile wallet - is to offer a tool for investors, that allows investing, tracking investent portfolio and managing finance conveniently in one app. Through Peermoon investors will be able invest in different asset classes, like cryptocurrencies, stocks, ETFs, loans, commodities, real estate, etc.
Tadeusz Blago
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Hello community, I'm Tadeush Blago, CTO at Peermoon. My responsibility is to deliver a super app to you with great functionality and constant IT support.
What do you think about idea?
As a crypto enthusiast myself, I believe that Peermoon ICO is a perfect way to promote our product and to grow our community.

Peermoon Laatste nieuws

5.0 6
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