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Última actualización

9 may 2018

N'CLOUD.SWISS es una plataforma en la nube que combina lo mejor de la computación en la nube hoy en día, incluyendo IaaS, PaaS y SaaS como modelo de servicio o en una configuración híbrida. La plataforma N’Cloud permite a diferentes usuarios y compañías desarrollar su propia nube para el almacenamiento de sus datos personales de forma segura sin el acceso de ningún pirata informático.
30 abr 2018
8 jul 2018
100% terminado
Fondos recaudados - sin datos
Gol 65 370 000.00 USD
  • 1 NCU
    0.31 USD
14 abr 2018
29 abr 2018
100% terminado
Fondos recaudados - sin datos
Gol 5 600 000.00 USD
  • 1 NCU
    0.1 USD
Detalles del token
Monedas aceptadas
Detalles de la compañía
País registrado
Detalles adicionales

Acerca de n'cloud.swiss

Acerca de n'cloud.swiss AG

El iniciador de n & rsquo; cloud.swiss AG - Netkom IT Services GmbH - es un IT & amp; basado en Suiza. Proveedor en la nube con un historial comprobado de 17 años de operaciones exitosas en varios países. n & rsquo; cloud.swiss ya es una exitosa plataforma en la nube, que se ejecuta en uno de los centros de datos más seguros del mundo en Suiza. Los clientes y las transacciones de Suiza, Alemania, India, Rusia, Pakistán y Ucrania ya forman parte de la historia de éxito. & Nbsp; n & rsquo; cloud.swiss anuncia una nueva era en la computación en la nube y es capaz de abordar todos los modelos de implementación. Combina lo mejor de la computación en la nube hoy en día y ndash; IaaS, PaaS y SaaS, ya sea como modelo de servicio, versión ON-PREM o en una configuración híbrida.

Como era de esperar, el ICO de n'cloud.swiss es el ICO de un caso de negocio en la nube comprobado. Los inversores tienen la oportunidad única de ayudar a esta empresa a expandirse globalmente y establecerse como una alternativa suiza / europea seria a los principales proveedores de nube como Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure y Google Cloud Platform.


Con el número de ICO que aparecen día a día, surge la pregunta de por qué uno debería invertir en el ICO de n'cloud.swiss. Nuestros clientes pueden pagar sus facturas n & rsquo; cloud.swiss con hasta un 25% de tokens NCU y obtener un descuento adicional del 5% sobre el precio de lista. Además, los inversores tienen la oportunidad de ser parte de un desarrollo exitoso a largo plazo del token de NCU. Una vez que se termina el ICO, el valor del token se eleva de CHF 1.00 a CHF 1.50. Un nuevo ICO con un token de seguridad llamado NCS comenzará en Q3 / Q4 en 2018. Los compradores de token de NCU serán elegibles para intercambiar sus tokens de NCU por tokens de NCS y beneficiarse de otras ventajas, como la venta de tokens de NCS en bolsas de valores seleccionadas o la obtención de beneficios de la participación en los beneficios. Por último, pero no menos importante, se agregarán nuevos beneficios para el momento.

Información técnica

Haz tu propia nube - n'cloud.swiss

Con n'cloud.swiss puedes crear & laquo; tu & raquo; Nube propia con una solución adaptada a sus necesidades. Ya sea en un modelo de servicio de Netkom, como una solución interna local o incluso en un modelo híbrido.

n & rsquo; cloud.swiss & ndash; Características

Proveedor de nube suizo que ofrece servicios de Suiza al mundo
- Proveedor de nube con amplia experiencia y una amplia gama de clientes desde 2009
- Proyectos de consultoría de nube para grandes empresas
- Equipo interno de DevOp
- Centro de datos de alta seguridad en las montañas suizas
- Soporte personal
- Expansión mundial
- Modelos de socios atractivos

Todos los modelos de implementación en la nube
- Nube privada
- Nube pública
- Nube híbrida
- Nube comunitaria

Todos los modelos de servicios en la nube
- Infraestructura como un servicio (IaaS)
- Plataforma como un servicio (PaaS)
- Software como un servicio (SaaS)

- Administrador, Desarrollador, Operación, Usuario
- Administre sus implementaciones de sistemas de desarrollo, prueba y producción

& nbsp;

Mercado integrado con 142 aplicaciones de 30 sectores empresariales diferentes
- Cargue sus propias aplicaciones
- Mercado de software de E-Business (tienda en tienda) con sistema de pago integrado en Q1 / 2018

Conectividad API y estrategia de salida en la nube para un fácil y rápido traslado de entornos
desde y hacia otras plataformas en la nube
- VMware
- Amazon AWS
- Google y Microsoft Azure en Q1 & amp; Q2 / 2018

Listo para IoT, Big Data & amp; Analytics

Modelo de suscripción: & laquo; Mensual & raquo; o & laquo; pagar a medida que avanza & raquo;

DESTACADO: EN LA VERSIÓN PREMIO para grandes empresas & ndash; & laquo; Despliegue n & lsquo; cloud.swiss -
donde lo desee! & raquo;
- Solución escalable e hiperconvergente que funciona en todos los productos x86 Hardware
(reducción de la complejidad y mantenimiento)
- Compatibilidad con múltiples nubes - Implementación central o distribuida
- Varios modelos de licencia con el soporte proporcionado por Netkom
- Modelo de operación administrado, semi-administrado o no administrado

n'cloud.swiss Roadmap

  • March 2017

  • Presentation of n'cloud.swiss at CEBIT.
  • May 2017

  • Launch of n'cloud.swiss platform.
  • June 2017

  • First Swiss customer on n'cloud.swiss.
  • October - December 2017

  • First Pakistan / Indian customers starting on n'cloud.swiss.
  • Lee mas
  • April 2018

  • Pre-ICO. ICO.
  • August 2018

  • Open n'cloud.swiss marketplace under the name n'STORE.
  • April 2018 - April 2019

  • n'cloud.swiss roll-out into: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka, Russia, Poland, Ukraine.
  • Q3 -Q4 2018

  • Start Security Token ICO.

n'cloud.swiss Equipo

Verificado 94%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo

André Matter
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executiv...
Matthias Imhof
Member of the Board of Directors Chief Operation...
Pascal Dossenbach
Member of the Board of Directors Chief Marketing...
Ralph Mattli
Member of the Board of Directors Chief Digital Of...
Gabriel Felley
Member of the Board of Directors
Martin Bhend
Member of the Board of Directors
René Hunziker
Member of the Board of Directors
Cornelia Matter
Member of the Board of Directors
Roland Schneider
Member of the Board of Directors
Ramona Camerin
Head of Communication & Event Management
Yahya Mohamed Mao
Sales Executive and International Business Develop...
Steven Matter
System Engineer & IT Project Manager
Marc Hugi
Managing Director DevOps
Dario Corsini
Chief Technology Officer
Emanuel Nacht
Cloud Architect Full Stack LAMP DevOps
Daniel Bruder
Head of Customer Service
Loïc Gavillet
Software Development


Verificado 100%

Daniel Burgwinkel
Member of the Board of Directors Blockchain and I...

n'cloud.swiss Entrevistas

André Matter
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Chairman of the Board of Directors at n'cloud.swiss AG I am in charge of developing new products, exploiting new ideas to a maximum to make innovation possible. Moreover I am encouraging the development of an innovation culture within my company where I motivate every employee to be innovative and help us in developing products such as the n'cloud.
Matthias Imhof
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Member of the Board of Directors, Chief Information and Operations Officer at n'cloud.swiss AG I am in charge of realizing the company's visions and objectives in terms of evaluating and creating new cloud based business solutions. With our innovative products such as the n’cloud we make digitization possible. We help you in switching to cloud based solutions. All our products enjoy “Swiss made” high quality standards in terms of security and reliability in setup and operation of fail-safe cluster-systems. With n'cloud.swiss, we offer a holistic software-defined infrastructure solution that enables companies to transition towards a hybrid and n'cloud.swiss-based strategy. Consequently, n'cloud.swiss is a serious alternative to AWS, Azure & Co. For more information, do not hesitate to contact me or to visit our website www.ncloud.swiss
Pascal Dossenbach
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Chief Marketing Officer and Member of the Board of Directors, I'm responsible for the international business development of all foreign activities of n'cloud.swiss AG in the EMEA and APA region.
Ralph Mattli
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Member of the Board of Directors at n'cloud.swiss AG, Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Digital Officer and Business Information Security Officer at Netkom IT Services GmbH I am an expert in cloud based business software solutions and aim to build a critical mass of support for new technology. With our innovative products we make digitization possible. We help companies in switching to cloud based solutions. All our products enjoy “Swiss made” high quality standards in terms of security and reliability in setup and operation of fail-safe cluster-systems. With n'cloud.swiss, we offer a holistic software-defined infrastructure solution that enables companies to transition towards a hybrid and n'cloud.swiss-based strategy. Consequently, n'cloud.swiss is a serious alternative to AWS, Azure & Co. For more information, do not hesitate to contact me or to visit our website www.ncloud.swiss
Daniel Burgwinkel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Advisor and member of the board (Verwaltungsrat)
Martin Bhend
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
just do it
René Hunziker
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! We did it...!
Cornelia Matter
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am responsible for ethical correctness (code of conduct) on the board of n'cloud.swiss AG.
Roland Schneider
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a CFO of a global IT solution provider for public transport operators, I kindly support this innovative and ambitious ICO project.
Ramona Camerin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Head of Communication & Event Management, I am responsible for the conception, planning and implementation of internal and external events in close cooperation with internal clients and external service providers. In addition, I am part of the marketing department and manage the communication to the outside along the positioning of n'cloud.swiss AG.

In addition, I support the management in the realisation of internal projects and in various administrative matters.
Yahya Mohamed Mao
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Sales Executive and International Business Development Manager at n'cloud.swiss AG, I am in charge of identifying and acquiring new customers, realising marketing and sales objectives and gathering of market information within a market intelligence approach. Furthermore, I support our CEO in the generation and implementation of new ideas.
Steven Matter
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Just amazing!
Marc Hugi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Managing Director
Dario Corsini
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?

Im the CTO of nCloud Swiss an the technician for the ERC-20 Token.
Emanuel Nacht
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Architect of the n'cloud.swiss solution I am responsible for the technical layer of the whole platform.
Daniel Bruder
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Head of Customer Service at n’cloud.swiss AG | Communicator | Cloud Computing Specialist | Making digitization possible
Loïc Gavillet
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Software Developer

n'cloud.swiss Últimas noticias

5.0 10
ICO Perfil Visión Actividad Potencial Producto Equipo

% nombre% opiniones

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a cloud platform that combines the best of cloud computing today including IaaS, PaaS and SaaS either as a service model or in a hybrid set-up.


  • The platform enables the users to securely store their sensitive data preventing unauthorized access
  • The platform through the different individual levels enables the users to make their own cloud according to their personal requirements
  • The platform can be used as a marketplace for business applications and services creating an additional benefit to the users of conveniently reaching the platform around the globe
  • The platform is available on the ON_PREM version for users and companies with specific requirements to run a cloud on ON-PREM with the use of hyper-converged software to reduce the overall hardware costs
  • The platform is highly secure with the application state-of-the-art security measures (physical and biometric access control, video surveillance) making it the safest data centre
  • The platform team credible and are well equipped with the necessary skills and the experienced necessary for the project execution
  • The platform white paper fully fits the desire of the users and the spread of the project use across the globe


  • The platform lacks a well-formulated mobile application for the users to easily access the services
  • The use of NCU tokens is restricted in some areas
  • The platform NCU tokens doesn’t provide incentives to the holders by enabling them to have a share of the project profits


  • The project technical team should generate a mobile application supported by Android and IOS to enable smart phone users to easily enjoy the platform services
  • The platform NCU tokens should be involved in the pre-sale stage to raise adequate funds for the project development


N’Cloud platform enables different users and companies to develop their own cloud for the storage of their personal data securely without the access by any hacker making the project viable and I would invest in it.


Lee mas
  • Debido a que puede haber diferencias de tiempo en las actualizaciones de información, la información precisa sobre cada proyecto ICO debe verificarse a través de su sitio web oficial u otros canales de comunicación.
  • Esta información no es una sugerencia o consejo para invertir en fondos de la OIC. Por favor, investigue a fondo la información relevante y decida la participación de la OIC.
  • Si cree que hay problemas o correcciones a corregir en este contenido, o si desea enviar su propio proyecto ICO para que aparezca en la lista, por favor envíenos un correo electrónico.
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