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9 Mei 2018

N'CLOUD.SWISS adalah platform cloud yang menggabungkan yang terbaik dari komputasi awan hari ini termasuk IaaS, PaaS dan SaaS baik sebagai model layanan atau dalam set-up hybrid. Platform N’Cloud memungkinkan pengguna dan perusahaan yang berbeda untuk mengembangkan cloud mereka sendiri untuk penyimpanan data pribadi mereka secara aman tanpa akses oleh peretas apa pun
30 Apr 2018
8 Jul 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Tujuan 65 370 000.00 USD
  • 1 NCU
    0.31 USD
14 Apr 2018
29 Apr 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Tujuan 5 600 000.00 USD
  • 1 NCU
    0.1 USD
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
detil tambahan
iya nih

Tentang n'cloud.swiss

Tentang n'cloud.swiss AG

Penggagas n & rsquo; cloud.swiss AG - Netkom IT Services GmbH - adalah IT berbasis Swiss & amp; penyedia cloud dengan rekam jejak yang terbukti dari 17 tahun operasi yang sukses di berbagai negara. n & rsquo; cloud.swiss sudah menjadi platform cloud yang sukses, berjalan di salah satu pusat data paling aman di dunia di Swiss. Pelanggan dan transaksi dari Swiss, Jerman, India, Rusia, Pakistan, dan Ukraina sudah menjadi bagian dari kisah sukses. & Nbsp; n & rsquo; cloud.swiss menandai era baru dalam komputasi awan dan mampu menangani semua model penyebaran. Ini menggabungkan yang terbaik dari komputasi awan hari ini & ndash; IaaS, PaaS, dan SaaS, baik sebagai model layanan, versi ON-PREM atau dalam pengaturan hybrid.

Tidak mengherankan, ICO dari n'cloud.swiss adalah ICO dari kasus bisnis cloud yang terbukti. Investor memiliki peluang unik untuk mendukung perusahaan ini untuk memperluas global dan menjadikannya sebagai alternatif Swiss / Eropa yang serius bagi penyedia cloud utama seperti Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, dan Google Cloud Platform.


Dengan jumlah ICO yang muncul setiap hari, muncul pertanyaan mengapa seseorang harus berinvestasi di ICO n'cloud.swiss. Pelanggan kami dapat membayar tagihan n & rsquo; cloud.swiss mereka hingga 25% NCU token dan mendapatkan diskon tambahan 5% untuk harga daftar. Selain itu, investor memiliki peluang untuk menjadi bagian dari pengembangan jangka panjang yang sukses dari token NCU. Setelah ICO diakhiri, nilai token dinaikkan dari CHF 1.00 ke CHF 1.50. ICO baru dengan token keamanan yang disebut NCS akan dimulai pada Q3 / Q4 pada 2018. Pembeli token NCU kemudian akan memenuhi syarat untuk menukar token NCU mereka ke token NCS dan mendapat manfaat dari keuntungan lebih lanjut seperti menjual token NCS di bursa saham tertentu atau mengambil manfaat dari bagi hasil. Terakhir namun tidak kalah pentingnya, manfaat baru akan ditambahkan pada saat itu.

Info Teknis

Buat cloud Anda sendiri - n'cloud.swiss

Dengan n'cloud.swiss Anda dapat membuat & laquo; Anda & raquo; cloud sendiri dengan satu solusi yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda. Baik dalam model layanan oleh Netkom, sebagai solusi in-prem-in-house atau bahkan dalam model hybrid.

n & rsquo; cloud.swiss & ndash; Fitur

Penyedia cloud Swiss menawarkan layanan dari Swiss ke seluruh dunia
- Penyedia cloud dengan pengalaman luas dan jangkauan pelanggan yang luas sejak 2009
- Proyek konsultasi cloud untuk perusahaan besar
- Tim DevOp internal
- Pusat data keamanan tinggi di pegunungan Swiss
- Dukungan pribadi
- Perluasan di seluruh dunia
- Model mitra yang menarik

Semua model penyebaran cloud
- Cloud pribadi
- Cloud publik
- Cloud hybrid
- Cloud komunitas

Semua model layanan cloud
- Infrastruktur sebagai Layanan (IaaS)
- Platform sebagai Layanan (PaaS)
- Perangkat Lunak sebagai Layanan (SaaS)

- Admin, Pengembang, Operasi, Pengguna
- Kelola penggunaan sistem dev, pengujian, dan produktif Anda

& nbsp;

Tempat pasar terintegrasi dengan 142 aplikasi dari 30 sektor bisnis yang berbeda
- Unggah aplikasi Anda sendiri
- Tempat pasar perangkat lunak E-Business (berbelanja di toko) dengan sistem pembayaran terintegrasi pada Q1 / 2018

Konektivitas API dan strategi keluar cloud untuk penjangkauan lingkungan yang mudah dan cepat
dari dan ke platform cloud lainnya
- VMware
- Amazon AWS
- Google dan Microsoft Azure di Q1 & amp; Q2 / 2018

Siap untuk IoT, Big Data & amp; Analisis

Model berlangganan: & laquo; Bulanan & raquo; atau & laquo; bayar saat Anda pergi & raquo;

HIGHLIGTH: TENTANG PREM VERSI untuk perusahaan besar & ndash; & laquo; Sebarkan n & lsquo; cloud.swiss -
di tempat yang Anda inginkan! & raquo;
- Solusi scalable, hyperconverged yang bekerja pada setiap komoditas x86 Hardware
(pengurangan kompleksitas dan pemeliharaan)
- Kompatibilitas multi-cloud - Penyebaran pusat atau distribusi
- Berbagai model lisensi dengan dukungan yang diberikan oleh Netkom
- Model operasi dikelola, semi-dikelola atau tidak dikelola

% name% Roadmap

  • March 2017

  • Presentation of n'cloud.swiss at CEBIT.
  • May 2017

  • Launch of n'cloud.swiss platform.
  • June 2017

  • First Swiss customer on n'cloud.swiss.
  • October - December 2017

  • First Pakistan / Indian customers starting on n'cloud.swiss.
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • April 2018

  • Pre-ICO. ICO.
  • August 2018

  • Open n'cloud.swiss marketplace under the name n'STORE.
  • April 2018 - April 2019

  • n'cloud.swiss roll-out into: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka, Russia, Poland, Ukraine.
  • Q3 -Q4 2018

  • Start Security Token ICO.

n'cloud.swiss Tim

Diverifikasi 94%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

André Matter
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executiv...
Matthias Imhof
Member of the Board of Directors Chief Operation...
Pascal Dossenbach
Member of the Board of Directors Chief Marketing...
Ralph Mattli
Member of the Board of Directors Chief Digital Of...
Gabriel Felley
Member of the Board of Directors
tidak diverifikasi
Martin Bhend
Member of the Board of Directors
René Hunziker
Member of the Board of Directors
Cornelia Matter
Member of the Board of Directors
Roland Schneider
Member of the Board of Directors
Ramona Camerin
Head of Communication & Event Management
Yahya Mohamed Mao
Sales Executive and International Business Develop...
Steven Matter
System Engineer & IT Project Manager
Marc Hugi
Managing Director DevOps
Dario Corsini
Chief Technology Officer
Emanuel Nacht
Cloud Architect Full Stack LAMP DevOps
Daniel Bruder
Head of Customer Service
Loïc Gavillet
Software Development


Diverifikasi 100%

Daniel Burgwinkel
Member of the Board of Directors Blockchain and I...

n'cloud.swiss Wawancara

André Matter
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Chairman of the Board of Directors at n'cloud.swiss AG I am in charge of developing new products, exploiting new ideas to a maximum to make innovation possible. Moreover I am encouraging the development of an innovation culture within my company where I motivate every employee to be innovative and help us in developing products such as the n'cloud.
Matthias Imhof
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Member of the Board of Directors, Chief Information and Operations Officer at n'cloud.swiss AG I am in charge of realizing the company's visions and objectives in terms of evaluating and creating new cloud based business solutions. With our innovative products such as the n’cloud we make digitization possible. We help you in switching to cloud based solutions. All our products enjoy “Swiss made” high quality standards in terms of security and reliability in setup and operation of fail-safe cluster-systems. With n'cloud.swiss, we offer a holistic software-defined infrastructure solution that enables companies to transition towards a hybrid and n'cloud.swiss-based strategy. Consequently, n'cloud.swiss is a serious alternative to AWS, Azure & Co. For more information, do not hesitate to contact me or to visit our website www.ncloud.swiss
Pascal Dossenbach
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Chief Marketing Officer and Member of the Board of Directors, I'm responsible for the international business development of all foreign activities of n'cloud.swiss AG in the EMEA and APA region.
Ralph Mattli
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Member of the Board of Directors at n'cloud.swiss AG, Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Digital Officer and Business Information Security Officer at Netkom IT Services GmbH I am an expert in cloud based business software solutions and aim to build a critical mass of support for new technology. With our innovative products we make digitization possible. We help companies in switching to cloud based solutions. All our products enjoy “Swiss made” high quality standards in terms of security and reliability in setup and operation of fail-safe cluster-systems. With n'cloud.swiss, we offer a holistic software-defined infrastructure solution that enables companies to transition towards a hybrid and n'cloud.swiss-based strategy. Consequently, n'cloud.swiss is a serious alternative to AWS, Azure & Co. For more information, do not hesitate to contact me or to visit our website www.ncloud.swiss
Daniel Burgwinkel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Advisor and member of the board (Verwaltungsrat)
Martin Bhend
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
just do it
René Hunziker
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! We did it...!
Cornelia Matter
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am responsible for ethical correctness (code of conduct) on the board of n'cloud.swiss AG.
Roland Schneider
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a CFO of a global IT solution provider for public transport operators, I kindly support this innovative and ambitious ICO project.
Ramona Camerin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Head of Communication & Event Management, I am responsible for the conception, planning and implementation of internal and external events in close cooperation with internal clients and external service providers. In addition, I am part of the marketing department and manage the communication to the outside along the positioning of n'cloud.swiss AG.

In addition, I support the management in the realisation of internal projects and in various administrative matters.
Yahya Mohamed Mao
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Sales Executive and International Business Development Manager at n'cloud.swiss AG, I am in charge of identifying and acquiring new customers, realising marketing and sales objectives and gathering of market information within a market intelligence approach. Furthermore, I support our CEO in the generation and implementation of new ideas.
Steven Matter
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Just amazing!
Marc Hugi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Managing Director
Dario Corsini
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?

Im the CTO of nCloud Swiss an the technician for the ERC-20 Token.
Emanuel Nacht
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Architect of the n'cloud.swiss solution I am responsible for the technical layer of the whole platform.
Daniel Bruder
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Head of Customer Service at n’cloud.swiss AG | Communicator | Cloud Computing Specialist | Making digitization possible
Loïc Gavillet
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Software Developer

n'cloud.swiss Berita terakhir

5.0 11
ICO Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a cloud platform that combines the best of cloud computing today including IaaS, PaaS and SaaS either as a service model or in a hybrid set-up.


  • The platform enables the users to securely store their sensitive data preventing unauthorized access
  • The platform through the different individual levels enables the users to make their own cloud according to their personal requirements
  • The platform can be used as a marketplace for business applications and services creating an additional benefit to the users of conveniently reaching the platform around the globe
  • The platform is available on the ON_PREM version for users and companies with specific requirements to run a cloud on ON-PREM with the use of hyper-converged software to reduce the overall hardware costs
  • The platform is highly secure with the application state-of-the-art security measures (physical and biometric access control, video surveillance) making it the safest data centre
  • The platform team credible and are well equipped with the necessary skills and the experienced necessary for the project execution
  • The platform white paper fully fits the desire of the users and the spread of the project use across the globe


  • The platform lacks a well-formulated mobile application for the users to easily access the services
  • The use of NCU tokens is restricted in some areas
  • The platform NCU tokens doesn’t provide incentives to the holders by enabling them to have a share of the project profits


  • The project technical team should generate a mobile application supported by Android and IOS to enable smart phone users to easily enjoy the platform services
  • The platform NCU tokens should be involved in the pre-sale stage to raise adequate funds for the project development


N’Cloud platform enables different users and companies to develop their own cloud for the storage of their personal data securely without the access by any hacker making the project viable and I would invest in it.


Baca lebih banyak
  • Karena mungkin ada perbedaan waktu dalam pembaruan informasi, informasi akurat tentang setiap proyek ICO harus diverifikasi melalui situs resminya atau saluran komunikasi lainnya.
  • Informasi ini bukan saran atau saran tentang berinvestasi dalam pendanaan ICO. Silakan teliti sendiri informasi yang relevan dan putuskan partisipasi ICO.
  • Jika Anda merasa ada masalah atau masalah yang harus diperbaiki pada konten ini, atau jika Anda ingin mengirimkan proyek ICO Anda sendiri untuk dicantumkan, Harap email kami.
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