

Created using Figma

Última actualización

6 ago 2018

iCasting es un ecosistema de talento revolucionario que se realiza en una sola parada, y sirve a toda la industria del casting desde una plataforma. Actualmente, actúa como una plataforma coincidente donde los talentos y los clientes se pueden encontrar de forma rápida, fácil y a bajo costo. iCasting se basa en un algoritmo de coincidencia único, que conecta los talentos correctos con los clientes correctos. Desde su lanzamiento en 2015 en los Países Bajos, la plataforma iCasting ha crecido exponencialmente a más de 140.000 talentos registrados, lo que la convierte en la plataforma de casting más grande de los Países Bajos. Combinado con más de 1500 clientes, ya hemos creado una comunidad de oferta y demanda próspera y arrolladora.
24 sept 2018
1 oct 2018
100% terminado
Fondos recaudados - sin datos
Detalles del token
Monedas aceptadas
Detalles de la compañía
País registrado
Detalles adicionales
MVP / Prototipo

Acerca de iCasting.io

Después de años de experiencias extensas y agotadoras con la industria de fundición tradicional, iCasting se fundó en 2013. Los fundadores tuvieron la visión de cambiar e impulsar esta industria como la conocemos. El objetivo es hacer que los procesos innecesariamente difíciles y lentos dentro de esta industria sean simples, baratos y rápidos, al mismo tiempo que brindan a ambas partes el control y la seguridad que merecen.

Esta visión alimentó nuestro arduo trabajo y finalmente encendió el lanzamiento de nuestra plataforma en 2015. Desde entonces, iCasting ha crecido cada vez más y más cada día. En este momento, nuestros talentos registrados representan el 0,8% de la población total del mercado, lo que convierte a iCasting en la mayor base de datos de talentos de los Países Bajos.

Y ahora es el momento de dar el siguiente paso. Con el uso de la tecnología blockchain y el Talent Token, finalmente podemos convertirnos en el verdadero ecosistema de talentos que imaginamos. Un proceso descentralizado mundial con control total y seguridad en manos de nuestros clientes y talentos. Las grandes tarifas y las comunicaciones lentas serán cosa del pasado. Es hora de dejar de lado a las agencias de casting. Es el momento de desbaratar el mercado a nivel mundial.


Comunidad autosuficiente
Una comunidad que contribuye activamente a la plataforma es recompensada con Talent Token por una amplia gama de actividades.

Inteligente contratos
Un proceso de reserva segura donde toda la información crucial del acuerdo mutuo se incluye en el contrato inteligente.

Proceso de conversión descentralizada
Todos los procesos de conexión, contratación, pago y acuerdo están completamente descentralizados y se ejecutan en la cadena de bloques.

Ecosistema Tokenized
Una amplia gama de características y servicios distintivos en el plataforma que se puede desbloquear con Talent Token.

Programa de reputación de cadena de bloques
Estadísticas de reputación de talentos y clientes que se pueden rastrear e inmutar, aportando transparencia y credibilidad al mercado < br />

Una amplia gama de funciones de plataforma y en vivo combinado con un programa de recompensas para fomentar la actividad de la comunidad.

Algoritmo de coincidencia único
Un algoritmo de coincidencia único que crea la coincidencia perfecta entre el cliente y el talento, basado en una búsqueda detallada consultas y perfiles de talento.

Pago en custodia
Una garantía de pago seguro, asegurado y asegurado de la tarifa de talento para clientes y talentos.

iCasting Academy
Cursos y lecciones en línea para el desarrollo del talento. 24/7 multiplataforma y dispositivo cruzado disponibles, en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento.

Eventos iCasting
Eventos en vivo para conectar talentos y profesionales, productos de venta cruzada y servicios y aprovechando las ventajas de la asociación.

Información técnica

& nbsp;

Type ERC20 & nbsp; Symbol TLNT & nbsp; Precio & euro; 0.07 & nbsp; Suministro total 350,000,000 TLNT & nbsp; Suministro disponible (ICO / preventa) & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 259,000,000 TLNT & nbsp; Hard Cap & euro; 13,750,000 & nbsp; Soft Cap & euro; 2,000,000 & nbsp; Transparencia Código abierto

& nbsp;

El equipo detrás de iCasting es una combinación de gerentes con experiencia, profesionales capacitados, expertos en blockchain y empresarios con un registro de seguimiento en marketing, desarrollo, ICO y startups. Los fundadores obtuvieron su conocimiento en la gestión de una agencia de publicidad desde 2001, un sello de música profesional desde 2007 y una exitosa empresa de medios internacional galardonada desde 2015. Ya tienen un grupo profesional de más de 80 empleados leales, que siempre están dispuestos a contribuir y ayudar a otras empresas dentro de la explotación. La agencia de publicidad es el socio perfecto para el marketing internacional y las campañas de relaciones públicas para iCasting. Todas las nuevas ideas y empresas se basan en frustraciones del mercado. Con esto, los fundadores siempre se mantuvieron cerca de su fuego interno para crear nuevos mercados y hacer que el panorama de los medios y el talento en su conjunto sea un poco más conveniente. El consejo asesor agrega un excelente historial probado en proyectos exitosos de ICO y blockchain y agrega valiosos conocimientos sobre finanzas, legal y regulaciones fiscales.

iCasting.io Roadmap

  • 2013

  • • First round of funding - €330,000
    • Company registration
    • Opening iCasting office
    • Employment of iCasting team
    • Development iCasting beta
  • 2014

  • • Second round of funding €330,000
    • Team expansion
    • Development iCasting 1.0
  • 2015

  • • Third round of funding €740,000
    • Launch of iCasting in The Netherlands
    • Partnership RTL (largest TV network in the NL) & Fedde le Grand
    • Start marketing campaign NL
  • 2016

  • • Development iCasting 2.0
    • Marketing campaign NL
    • User database growth to 75,000+ talents & 850+ clients
  • Lee mas
  • 2017

  • • Fourth round of funding €625,000
    • Launch of iCasting.tv
    • Release of iCasting 2.0: improved user experience and more advanced backend system
    • User database growth to 140,000+ talents & 1500 clients
    • Development Mobile iOS and Android app beta
    • Welcoming blockchain experts
  • Q1 2018

  • • Technical upgrade database and servers for global launch
    • Launch iCasting.io teaser website
    • Development Talent Token & smart contracts
  • Q2 2018

  • • ICO campaign launch
    • (including whitepaper & ICO website iCasting.io)
    • US talents & clients sign up integration
    • Private presale & whitelist presale Talent Token
  • Q3 2018

  • Talent Token & smart contract beta integration
  • Q4 2018

  • • The ICO. Launch of Talent Token
    • Users receive wallets & Talent Tokens
  • Q1 2019

  • • Smart contract integration
    • International launch Phase 1. Talent Token listed at cryptocurrency exchanges
  • Q2-Q4 2019

  • • Extended blockchain features integration
    • Global expansion.Global marketing & PR campaign
  • 2020

  • iCasting API available for third party integrations

iCasting.io Equipo

Verificado 32%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo

Erwin Arkema
Founder & CEO
Bob Breeman
Founder & COO
Joris Van Hittersum
Founder & CCO
Yillmaz Schoen
Founder (CEO TradeCast.tv)
Owen Hardy
Vincent Meijer
Project Manager
Mark Van Der Hoop
Senior Blockchain Developer
Rick Nijstad
Senior Developer
Jos Dalhuisen
Jesse Spenkelink
Jorrit Tempelman
Sander Polman
Business Sidekick
Viktor Van Dijk
Art Director
Jesson Honig
Full Stack Designer
Nanja Smit
Community Manager
Ilona Bosch
Marketing & Communication Officer
Jochem Van De Weg
Marketing & Communication Officer
Mitchell Peels
Marketing & Communication Officer
Marije Herder
Office Manager


Verificado 0%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo

22 ICOs

$73 692 257

Richard Kastelein
ICO Advisor
Steven Deurloo
Financial Advisor
Casper Jaspers
Legal Advisor
Sieuwert Van Otterlo...
IT Advisor

iCasting.io Entrevistas

Erwin Arkema
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Erwin has been a entrepreneur for most of his life, he started his first business in de mid 90’s when he was 18 working from his room on several creative projects for clients. After earning his Media Designer degree, Erwin started his career in Television & Advertising. He worked as a creative on various TV formats for several mayor production company’s as RTL & Endemol. In 2001 he Co Founded IQ-Media, a dutch based advertising agency which grew out to be one of the Netherlands major advertising agencies, working for brands such as Philips, L’Oreal, Deloite, RTL, Coca Cola, Amstel & Red Bull.

For these kind of media campagnes, Erwin worked with national & international casting agencies and gained a lot of experience in the traditional casting industry. With these experiences he Co-Founded iCasting in 2013. In 2015 he Co-Founded TradeCast, a Dutch startup that is international successfully disrupting the global television and broadcasting markets. Erwin specializes in team leadership, creative marketing strategy & strategic business management.
Bob Breeman
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Bob is always focused on the financial en operational sides of entrepreneurship. After graduating for his technical Media degree he co-founded IQ-Media, a dutch based advertising agency which grew out to be one of the Netherlands major advertising agencies. He co-founded iCasting in 2013 and built a technical team to make a fully world-wide scalable platform for the casting industry on awesome new technologies. In 2015 he co-founded TradeCast, a Dutch startup that is international successfully disrupting the global television and broadcasting markets.

Bob is responsible for managing all the financial and operational tasks. Also the technical infrastructures for large (video) storage systems and ICT structures within these companies have been realised under his authority.
Jos Dalhuisen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Jos earned his degree in Interactive Media Design at Deltion College in Zwolle, the Netherlands. While in college he won the national Webdesign competition Skills Heroes in the Netherlands in 2016. In that same year he went to the European competition EuroSkills in Sweden in which he earned a Medal of Excellence in the field Web Development.

After college Jos started his professional career as engineer. He specializes in Front-end Web Development, adding digital interaction to sites and applications for well-known clients and brands in the Netherlands.
Viktor van Dijk
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Taking up the position as art-director for iCasting right after its foundation in 2014 Viktor is responsible for iCastings global brand identity in the international market. Viktor is ready to cross borders, discover the new and help create a new frontier in the casting industry as the creative director of iCasting.
Jesson Honig
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Jesson is a senior user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) designer who has gained experience with studying graphic and web design, working in several web companies in the region and setting up multiple web companies himself which specialises in UI and UX design. With the aim to take the company to a higher level in UI and UX, he started working with iCasting in 2015 as lead webdesigner.

Being a big crypto enthusiast himself since he heard of blockchain, he was there sinds the first developments of the platform.
Mitchell Peels
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
With a specialization communication, Mitchell has followed courses for doing business with Germany and Eastern Europe, focussing on export marketing and has joined marketing communication projects where he held various functions. His main ambitions are found in copywriting and marketing communication strategy. As a member of the iCasting team he’ll be writing some of the external communication and he’ll be doing research to find the best ways to reach interested parties through all available channels.

iCasting.io Últimas noticias

5.0 7
ICO Perfil Visión Actividad Potencial Producto Equipo

% nombre% opiniones


Differentiation: Compared to other platforms that allow freelancers/semi-professionals/amateurs to monetize their talents, there does not seem to be any standout features that iCasting has that distinguishes itself among its competitors.

Market Penetration Potential: Solutions that cater towards semi-professionals and amateurs definitely exist, but a well-known marketplace for this sector has yet to be established. Thus the ability for the platform to target these individuals and gain considerable market share is possible, but requires a good strategy as it competes with other blockchain-backed projects.

Solution Advantage: The platform does not seem to provide a significant advantage compared to similar platforms on a technical level. The platform may be able to gain adoption more quickly due to the fact the organization owns a marketing agency, which can effectively promote the platform (which already has an existing user base). However, the platform itself does not seem to have a notable feature or advantage.

Long-Term Vision: Based on the whitepaper, it seems as though the platform is aiming to gain accesses to funds by vaguely making claims to implement blockchain technology into the existing product, as opposed to using blockchain technology to fundamentally change the nature of the platform.

Lee mas
Jeremy Khoo
Group CEO | Blockchain Entrepreneur | VeChain ICO Partner | Fund Partner | Exchange Founder |

Good commercial product that can solve a major issue in the industry. Highly competitive though, so a lot of funds will be needed to market this. The blockchain aspect frankly is not well utilised, but I am looking forward to this product progressing.

Lee mas
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