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Última actualización

21 may 2018

BGX creó un algoritmo de blockchain que procesa hasta 100,000 transacciones por segundo a costos muy bajos, mientras mantiene la descentralización y la seguridad sin igual. BGX usó el algoritmo para construir una plataforma que es ideal para el procesamiento financiero en un gran mercado, que depende de las microtransacciones, como la industria de juegos móviles de $ 60 mil millones. BGX impresionó a los grandes socios de la industria al reducir sus costos financieros al triple, al duplicar los canales disponibles de monetización y al maximizar el ARPU de los usuarios. BGX es el método descentralizado más rápido, económico y seguro para procesar pagos.
  • Mercado
    Volumen 24H
    24H (precio)
    24H (volumen)
  • Escodex
    BGX/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0725
  • STEX
    BGX/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.5125
    $ 111.61
  • Idex
    BGX/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0007
    $ 10.54
  • Bitforex
  • CoinBene
5 sept 2018
3 oct 2018
100% terminado
Fondos recaudados - sin datos
  • 1 BGX
    0.1 USD
8 may 2018
14 may 2018
100% terminado
Fondos recaudados - sin datos
  • 1 BGX
    0.07 USD
Detalles del token
Monedas aceptadas
Detalles de la compañía
País registrado
Detalles adicionales
Plataforma, Criptomoneda

Acerca de BGX

BGX une a los jugadores en la industria del juego, brindando funcionalidad dependiendo de la función:
& bull; Titular del nodo: una organización que instaló el software del sitio de la plataforma BGX en sus servidores y puso la plataforma a disposición de otros participantes. El primer nodo lo configura la organización BGX, pasando todo el código a sus socios. El usuario que juega percibe el nodo como una tienda de aplicaciones para juegos y como el componente del servidor de la billetera virtual. A cambio de soportar el nodo, el titular recibe una parte de la comisión para su procesamiento.
& bull; Desarrollador de juegos: un estudio o desarrollador único carga SDK & mdash; biblioteca, lo que le permite conectar las funciones BGX a su juego. El desarrollador no necesita adaptar su juego, pero usa plantillas ya hechas para conectarse a las funciones de BGX. Con cada transacción, el desarrollador recibe el 90% de los ingresos, mientras que el 10% se proporciona a la plataforma;
& bull; Jugador: El consumidor de productos de juegos que tienen habilitado el BGX SDK. El jugador interactúa indirectamente con BGX a través del juego en sí, pero también tiene una billetera virtual que le permite tener una cuenta, pagar bienes virtuales / torneos con tokens BGX (o tokens de juegos compatibles), sacar sobregiros, comprar tokens en la tienda a cambio para moneda criptográfica o fiduciaria, para recibir ofertas basadas en lealtad y participación en el juego;
& bull; PartyAppStore: una tienda de aplicaciones de juegos regional o funcionalmente dedicada que implementa funciones de entrega de contenido, pero que arrienda funciones de pago de la plataforma BGX. La tienda recibe el 90% de los ingresos generados que luego comparte con los desarrolladores de juegos según sus propias políticas;
& bull; Anunciante: distribuye publicidad a través de plataformas API, paga el costo de los anuncios de acuerdo con el CPA / CPI establecido;
& bull; Blockchainagents: facilite el intercambio de monedas BGT y tokens BGX con otra moneda y ejecute los contratos inteligentes de BGX;
& bull; Intercambios: participe en el intercambio del token BGX a la tasa de mercado.


BGX tiene un modelo con todas las funciones que admite a todos los participantes del ecosistema:
& bull; Implementación sobre Ethereum Blockchain, como una solución híbrida y mdash; con un sistema de nodos dedicados y el token ERC-20 BGX. Admite monederos de usuario fríos y calientes, cambio de moneda, monedero de jugador virtual y función de sobregiro;
& bull; La plataforma se centra principalmente en aplicaciones de juegos móviles y es compatible con todas las funciones necesarias que forman un solo ecosistema de desarrolladores, usuarios, anunciantes y socios;
& bull; Capacidad para distribuir juegos fuera de las tiendas de aplicaciones de Google Play y App Store: búsqueda, clasificación, comentarios, verificación de confiabilidad y funciones de infraestructura;
& bull; Sistema incorporado (nativo) de soporte publicitario y su monetización basado en el sistema de & ldquo; smart & rdquo; Contratos sin intermediarios equipados con filtros adaptables y subsistema de contabilidad de conversión automatizada;
& bull; Soporte para capacidades de juego modernas y modelos de monetización, incluyendo torneos en varios modos, funciones de realidad aumentada y el mercado de productos en juego;
& bull; Sistema AI integrado que se basa en redes neuronales que admiten los principales procesos de la plataforma: registro inteligente de usuarios, torneos con control de imparcialidad (anti-trampas) y promoción de juegos.

Información técnica

Los requisitos básicos para la arquitectura se forman a través de los siguientes atributos: escalabilidad, rendimiento, seguridad, confiabilidad, etc.

La arquitectura ideal del sistema de procesamiento debería ser la siguiente:
& bull; Altamente escalable (admite hasta 1000 nodos, al menos 2 millones de aplicaciones);
& bull; Productivo (no menos de 3000 transacciones por segundo);
& bull; Seguro (correspondiente a las normas de seguridad en el campo de los pagos, entrenado con AI);
& bull; Confiable (no menos del 99,999% de disponibilidad);
& bull; Uso flexible (ampliable en relación con los nuevos modelos de monetización);
& bull; Interoperable (interactuando con varias pasarelas de pago y ecosistemas de cadena de bloques).

Respondiendo a estos requisitos, BGX tiene una arquitectura de servicio que incluye varios componentes interactivos: & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; &toro; Nodo y mdash; La parte principal de la plataforma, representa la funcionalidad del servidor. El sistema puede contener hasta 1000 nodos interactuando entre sí utilizando un protocolo implementado en el Hashgraph. Todos los nodos son iguales y pueden realizar procesamiento distribuido. Con los nodos a través de la API, los clientes externos y mdash; la aplicación de billetera (BGX Wallet) y el administrador de instalación (App Manager) interactúan;
& bull; Monedero del usuario (BGX Wallet) & mdash; La aplicación externa (web, Android, iOS) mantiene la cartera del juego del usuario, compra y vende fichas y su intercambio;
& bull; El administrador de instalación (Administrador de aplicaciones) descarga e instala juegos, los elimina y actualiza;
& bull; SDK implementado en el juego, realiza las funciones de pago dentro del juego.

& nbsp;

BGX Roadmap

  • PRE-2017

  • Development of Xelopes Core and processing platform
  • July 2017

  • Product concept
  • October 2017

  • Creation of the architecture and prototype
  • April 2018

  • Creation of the MVP
  • Lee mas
  • May 2018

  • Token Generation Event
  • September 2018

  • Single-Node Alpha version User Wallet
  • December 2018

  • Multi-node Alpha Version
  • April 2019

  • Beta version with AI module
  • September 2019

  • Including external nodes into file exchange
  • March 2020

  • Automat ed token launch for game applications
  • July 2020

  • Unfolding of independent nodes
  • PRE-2017

  • DEVELOPMENT OF XELOPES CORE AND PROCESSING PLATFORM. Building distinct technological modules and testing them in commercial projects.
  • Development of Xelopes Core and processing platfor

  • Building distinct technological module sand testing the mincommercial projects
  • July, 2017

  • PRODUCT CONCEPT. Forming an overall vision of the product, marketing studies, team formation.
  • Product concept

  • Forming an overall vision of the product, marketing studies, team formation
  • October, 2017

  • CREATION OF THE ARCHITECTURE AND PROTOTYPE. Creating an abstract architecture and making the main technological decisions, building a model for neural network learning.
  • Creation of the architecture and prototype

  • Creating an abstract architecture and making the main technological decisions, building a model for neural network learning
  • April, 2018

  • CREATION OF THE MVP. Forming the product prototype to provide the user with the main functions, developing specifications, confirming the product’s features.
  • Creation of the MVP

  • Forming the product prototype to provide the user with the main functions, developing specifications, confirming the product’s features
  • May, 2018

  • Token Generation Event

  • BGX token crowdsale
  • Single-Node Alpha version User Wallet

  • Forming the first version of a processing node with the possibilities of buying and selling BGX tokens and developing the main modules.
  • Multi-node Alpha Version

  • Forming a multi-node system with the ability to conduct decentralized processing and facilitating data exchange
  • Beta version with AI module

  • Integration of external blockchain solutions, inclusion of AI functions in monitoring transactions, providing functions for app disseminatio
  • Including external nodes into file exchange

  • Forming automated data exchange with external systems, signing up external app markets
  • Automat ed token launch for game applications

  • Expanding partnerships with development organizations, forming a full SDK, including the module for subtoken emissions
  • Unfolding of independent nodes

  • Unfolding the number of nodes and forming a stable BGX ecosystem

Participación en eventos.

BGX Equipo

Verificado 60%

Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo

Igor Mishenev
Co-founder, Business Development Director
Costa Zakharov
Co-founder, Operational Director
Valery Khvatov
Co-founder, Technology Director
Frank Jörg Hakenjos
Marketing Director
Thanh Nguyen
Mobile Development Leader
Phong Nguyen
Delivery Director
Alla Wieliczker
Product Development
Alexander Khvatov
Crypto-Finance Officer
Nick Zakharov
Brand Manager
Toan Trieu
Product Manager

BGX Entrevistas

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
It feels great to be in the beginning of something so transformative. I am very proud of my team and the sheer significance of what we're implementing. I look forward to BGX becoming commercially available for everyone to benefit!
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The BGX project is firmly based on three pillars: 1) economic practicability, 2) technological advantages, and 3) decentralization as key to unlocking value.

I am the Co-Founder and the Operational Director of the project. I am heavily involved in the formation of the business processes of the platform. I'm not afraid to use banalities, because BGX will be truly revolutionary for the mobile games industry.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The BGX platform combines many technological developments that put it at a great distance to the status quo. Off-chain - Blockchain hybrid financial processing, the use of the Gossip protocol, highest security measures, and of course, the fuzzy neural network (AI) enable BGX to implement scalable and effective solutions for the mobile games industry. The teams behind the project include top-tier research facilities, innovative IT development firms, and many talented individuals coming together for this common goal. One of the most complex and yet, fascinating projects in my career.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role on the project is product development. It feels great to be a part of something bigger - an infrastructural project of this scale, which can permanently solve large problems of the mobile games industry. BGX is secure, powerful, capable and offers not only many financial functionalities, such as an overdraft and personal wallet, but also game-related functionalities that can help studios monetize themselves far more efficiently. I am inspired by the change BGX can bring and look forward to our ICO.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a crypto-finance officer, I couldn't be more proud of this project. The tokenomics are very sound and are a natural leap forward for the mobile games industry. The economy is protected from volatility by a stablecoin and microtransactions are processed instantly. Full security from fraud and cheating further guarantees stability. BGX is a great project to be a part of!
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am a brand manager of the BGX project. The entire team is working hard to build something incredible for players, game developers, and app markets alike.

BGX Últimas noticias

$ 0.0010
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 1.043 K
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.0112
ICO Price~$0.0850

% nombre% opiniones

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

BGX is a multifunctional artificial intelligence powered platform which allows game developers to monetize their games and widen their markets. It provides financial support and uses an internal token system to introduce the capabilities of crypto-economy into the sphere of mobile games. BGX also gives players access to a virtual wallet system through which they can earn by viewing adverts, get compensation for playing and take part in contests.


1.    BGX uses an alternative off-chain hybrid method of processing transactions that allows it to process over 4,000 transactions every second. Such a speed is by far more superior to that of Etherum, blockchain.

2.    It features a double token system that separates the requirements of users and investors; the latter group benefits from a continued increase in token price while the fact the economy will remain stable means the players’ needs are catered for.

3.    Game developers stand to benefit from low commissions on revenue. The 10 % charged is only a third of the commission other alternatives such as App Store and Play Store charge.

4.    The system uses high-speed, high-capacity technological infrastructure that steadfastly facilitates high-speed transactions.

5.    BGX delivers a broad range of functionalities that include a distribution system for gamin gap on IOS and Android, independent processing of crypto and fiat transactions and a sub-system for token release by developers.

6.    The BGX token fully integrates the platform into the crypto economy; allowing the stakeholders of the mobile game ecosystem to exchange game tokens among themselves, join a gaming community of their choice and access other platform services.

7.    The income sharing club gives BGX token holders an avenue to share in the profits of the platform, whereas the tiered structure incentivizes keeping the tokens effectively raising its price.

8.    The powerful system of artificial intelligence reliably controls all transactions and accurately records the earnings of players ensuring the platform remains truthful and secure at all times.


1.    The platform token (BGX) and App token (BGT) also called game token are not compatible.

2.    The platform only focuses on mobile games locking out potential customers who use other devices

3.    It is not compatible with other operating systems like Windows 8 and Symbian


1.    Introduce a means to make BGT volatile only when it is being used to play and make it compatible with BGX so a user can switch from a developer to player as they wish.

2.    Diversify to games played using other devices.

2.    Integrate BGX with all the common mobile phone operating systems.

Lee mas

Strengths: very extensive market research which covers the state and global trends in mobile games, apps and mobile industry; great vision. Market potential is clearly explained. Very informative WP with detailed description of platform’ architecture and functionality.

Weaknesses: no financial plan/projections, no marketing plan, no competitor analysis. Team misses financial and blockchain experts. The market is saturated and detailed competitor analysis is required.

Lee mas

BGX is a newly developed, in-depth platform that is offering solutions to the mobile game industry. And it also features the best capabilities of blockchain technology as well as advanced Artificial Intelligence with the advanced networks.

Developers and gamers alike will be able to use the app market to buy, sell and trade games as well as connect with millions of players around the world. Fees are under 10% and can be paid for with their token. People will also get to make money via playing the games and exchanging tokens between games and fiat money.

The platform is completely open-sourced and protected from the normal volatility that occurs with the speed, capacity and reliability of the Ethereum Blockchain, and also to help people share in the revenues. If you’re looking to get involved with the platform and love to game or make games, BGX is an ideal cryptocurrency for you and can be found at

Lee mas
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