Last Update
Mar 16, 2018
Games and competitions are held from an elimination guideline. Games are conducted on the basis of real-time quotes from the cryptocurrency market. The TPZ token, released by us, becomes the official game currency. The TPZ token sources the entry fees for the competitions as well as the winnings paid out to the victor(s).
TradePlayz is a mobile platform for playing «Fantasy Trading and Investment» with real winnings / rewards based on real value through the TPZ token. We believe that the best elements of gaming, excitement and the passion of trading and investments, can be obtained from an honest and fair platform, that is equally thrilling.
With these elements decidedly in mind, we have coupled them with blockchain technology; where all games are held between real people. Thereby, players are creating the unique and thrilling personality, and environment, of our product.
TradePlayz is the world’s premiere platform for fantasy trading and investment that allows you to earn winnings / rewards based in real value, with your own mind, from simply playing the game, learning the markets, teaching yourself through experience and trading actively. In this way, we actively encourage and help our users to enrich their lives mentally, and literally. Raise the stakes!
TradePlayz is designed to give all of the excitement of cryptocurrency investment with a low risk, pay to play environment, that simultaneously doubles as a investment educational tool that rewards the winners of the competitions with it's ZED tokens.
December 2017
March 2018
May 2018
September 2018
November 2018
Verified 50%
Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team
After all is said and done, the nature of the Tradeplayz blockchain setup gives rise to the
questions of one, is it considered gambling, and two, is it legal? In lieu of the questionable characteristics of the application, it was enough of a grey line that legal associates of Tradeplayz had to comprise a certified document in order to distinguish what is considered legal gambling versus illegal activity. The document is titled “Game of Skill” and can be downloaded from their page.
In the vein of the actual application usage, the framework seems fairly self-explanatory. However, if you are completely new to the field of cryptocurrency and especially to field economics, then this may not be the system for you. Conversely, if you are desiring to build your skill sets, then perhaps Tradeplayz is an appropriate training ground.
In terms of ethics, the company does seem to value transparency and does it’s best to educate all who cross its’ path. Would we try it? Sure. As with any cryptocurrency market, it is important to bear in mind going in that there are certain losses to be had, so be prepared to part with your funds. Or, you can evolve your understanding and also gain a great deal.
This offer is based solely on information provided by the offeror and other publicly available sources.
The token sale or exchange event is completely independent of ICOholder. ICOholder is not involved in any way, including technical support or promotion.
We list token sales from entities with which we have no relationship to help users track overall activity within the token sector. This information is not intended as advice, and you should seek professional or specialist guidance or conduct your own due diligence before making any decisions based on our content.
Any terms and conditions regarding token acquisition are solely between contributors and the token issuer. ICOholder is not the seller of these tokens.
ICOholder is not legally responsible for any representations made by third parties about any token sale. Any claims for breach of contract must be directed against the listed token issuing entity.
If you have concerns about the nature, legality, or propriety of a token sale or the involved individuals, please contact with detailed information.